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Dream Interpretation: Spirals 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Spirals? Discover the significance of seeing a Spirals in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Spirals appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

This symbolizes change, progress, and evolution. They signify your desire to transform and grow in waking life. These also represent the cycle of life and death. Alternatively, they could be a sign that you are on a journey of self-discovery, which may sometimes lead to confusion or the feeling of stagnant growth.

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🧭 Direction


In your dream, seeing spirals could represent your desire to change or uncover the path of spirituality and life. There are answers to specific questions you are looking for in real life. However, sometimes looking for practical and earthly answers can blind us from understanding the greater spiritual truths and solutions that lie within us. Recognize the confusion you feel and use your greater consciousness to find meaning where previously there was confusion.

❤️ Feelings

The dream of spirals evokes a sense of curiosity and wonder. It brings forth feelings of fascination and intrigue as one is drawn into the mesmerizing patterns and movements. There is a sense of being captivated by the unknown and the infinite possibilities that lie within. The dream may also elicit a feeling of being caught in a cycle or a whirlwind of emotions, symbolizing the ups and downs of life. Overall, the dream of spirals leaves a lasting impression of awe and a desire to explore the depths of the subconscious mind.





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28 Mar 2024



I don’t remember much, but I was moderating sn online chat room where thousands of people were listening to Radiohead. Their profile pictures were animated in a spiral. My friend J sent me a text that said something like “ilyilyilyikyilyilyILYILY” I accessed her phone’s activity and saw she sent something like that to all her friends.

28 Feb 2024

Getting Married


I met Peyton Manning on a football field during one of his games. I was holding a rhino balloon. We ended up getting married and he carried me down some spiral stairs.

21 Feb 2024

Falling in love


This starts when I’m in this video game like simulation and I need to collect items to unlock various events There were three books that triggered three events, my mom, my sister and I got a hand of those books After getting a hand of those books, I head to the living room with a spiral (?) stair case and a lot of bookshelves This triggers a conversation with an eccentric stranger interested in the genre of book I was holding, the stranger changed accordingly based on who held and presented the book, the stranger spoke to them as the central person they directed their conversation to The stranger didn’t seem like a real person but they felt extremely life-like Prompted me to go to a massive store/exhibition with inflatable (?) but very life-like people who interacted with me There were 6-7 other girls. We were all assigned a ‘partner’ I don’t remember my og partner’s face that much. We hung out with them a lot, but after some time they began showing some malfunctioning And when they ‘malfunction’ they seem to be in severe distress. I was trying to help one of them (don’t know if my partner or someone else’s). He did react to me but seemed to suffer a lot Another girl swooped in (his partner or someone else’s). She’d spoken to this humanoid quite a lot and she knew what to do to help him better, thus he seemed to be reacting better to her There was a female humanoid who no one was paying attention to and she looked like she’d ‘deflated’ completely. But I wanted to help Since a romantic touch seemed to reverse malfunction, I had to caress the humanoid’s face. She started getting better but at some point, she persuaded me to kiss her so that she could complete her recovery. Very hesitantly, I kissed and she mostly recovered, as in got her facial features back but her legs were still deflated I got locked up or stuck in an enclosed place at one point but I went down via the ladder I realized that calling out the deflated model’s name woke them all up One such model was ‘Andrew’ and he was the most life-like one. He presumably claimed that his feelings for his partner made him more life like. I developed feelings for that model While escaping, we saw a ‘rejected’ model being taken away by a garbage company When reuniting with the models paired with the groups, they were talking about how one of the humanoids couldn’t integrate with the one who bought him because he had fallen in love with someone else and couldn’t stop calling the one who bought him by his love’s name Realizing that ‘Andrew’ did the same to me, I began to teach him to say my name over who he’d previously fallen for to help prevent him from meeting the same fate.

12 Feb 2024



I had a dream that I’ve had before. Where I’m at a school building running the halls avoiding being captured. And end up in a dark, very wide spiral stairwell with many stairs. Ultimately running out of a emergency exit door.

