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Dream About Ex Roommate Inviting Drug Addict Friend

Dream interpretation about Ex, Singing, Spirals

Dream About Ex Roommate Inviting Drug Addict Friend
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This dream was about

volvía a mi casa y mi roomie había invitado a mi ex a dormir, luego a él lo llamaban porque lo estaba buscando gente mala. la gente mala era un chico drogadicto que vivió en mi casa y su amigo, yo sentía que iban a venir pero no podía abrir los ojos ni moverme para decirle a mi roomie, esto pasaba por mucho tiempo h repetidamente hasta que pude abrirlos y decirles, entonces vi que ella y su hermana estaban preparadas para agarrar a el chico y su amigo. el amigo del chico estaba buscando un cuchillo y el chico que vivió conmigo plata, nosotros con luz los pudimos ir sacando de la casa. después en un campo con un espiral yo le enseñaba a la gente que la luz y oscuridad en realidad no existe, sino que todo lo malo del ser viene a nosotros por el poder (tanto económico como político) y eso nos arrastra a la oscuridad

Dream date:

29 Nov 2023

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👧 women of your age from 🇪🇸 had dreams about Ex by 0.3% less than 👨 men.

Emotional tone:

The dream was filled with anxiety and fear as the dreamer felt the danger of the situation, but there was also a sense of strength and resilience in facing the intruders.


This dream was recurring 1 times last week


The dream was intense as the dreamer felt a strong emotional response to the danger and had to take action to protect themselves.


The dream had a realistic setting and characters, but the events were fantastical and unlikely to happen in real life.


The dream was vivid, with clear and detailed images, making the dreamer feel like they were actually experiencing the events.


The dream was somewhat coherent, with a clear beginning, middle, and end, but some elements were disjointed and confusing.

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AI-generated Dream Details

🤩 Emotion
😟 Depression
🤯 Sentiment

AI-generated Dream Review

Denys Chumak

Denys Chumak

Hey Sofia! Thank you for sharing your dream with me. It seems like a complex and intense dream with various elements to explore. The dream reflects a sense of vulnerability and fear, as well as themes of protection and empowerment. In this dream, returning home and finding your ex in the company of your roommate may symbolize unresolved emotions or past experiences resurfacing. The presence of "bad people" who are associated with drugs could represent negative influences or challenges that you feel are threatening your safety or well-being. Your inability to open your eyes or move might indicate feelings of paralysis or powerlessness in confronting these difficulties. However, as the dream progresses, you find the strength to communicate and take action. This suggests a growing awareness of your own agency and the ability to protect yourself and others. The presence of light and darkness in the field with a spiral represents a deeper understanding of the complexities of human nature. It highlights the idea that negativity and corruption stem from sources of power, such as economic and political influences, which can lead individuals astray. Regarding the connection to your previous dreams, there seems to be a recurring theme of facing and overcoming challenges. In your previous dream about being locked in a hotel room, you demonstrated resourcefulness by gathering knives for self-defense. Similarly, in the dream about being pursued by witches, you discovered inner strength through reading empowering writings. These themes suggest that you possess resilience and the ability to confront adversity, even in the face of difficult circumstances. Overall, Sofia, this dream indicates your growing awareness of personal power and your capacity to protect yourself and others. It encourages you to continue embracing your inner strength and to be vigilant against negative influences. Remember, dreams can hold personal meanings unique to each individual, so take some time to reflect on how these interpretations resonate with your own experiences and emotions.
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The content above was generated by AI, under the supervision of experts in dream interpretation. The AI model was developed using the latest advancements in psychology and dream analysis.

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