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Dream Interpretation: Nightmare 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Nightmare? Discover the significance of seeing a Nightmare in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Nightmare appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

These can be very painful dreams; however, there is a reason your mind will go through these experiences. Such a dream simply signifies the unprocessed emotions left over from a hard day that needs to vent out so you can be at peace. That is why these are called "Venting Dreams". We can also have this type of dream when our mind is afraid and is replaying traumatic events hoping to find new ways to keep you safe.

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🧭 Direction

Bad omen

Learn to process these experiences and emotions while you are awake so that you do not take them into your dreams. Talk with a mental health professional, work on yourself and grow. By learning to become aware of emotional conflict inside of yourself and accepting all parts of you, you will find peace again.

❤️ Feelings

The dream of a nightmare evokes intense fear, anxiety, and distress. It leaves a person feeling unsettled, overwhelmed, and helpless. Nightmares often bring a sense of dread, terror, and unease, leaving a lasting impact on one's emotions. The experience can be deeply disturbing, causing a person to wake up in a state of panic and uneasiness.





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Dreams of users containing the word Nightmare

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18 Jul 2024



A quick nightmare, someone I don't know came into a weird room that I was sleeping in, I watched the door slowly slide open and I tried to push him out but he reached towards me and told me to run, and then a hand came out of the vent above me and grabbed me by my face.

14 Jul 2024

Lucid Dreaming
Waking up


I was in a parade on a truck bed taking to my sister about my nightmare and then did my reality check by plugging my nose and breathing and realized I was dreaming. I was excited to be lucid dreaming and turned to the front of the parade and said, now we fly! The truck lifted off the ground and a popular song started playing that was perfect for the moment. I started flying super fast around the buildings abd river which I could now tell from the sky was London. It was beautiful and I was having so much fun that I woke myself up

12 Jul 2024



I had a nightmare. I was in my old neighborhood in Florida. The street lights laminating everything poorly like it did in the neighborhood. I was following one of those toy cars that toddlers can drive but it was driving itself. It had head lights as we went down the street. I remember us taking a right and then another to another street but that street was pitch black. As the car continued to go down the road it laminated nothing but itself. I got scared do I went back to the original street. Some houses where missing and dark figures littered the street. Each one being my worst fear. I walked down the road with my head down. Then I started running ending up in a party. I woke up because I felt something grab me and drag me away

9 Jul 2024



I had a dream where there was 2 of my dog?? And one was t responding to the name or anything and I couldn’t find my really dog after it started to tell me to hurry and run or something. Then I looked over and realized that the basement door was wide open. I called my dad and begged him to hurry home and he goes “why?” And I told him, he didn’t say anything else, and then when I saw the basement door open I woke up. Side note that outside of the dream there’s this ghost demon thing in real life that lives in my house which is 200 or more years old. If the basement door is open it gets out, and I had previously been afraid it would get my dog or me, you could hear crunching sounds of bones of some kind and that was in real life. So this was a nightmare about it.

7 Jul 2024

Dead body


This was one of the more powerful vivid and lengthy nightmares that I have had in my life. The story line was so frightening and meticulous and there was no difference between the dream and reality in that moment. It is so hard to put into words but at the center of all of it is a very evil and very cunning man who has total control of me and everyone around me. He can not be fooled he can not be escaped it’s like he is an all seeing eye in human form and he knows every move we (all those he has control and possession of) make. It is not just me. He has many pawns in his twisted game. And we are all terrified we are all being punished And we are being violently killed or tortured and/ or being forced to participate and carry out different murders and violent crimes that he chooses, all in order to stay alive and not have our loved ones harmed. The first thing I remember took place at the apartment complex I grew up playing at. I remember I was in the parking lot and there were 2 dead mutilated bodies laying on a grassy nole in the parking lot. Then I was taken. I became a part of a group of captives who were forced to commit similar staged murders and leave these bodies in the exact fashion that this man wanted. I was constantly terrified constantly trying to escape. But couldn’t. He knew every thing I did before I did it. I was stuck in this cycle a prisoner to murder and death.

3 Jul 2024



A dream where I was being threatened by a man. I was aware I was in a dream as it became closer to a nightmare. I did what I would do to wake up as normal. Told myself to wake up but I couldn't. The man mocked me seeing I couldn't wake up. I tried to convince myself he wasn't there to try and trick my brain to change it but it wasn't working. So I was stuck for a long while. Him mocking me as I tried to do everything to wake up.

26 Jun 2024



I had a dream where it was a few days after the last day of school in 9th, I hadn’t gone on my vacation yet, I was in a big room with chairs, everyone at the school was sitting on the chairs, singing songs that were made up from my dream, and they sounded rather dark. It was honestly quite fun to sing the songs, though. This might’ve been the same dream, or a different one, but I was buying really nice clothes with friends that were from my 8th grade class and I couldn’t tell if I was in Texas or Oregon, but then at one point my friends and I sang a song that was more lighthearted with three or four part harmonies, and someone even recorded it. There was another dream where for some reason, school continued on even after the last day of school for some reason after I went on vacation, and there were over four assignments I missed where I had low grades on all of them. that dream was most likely a nightmare, but it didn’t immediately wake me up.