31 Jan 2024

Running away


I remember trying to go to my mom and sister.. my mom was messing with my face and wouldn't even listen because there was flooding with no rain at that moment that looked like it was turning into a river of mud. I got bit by some kind of bug that wouldn't go away.. my next recollection was me running away from something... I think it was something about a guy, which one, I have no clue... but it's what made me notice that I was myself... I was first person and felt very much real with all my normal abilities. I was wearing a light pink silk or satin dress and it was tight around my legs even though it had a slit on the leg.. I remember I had two people behind me and they were my friends? They kept trying to console me and talk to me but I was practically sprinting to get up a hill. I finally got so angry that I grabbed at the slit and ripped it so it was further up my thigh... I picked up the bottom and carried it like it was rude to get it dirty.. (At least that's how my mind is processing it) I could feel the cool air and how it made the fabric feel under my fingertips... I could smell things.. I could sadly hear 10 times better both internally and externally and I could see... I don't know where the guy went but I saw my friend rum inside her house and I was up the hill and it was raining and through the lightning I saw something... something I still don't understand fully... because I believe it meant something.. but there were were four tornados side by side and slowly I could see them trying to come together as one. The moment I ran back down I knocked on my friend's door and asked her if she had a basement and she let me come in. One of her family members wanted to take their child and run and I couldn't even help. My phone got a call and when I answered it came in like a damn spirit box... which is typical for me being the walking spirit box.. but it was so hard to hear because it sounded like so many voices all at the same time... but specifically and clearly... one sentence put my mind into a spiral... my mind was saying, oh, that could be the last time my friend ever saw them again... but then I heard it... "Is this the correct city?" I wouldn't say the voice was normal at all... I've never been so terrified of the tone. I think it's the true "beast" behind something or someone. I woke up... and after it started coming together it just seemed odd that I got road blocked by whatever version that was.. I couldn't see the hair or anything.. there weren't any mirrors... I also oddly feel like it's a test that someone's put us through before...

24 Jan 2024



Another planet wanted to end our planet. Their plan was to fly through with a big ship. But they could only fly through planet earth if it became ‘thin’ enough. To get the planet thinner, humans needed to be gone. So they started to create chaos and fear. With fear, people suddenly could look through earth, as if it become somewhat translucent. And then they fell through. When I saw this I got scared too, en fell down. I landed on another planet, and I saw other humans who fell down. I discovered I could talk and use my voice on this planet as well, and encouraged the others to speak. Suddenly, my voice woke up something in the core of our earth. My voice woke her up, my voice led her to me. This being was not a human or animal form, it was like a spiral with one eye in the middle. She came with unnatural speed to come and get me. I got scooped up, safe in her spiral, and she took me back to planet earth. After that, she went on to get al humans back to earth.

22 Jan 2024

New Job


I had a nightmare with the DHMIS characters but the weird thing is I was basically in the same situation they were in during the show before I ever saw the show, it was like a weird backrooms type thing where I think I went through an alley or something and ended up in a house but I don't remember opening a door at all and I was stuck in there and the DHMIS characters were there and they were all scared and they told me not to open some doors cause they thought bad shit was behind them and it was this endless place where every hall or door or corner led to some impossible new space, at one point I remember a spiral stair case we went up and a door on the ceiling when we reached the top, idk it's harder to remember now cause it was a while ago but it's a silly coincidence that's all. Also they were all afraid of the monsters in that place keeping us trapped, like a lot more than they were ever scares of stuff in the actual youtube or show episodes.

30 Nov 2023

New Job
Swimming in a river


First i was in a new building at work that was dedicated to LGBT+ art (this building is not real). I was taking a tour. At the center of it was a tiled floor with an aqua blue circle tile at the center. Spiralling around the blue circle were men sweeping in a rhythm , all taking turns whispering a word I couldnt hear - i figured part it was part of the exhibit but it was ominous. The tour guide told us to go to the next exhibit and pick a cat. I went to the exhibit and the "cats" are all balloon animals dancing in a circle. I chose a black balloon animal. Next, im at a theme park with my fiance and we are swimming in a river filled with colorful coral and fish. I am trying to be careful not to step on any of the fish because I'm worried they will sting. At one point, i hit some coral and it hurts a lot. My fiance pulls coral out of my hand Then we are flying in a jet and i open my window to lean out. My fiance tells me to be careful

