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Dream Interpretation: Concrete 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Concrete? Discover the significance of seeing a Concrete in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Concrete appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

Dreaming of concrete symbolizes stability, strength, and permanence. It may represent a solid foundation in your life or a need for one. It can also indicate a desire for something to be more concrete or tangible.

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🧭 Direction


Think about what in your life needs a solid foundation or what you wish was more tangible. This dream may be telling you to focus on building a strong base for your goals or relationships. Alternatively, it could be a sign that you need to let go of something that is not providing you with stability.

❤️ Feelings

This dream evokes a sense of solidity and stability. It may symbolize a strong foundation or a need for structure in your life. It could also represent a desire for something tangible or real. The presence of concrete in your dream may suggest a practical and grounded approach to your current circumstances.





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Dreams of users containing the word Concrete

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10 Jul 2024



I keep dreaming that I’m working with my special education students. In the dream we are preparing to take kids to a church event or party. There is a statue of an old king. Im trscing my fingers on the statue seeing that hebhad braids tucked under his crown thats wraps over his head. It transitions from the statue to me helping a man, one of my coworkers put on a scarf over his head in the style of the statued king. I’m running out of time to get ready myself and i am struggling to wrap the mans head with the scarf. I eventually get it but i tell everyone to go ahead without me while i get dressed. I cant find anything nice to wear. I eventually find a floral patterned skirt and a floral top. I walk to the event and its being held at jennefer lopez house. Her and ben aflek are hosting. In the dream i am in some way their neice. As im doing my job, they are also hosting. They have a few conflicts, but i jump in to chat with them on the side to be essentially kinder to one another. The front door to their home is a fortress. 2 layers of very secure, iorn wood and concrete doors. I eventually see ben and jennifer talking and laughing they ask me stick around with them as their neice and plan some time for them together. They appreciated my advice and want me to be a buffer. I agreed as long as i could bring a friend. They said of course. I first wanted to plan a boat trip. the party ended and i took the disabled students back to the building but i had to climb through a window to get out of the house, and i had to help the kids out the window as well

1 Jul 2024



I had a dream that I woke up, and it was 3:30 in the afternoon on a work day, all the carpets and wood floor boards were concrete and the roof of the entire house had caved in and water was everywhere, none of the electricals would work and the entire house had turned dark and grey. After I had calmed down, I called Donna my work colleague to apologize for sleeping through my alarm and told her what had happened to my house. I don't remember what happened after that

15 Apr 2024



I had a dream that my cousin came to Virginia from Ohio with her family to pave my sidewalk with concrete. Then I dreamed a woman I didn't know wanted to teach me how to operate heavy equipment machine. Then my cousin cussed at a police officer and the woman cop was going to arrest my cousin but then I took the cop aside and asked her not to arrest my cousin if my cousin apologized so I told my cousin to apologize and my cousin fell on her knees and apologized to the cop and the cop excepted my cousins apology and took off the handcuffs then I woke up

7 Apr 2024



I went on short vacation with a mother and her daughter. They were both grown. We rented out an air bnb and we were smoking and drinking and having fun. The day it was time to go, we were riding and I remember the daughter say “I haven’t smoked today.” And she motioned her hands to her mouth as if she was smoking. On the way to the airport, I was riding in her daughter’s car and we missed the exit turn to exit out the neighborhood to the main road. We decided to back into a driveway to turnaround and go back to the exit. I saw a man with dreads and wife and kids out on the porch. They were dressed in African clothing and jewelry beads. The man had African three drum set. They were about to make music. So we turn around and head toward the exit. I checked my phone to see if the mother and daughter had the same flight and we did. I don’t remember the flight exactly but when we landed and got off. I didn’t hear from the women again until we went to work. I talked to them and jokingly told them that they left me at the airport and disappeared. At work, we have a huge class and after eating lunch, I assisted the class with throwing their plate away. One causation girl didn’t want to hug me at first, threw her plate away, and smiled at me. Then she came back to hug me. After that, we let the children paint on two tables. I was coaching the teacher to tell her not to set out too much paint paper or it will get overwhelming. After some time it was time to go outside to play and we had some children that were still in the classroom. I had to say “who wants fish sticks” in order to get the children outside. Then I said we are playing kick ball to go outside. Some children went outside but some still wanted to stay inside. I went outside with the children and let the teacher know to stay inside with the rest of the children. Once we got outside, we had to climb down from these concrete steps and jump near a bush. I was a bit skeptical but the children had did it with no problem. I jumped and may have jumped to somewhere else because now I’m in the back of this house and I walk though the house through the front door. The house is empty. I walk out the front door and walked down the steps. The house is on a slight hill. I street walking on the street and noticed that this house is next to my childhood home. I walked up the street to get a better look at the home and some things are different about the house like a two garage door. There was also a shed in the back yard. Everything else resembled the same about the house. I then started to walk back to the house o came out of thinking to myself, “wow I’m going to buy this house and it’s right next to my childhood home.” I checked the address and noticed that it had two different numbers. The number in the black mailbox was 4145. The number address on the house said another number. I then realized the house has two door and that it was a duplex home. I tried to remember what door I came out of. When I went back inside the house, I then heard noise. There were squatters living in the house. Some were in the bedroom, and kitchen. As I’m walking out the back door I hear police sirens. I looked at the latch to see if it unlocked. I opened the back door which was another location and jumped into the lake to swim to the other side. I woke up

