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Dream Interpretation: Store 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Store? Discover the significance of seeing a Store in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Store appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

This symbolizes choices and options, sometimes in an overwhelming way. It signifies a plethora of choices that may be coming. You are in a time of opportunity and will, and you are currently evaluating your options in order to make the best decision.

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🧭 Direction

Daily events

Consider carefully the choices you are faced with. Compare and contrast the options that you have, and trust yourself to make the best decision. You may feel overwhelmed, but don't let the plethora of choices distract you from your goals.

❤️ Feelings

The dream of a store can evoke feelings of curiosity, excitement, and anticipation. It represents a desire for new experiences, opportunities, and possibilities. It may also symbolize the need for self-expression and the search for something that fulfills our desires or meets our needs. The store in the dream may reflect our aspirations, goals, or the potential for growth and abundance in our lives. Overall, this dream elicits a sense of hope and the belief that there are endless choices and opportunities available to us.





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18 Jul 2024



I was walking in the clothing section of a store and as I go farther in a notice my ex. I can’t believe it’s her. I could walk away but instead I go up to the clothing she’s looking at and she notices me and we start talking a bit and she’s being fairly nice. Then we walk over to a spot and sit down and continue talking and then she starts to get rude and continues to get ruder with me. Eventually she goes off on me and gets up and walks away. She has a tv with her and so after she walks off I see some security.. so I was petty and said she was trying to break it. Or steal it? I can’t remember. But the security went after her and obviously she was angry but then I woke up. This was the first dream I’ve had in a long time that was somewhat funny or wasn’t a nightmare, or that involved an ex and I wasn’t devistated or bothered.

18 Jul 2024



I was in this convenience store waiting to buy something. I was conversing with the the female employee working behind the glass. We were talking about different movies and she recommended this movie called Design Impact or Design something. I was trying to entering it in my phone as a note. Some of the letters on the phone's digital keyboard would not work. I tried to do voice to text, but it was too much background noise for the phone assistant to hear me clearly. Two African American ladies were in the store ahead of me in line and they were talking back and forth. I was listening to them, looking and smiling so they knew I was overhearing their conversation and enjoying what they were saying. At one point they brought me into their conversation. I just said a couple nice things so it was a playful and friendly exchange amongst strangers. I said the first friend was pretty funny and the other lady asked me if I thought the first friend was attractive. She was not my type. She was average looking, overweight, she wore braces on her teeth and she was a few years within my age. With confidence I politely said she's gorgeous. I wanted to make her feel good. My boss walked into the convenience store with my stepdad who passed away in April of 2023. I like my boss, but I do not particularly enjoy reporting to her because she is so indecisive and makes decisions based on how the outcome of how it will make her look. I suspect she is probably a narcissist. My stepdad had on a blue suit, white shirt and red tie. My stepdad was nearly blind when he died. The sclera, white part of his eyes were yellow before he died and he could only see large blobs of shapes and nothing in detail. In my dream his scleras were white and there was no cloudy film over his eyes. In my dream he could see like his eyes were young and healed. I was surprised to see him, especially with my boss. I said, hey what are you doing here? The three of us talked for a bit and then my stepdad said he was ready to go home. So exited the convenience store and we were walking together to the car. He was going to ride with me and I asked him if he wanted to go with me to wash the Jeep first. He said no he just wanted to go home.

16 Jul 2024



I was in a big store that looked like Walmart. There were a few familiar faces who apparently worked with me, one of them being an ex-friend named Rosa. As I was sorting SIM cards, I run into a guy and a small child (toddler). He looked very familiar, I knew him from somewhere. He says hi to me and he tells his little one to say hi as well. We have a conversation and he tells me that I am the mother of his little one. I got caught by surprise because I didn’t remember ever birthing any other child but my son Issac. He looked a little hurt and asked me if I didn’t remember a few years back when he got me pregnant. Suddenly, I got a flash of memories. In the memory, I remembered that we had a one night stand and had an accidental pregnancy. I let him know about the pregnancy and that I was going to abort. He begged me to keep his child and told me he would take full responsibility and not ask anything of me. He just really wanted a kid. I was hesitant of keeping the pregnancy but he kept insisting, so I decided to have the baby and give up my parental rights to him. When I had these memories, I felt extremely guilty that I had a child, gave him up and forgot about him. I went over, introduced myself to the boy and gave him a hug. He looked so much like his father and looked only a little bit older than Issac. I let dad know that I was sorry for forgetting about our child and that I wanted the opportunity to be in his life because he deserved to have a mother. He seemed surprised by it but was open to it and then they left. I started to think about how I was going to break the news to my family, Issac’s dad and all my loved ones. Nobody knew about the existence of this boy and I had forgotten about it myself. I wondered how I was able to block the memory out of my mind for so long. I knew I had to make things right, let all my loved ones know about “my first born” and make up for lost time with this boy.