29 Nov 2023



volvía a mi casa y mi roomie había invitado a mi ex a dormir, luego a él lo llamaban porque lo estaba buscando gente mala. la gente mala era un chico drogadicto que vivió en mi casa y su amigo, yo sentía que iban a venir pero no podía abrir los ojos ni moverme para decirle a mi roomie, esto pasaba por mucho tiempo h repetidamente hasta que pude abrirlos y decirles, entonces vi que ella y su hermana estaban preparadas para agarrar a el chico y su amigo. el amigo del chico estaba buscando un cuchillo y el chico que vivió conmigo plata, nosotros con luz los pudimos ir sacando de la casa. después en un campo con un espiral yo le enseñaba a la gente que la luz y oscuridad en realidad no existe, sino que todo lo malo del ser viene a nosotros por el poder (tanto económico como político) y eso nos arrastra a la oscuridad

21 Nov 2023

New Job


I came to this old neighborhood where my Grandma Magills house was, but it was much different than it was in real life. It was a big, tall Victorian style house, kind of atop a hill with some steps leading to the door and large porch. I remember looking up and thinking to myself how beautiful it was. The moment was right after my Grandma died, my Aunt and Uncle (who are divorced, my uncle dead in real life) were in the house, kind of going thorough and packing up grandma's things. Inside the house it was a combination of old Victorian style, antique wood, steps upstairs and furniture. Then you entered a bright room, light new looking carpet with a huge window, overlooking a lake, maybe fields. In this room, it felt light and calm. People were smiling and eating. Then I made my way up the spiral wooden staircase. On the landing, before the top I remember art I liked. I remember going into a room that had been my grandma's. It had her old fashion but pretty jewelry. It was darker, a little scary, and sad. There was a closet that couldn't close, it was so full. Inside was a painting similar to one she had when I was a child. In real life, I would lay in the spare bedroom where it hung, and stare at it. It was of a house or cottage in the woods, and there was a path or dirt road leading away from the house and around a corns you could never see. I'd imagine where that road would lead to, who lived in the cottage and a feeling that I wished I lived there, in real life and in my dream.

20 Nov 2023



Recurring dream of a house I've never been to. Multiple stories high, with a spiral staircase in the middle with walls all around it, like a tube. Secret passages. A strange man on a chair.

12 Nov 2023



In my dream, me and my family were given tickets to go to a theme park. It was late, so by the time we arrived most of the crowds had left, leaving us to freely explore the park at our leisure. A nighttime light show was happening, where a bunch of drones with bright lights attached would fly in formation and create a bunch of shapes in the sky. First was a green frog using its pink tongue to catch a yellow fly, then it was a purple dragon breathing orange flames, ending in a spiral of colors that spun around very quickly before dispersing. The show had no music, so it was very quiet as the shapes made by the drones moved around. After a while, the drones returned and the show began again, accompanied by no music. I got the idea to use my own music so my family, who had seated ourselves away from anyone else so as not to disturb anyone, could have a better show. I played some music that managed to synchronize to the drones very well, but the show suddenly stopped after about a minute and on the park speakers we could hear the voice of the mascot saying that someone was breaking the rules. All of the sudden, we were surrounded by theme park police and security who confiscated my phone and dragged us out of the park, throwing us into the street before they returned to the park itself. Disheartened, we returned home to find a notice taped to our door about how we would have to appear in court tomorrow, so we gathered our things and left for the court house as the sun began to rise. When we got there, police grabbed my baby brother snd sister and the judge demanded that we explain ourselves and our behavior from the theme park incident in order to win back custody of my siblings. At this time, my mother and her boyfriend left the court to prepare their case while I was left alone to try and stall for time. I was terrified and tried my best to explain my actions to the judge, but every word I spoke was met with criticism from her and ultimately did nothing to help our case, which lead the judge to bring the gavel down on my head, striking me physically until I collapsed. As I began to fade I could hear her shouting that I'll never be a good brother to my siblings and that I lost my right to have them, then I woke up in a cold sweat.

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