14 Mar 2024



I don’t remember it all. My son Noah was in my dream at first but I don’t remember his role. There was a lady with a baby that was very premature. She had him at 3 weeks. There’s usually no way the baby would survive but he did. He looks weird like a little fetus still. But he’s very much alive. I told her I can watch him. I carried him and showed trees and interesting things around me to the baby and he was amazed. He laughed. There was a realtor man. He showed my old coworker Dorene and I a house. It was a very nice big one story wide open house. We started out in a entry hall with kitchen to the left where a lady was standing. She said hi. We said hi. Living room with tall ceiling in front of us… very big living room and wide open.. light and bright. The floors were concrete. Very modern. I walked towards the right and there was another family room in front, and to the left, with another cozier family room that had a glass divider. The glass divider room had carpet and cozy with rocking chair etc. there was tile where I was standing that leads to yet other family room. The tile stopped where the other family room meets. It was not well done. I told Dorene that’s why you watch the contractor work. It’s kind of an asshole thing for me to do but you can prevent things like this where they get lazy and finish the job messy. I had a cover over the baby at this point. I asked Dorene if he’ll be okay under this cover. She said he is usually ok. But I checked in on him after that and pulled the cover… suddenly he was a chapstick tube with melted inside from the heat. I was so shocked and scared… I started blowing the tube hoping he’d come back to life. I could kind of see something underneath the melted chapstick coming back to life a little but I wasn’t sure. Then I had a vision that one of the little kids we met earlier … a girl from a group of boys won a contest and as a prize she picked to bring a baby to life for the lady that had the baby. But she chose chemical to do it. So the baby is alive because of her prize. I could kind of see a nose forming as I’m blowing but I didn’t really see a baby yet… then I woke up.

7 Mar 2024



I was sitting on concrete bleachers and looked to my right, Paul McCartney was sitting beside me. Then I looked to my left and George Harrison was sitting there. Everything and everyone was cool and calm.

6 Mar 2024



I was in this entirely white room with the ceiling made off glass, it was very bright, the only things in the room were white concrete boxes with flowers frowning out the top like a big plant pot in public. Then I saw my mum crying in the middle of the room, she looked rlly upset, bare in mind I have only ever seen my mum once when I was little in real life, and then a fox came in and started growling at her, I hid behind one of the plant pots and watched it rip her to shreds, like liturally kill my mum and turn the whole floor red from her blood, then I woke up

6 Feb 2024



I had a dream a couple off months ago that I was driving a car without a license and then when I started walking I had to grab onto stuff in the street such as fences hedges poles railings and I had too pull myself forward using these objects too move forward then I tried to phone my daughter off my mobile I could see all the contacts and numbers in my phone but I couldn’t find her number and then when I did it wasn’t allowing me to phone her I couldn’t use my mobile phone then I became to annoyed then I stared grabbing the street pavement which was made of large concrete slabs to pull myself along the street and then I woke up

5 Feb 2024

New Job


These aliens were making humans participate in a game show. It involved like racing and dress up. Eventually I won I think and I had to follow a specific red boardwalk wooden path to leave and at one point I saw a fat raccoon. And I guess I was supposed to follow a specific path because the person who was running the whole thing said I guess her monster accidentally got loose. I followed some old friends and ended up in this other concrete room and the game runner was an older blonde woman with frizzy hair. Some other girl was going off on her and she was holding a big blue duck vase and she smashed part of it before finding out I guess they were gifting her some new plant.