16 Jul 2024

High School


I went back to high school. Luke was old enough to be a freshman. There were students from my grade with me, but we were all our current age (in our 20s) I was sitting in class and I realized I didn’t have my school bag, but my duffel bag that’s part of my luggage. At the end of class, I saw my current [boyfriend/partner] in the hallway flirting with me. It was so adorable. I tried to hold in my laugh and rolled my eyes with a smile on my face. After class was dismissed, he helped me get my duffel bag sorted so I could go to the office. I tried to go sign myself out so I could get my school stuff from a store, but I couldn’t find the front office. I was on the 2nd floor, but I couldn’t even find a staircase.

16 Jul 2024



Me and my grandmother whom passed away 2yrs ago went to the store (HEB) and we went inside and went towards the pharmacist side of the store to get meds ig while she was doing that I distance myself away from her and walked and looked around now this is what confuses me bc I'm not for sure if I got anything but some how I was in the checkout line ready to pay for a few things I was also confused about this part bc I had a bag full a clothes and some hygiene stuff in there as well and I must've been going to a friend's house or a hotel bc I didn't end back up with my grandma goin back to the house HOPEFULLY I SEE THIS DREAM AGAIN BC I WAS CONFUSED AND I WOKE UP BOTHERED AND IRRITATED BY IT BC I DIDN'T UNDERSTAND WHAT THIS DREAM MEANT

15 Jul 2024



I was shopping in a store browsing at clothes and food. I was with my family, two aunts, some cousins, and my grandmother. One of my aunts left and got in the car with my grandmother. I followed them outside and saw there was a cop yelling my aunt to put the car in park. She could control the gear shift and she accidentally stepped on the gas and the car went into reverse very fast. Me and my cousins were standing around stressed out. The car backed out all the way into the middle of the street and another car hit them. The person in the other car was honking them repeatedly but kept driving super fast and pushing my aunts car out onto the highway and the all the down the highway until they were out of our view.

15 Jul 2024

Natural Disaster


Some kind of natural disaster was happening and I’m in a house with some other people and all of a sudden people start busting in and they’re looking for me with guns. I’m hiding from them and one comes in through a door and I hid behind it and wrestled the gun from him. Then the dream skips to everyone evacuating where they’re at. I find myself running through the street with some people I know. There’s a girl that I’m friends with but can’t recognize in my dream but she’s frantic and crying and saying she wants her comic (or something) from the house, so I volunteer to go get it for her. Then I decide before I go to the house that I’ll go to the store and get some things like snacks and clothes to help us during the evacuation. I’m looking at so many things but don’t end up getting anything for some reason. I feel like I don’t know what I need and can’t tell if I should get a lot because I don’t know how long we’ll be there. I end up getting nothing and then decide to go to the house. I’m looking for this house in a lot of my dreams, I have an idea of the area it’s at in every dream, I can kind of see it on the map but I’m not sure. In every dream I can see the same neighborhood (or at least it feels that way) and in every dream it’s this same house with tons of doors and rooms with hidden doors with stairs to different levels and rooms sort of like a tall tall maze. This time I went to look for something in there but typically I go to this house to get to the top floor. I knew what house I was going to in this dream but I never made it there this time, I couldn’t find it. And then woke up.

15 Jul 2024

Video Game


There was a new game that I tried out that I started to really like a lot. It was pvp fps where you would have to harvest something and then plant it somewhere and guard it for a while till you get a point. The map was very blocky and was colored red in some areas, blue in others and so on depending on what team you were and where you had to plant the item. I was talking to my friend ty about it at the store where they sold the game. You had to buy it like like it was episodes of a show. I was using blocks to guard myself while I was shooting at the person on the other side. I had a lot of fun.

15 Jul 2024

Old boss


I was sitting outside near a park. I see my friend drive up in a red car. I said hey Jason and he went to get a baby out of his car. Then he came to sit at the park. And some girl came up to meet him. I realized he wasn't there to see me, he was there to meet her. I suddenly felt like I was on the outside, burning with jealousy. I desired to be with him. Then I went inside the store and saw my old boss, by was hiding from her.

14 Jul 2024



i was with my 3 close girl friends, the building area looks like the middle school i went when i was in indonesia. i was waiting for them by a small store. i got a text from one of them that they’re inside. it happened that we were at a church bathroom and the 4 of use were smoking weed and playing music. after a while we decided to go but not at the same time. i left first and when i was walking out and down the stairs i heard my name but i continued to walked away and pretend i didn’t hear it.

14 Jul 2024



I was in a store and me and my mom and brother were shopping and basically for the whole time I was dreaming we were shopping but it was a really long time and my mom got medicine out of a bag and I kept seeing minion popsicles

14 Jul 2024



I was in a discount store, just looking at the products and suddenly a bunch of small cats just appeared out of nowhere

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