9 Jun 2024



Night mare bout evil toys, gaming trying to survive but impossible to-

2 Jun 2024



One of my most common dreams is when i am being forced I have been raped in the past and have been through a lot of cases of sexual assault so it has become common for me to have these dreams I am basically being chased and forced Most of the time i get dreams about me getting raped and the worst part is that i don’t even wake up after that i just keep dreaming until they are done with me…

29 May 2024



The dream begins, and I realize I’m in the inbetween, lower level. Or maybe I didn't realize it immediately, the fact that I was asleep. I didn’t rouse, when the thing started talking to me. It was almost soothing at first. Their voice was deep, gentle. As if he wasn’t there to devour me. (Also what is with everything trying to eat me. Like y’all please, What happened to classic murder. Is not that hard.)  Anyways my dumbass never writes shit down, so I can’t remember exactly what he said. He goes on for a while in an arrogantly gentle tone, drawing me into a hypnotic vulnerability. He said, “You are so cute my dear, your soft arms are so light, delicate even. Your smell is nearly intoxicating. It’s sad to see something as lovely as you, so vulnerable. It’s as if you’re teasing your demise, flirting with it. Are you truly that of a minx, sweet summer child?” (For some reason a lot of shit calls me that) his words were many. Like he kept complimenting me, expressing sadness of my weakness. Telling me how great I could be. This probably went on for over a half an hour, until he finally said. “It’s sad that this must come to an end. A being like you deserves more than this fate. But I am no hero, no knight in shining armor. And there is no escape. He talked a lot ok, like bro hurry up, why u still talkin.  I’m not sure when I started feeling scared. As he talked, I began to picture him in my mind's eye. I didn’t move, didn’t open my eyes, as when I’m in the lower level, I always feel this intense tiredness. I only move when I’m extremely desperate. His clothing was abnormal, to say the least. Like it was kinda a suit that he wore, yet it was casual, scruffed up. I didn’t pay attention to what his hands looked like. His body was that of a fit man’s, strong and muscular. Lean. Yet the true oddity about him was that he had the head of a lion. Like a deadass Lion. Fur, fangs and all, Down to the whiskers. I don’t know where the “human” started and the Lion stopped, but as he finished up with that last horrifying line, he leaned back. An excited growl coming from his muzzle and he leapt on me.  I instantly was filled with terror, as the entire left side of my body lit up on fire. It was horrible, but as quickly as he rushed me, he was yeeted off the bed. I don’t know who rescued me. I always assumed it was the shade but… now I wonder. You’ll find out who the other options are at the end of all of this.  They didn’t let me see the fight, whoever it was. But I awoke immediately. Completely fucking petrified as my body shook. Staring at the spot where he talked to me. The left side of my body buzzed with this foreign energy, like foreign trauma they don’t teach us about in elementary school. This was my first attack in the lower level. It left a nasty mark on my consciousness. Yet I always remember it, when I think about saying something stupid .  I couldn’t go back to sleep that night, it was too scary. So after a while of staring, I finally went to sleep with my mom in her room. My dad leaves town a lot on business trips. So I had his side of the bed to myself. My moms snoring usually keeps me up for hours, as I’m a very sensitive sleeper. But tonight, it was the most calming noise I’d ever heard. Eventually I did fall back asleep. And to my horror, I was back in the inbetween, Lower level. I didn’t even realize at first. My mom, still snoring beside me. I had opened my eyes to gaze at her, when her body shifted over to mine. She continued to snore as she “unconsciously” moved closer, keeping me in a false sense of security. But as her face was a breath away from mine, her mouth unhinged like a snake. I couldn't breathe. Not able to compute the fear from the total fucking shock that coursed through my body, knocking the wind from me. I gasped in surprise, making my mom? Creature Like monster, stick its venom like tongue into my mouth. I couldn’t even scream, as terror overtook me again. I don’t know if fear held me still or I was being restrained, as its tongue swept over my teeth, drinking in my saliva with this horrifying desire. It was not lust. The thing was simply playing with its food, And it liked what it tasted. Its tongue seemed to thicken, becoming almost tentacle-like, as it pushed deeper into my throat, painfully forcing its way down my esophagus.  But just as before, it was like something shot it dead before it could do any irreparable damage. It died, tongue still writhing in my throat, as my saver melted it away. Not stepping forward, they let me awake in a cold sweat. For the first time in my depressed life, I did not want to sleep. This is something, that if you knew me well, you’d know the sun had fallen from the sky if I said these words. I was terrified to be attacked again.  I didn’t sleep again that night. As I cuddled my dog, desperately tight. I wrapped blankets around my body, convinced that if even an inch of my skin showed, it would be bit off, like someone's leg in Shark attack.  I’m not gonna lie to you man, I give myself whiplash with how easy my thoughts/feelings change. I literally slept like a baby the next night. Like wtf me. You were just traumatized and your reaction the next night was like, if they come for me again I will eat them. WHERE DO YOU GET THIS FALSE SENSE OF CONFIDENCE FROM. WHERE!? I ASK YOU. I'M STILL LIKE THIS. WHY AM I LIKE THIS.

27 May 2024



I had this dream that I woke up in my bed because the ceiling was leaking on me. Now granted earlier today I was at a restraunt and that ceiling was leaking on me in real life. But anyways I woke up because of the cold leaky water. I got out of bed then the ceiling busted open with all sorts of black bugs and 4 bats. Then I woke up in real life relieved it was just a nightmare.

22 May 2024



Cristian was chasing me. He wouldn’t leave me alone. I was on some vacation type thing with my sister and one of her girl friends, some older looking civilization it was beautiful. But he appeared around a corner, and when he saw me he kept following me. I turned and went the other way, took out my phone to record him, protect myself. I don’t remember if he said anything, I don’t think he did. But everywhere I went, there he was- waiting for me and always following me. He wouldn’t leave me alone. I even woke up for a while and went back to bed, unfortunately falling into the same nightmare of him chasing me and being unable to escape. I was scared.

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