25 Jan 2024

Running away


I am in a theater, there are some people there and we’re hanging out in the very back up high. There is a giant fat man who is dangerous who joins us, we begin to run away, we’re running down stairs over and over. We end up at the bottom floor in a school, we hide in a classroom, I can hear the men in black coming closer, they have attack dogs. I run out of the classroom for the door with one of the women. We make it outside the back door through the muddy grass. The giant gothic dark Victorian buildings loom around us. We run around the side of the building and hide behind the short concrete steps out front. We have to lay on the ground and hope no one looks down. One of the black attack dogs comes over but does not bark he just looks at us and walks away to his owner who opens a door through the air on our left to leave. The man in black with the dark sunglasses and his black dogs, looks at us and says nothing, he gives us a pass to live and leaves. We are becoming surrounded by men in black and attack dogs. I run back through the main entrance through the entire building to the back and open a huge magic door. I enter into a low covered boardwalk with celebrity families. I walk out onto the sand and into the ocean. I am safe here. I wade out into the ocean. I get past the tide and everything turns to blood. I am not scared, I know if I keep swimming I will be okay. I swim farther and farther into the ocean and it all goes back to dark water. I look up at the sky and see the earth glowing above. The moon is below in all its phases shifting quickly from one phase to another in some kind of order. A children’s choir sings the “this is the secret universe” I stare up at the sky in awe.

22 Jan 2024



I had a dream that was crazy. There were 3 to 4 dreams in one. I remember vaguely walking through a city. Not sure of which direction I was going to. I eventually worked it out and was headed to what I thought looked like a bank. I was wrong because I was towards a zoo. This building was pure white. Inside and out. The first dream, I was walking with my mum to go to a museum. It was very late and it looked like it was going to close, until I pleaded with the man who then proceeded to give me the go ahead. He gave me a map and showed me the way. I had gotten quite confused about where to go, I ended up back where I wasn't supposed to go, because people were sleeping. They had walkie-talkies on their person, and I had just crawled all over them. And I got to the steps without turning around to see where I was. Then my aunt Catherine, turned up out of nowhere and I had told her that I was confused about where to go. She said, then I'll show you the way. As she had played back down to try and get some shut eye, she spotted my mum, Heather, as she came up to talk to my aunt, who was now behind some protective glass. My second dream, I was walking along with a friend down an escalator. We were near the bottom and we had passed someone who was singing treaty and I had joined in. They must have heard me singing because they stopped me. But as they did, my friend, whom I was with, she told them that I was pregnant and I didn't need to involve myself further with this guy. Then we walked away with a bunch of ladies with prams, and other pregnant women. My third dream, I was watching the group of ladies crossing the street. I then, had noticed that they were to far away to shout out to, so I ended up crossing with what I thought was the safer part of the street, and it wasn't until an old Ford Ute with a warmer teal colour on it had come around some bends and had blocked my path. I put my hands up, just to try and stop the Ute from running me over. It was a success and I ended up on a concrete island. Then I looked back at my old friend, Beth. Who was on an old timey bike and seamed to cross the street without any hassle. She got to where I was situated and she said, "Here. Use this chair." As I was about to sit in the chair, I woke up.

31 Dec 2023



I came too i could see way more than usual and alex and me where in like the tunels i guess or the hallways of this place, where ever we where i asked him," please tell me where we are?" He doesnt reapond but we continued to mess around but apparently there was a hole i couldnt tell it was a hole because a chair was sucked into it and i still didnt have the best vision. I guess alex was getting sucked into it and he said," hey babe help me" so i went to grab him as he was falling but its like he went right through me. But he landed on his legs somehow on the ground outside, it was very bright but it lookedlike concrete. it was a pretty far fall i thought mhm thats definitely not a humam thing to do. But as i wayches him get farther the guy driving started going really fast, to the point of i didnt think they were going back for him so i started to climb out the damn side. Im guessing the driver didnt like that so he turned around finally

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