Dream interpretation about Fear, Nightmare, Wedding, Alien, Love, Secret, Crying, Family, Relationship, Boyfriend, Forest, Dream, Bracelet
Had a dream where I got really close to a friend of mine and then ended up going out with him and dating him.. we connected fast and loved being around each other. We would go out on fun dates and run around. The thing was that in this dream we lived in a big bunker, most of the people on the planet did after the big change where most of the planet turned into dust. There was some forests here and there on our planet and a couple of farms but other than that everything was gone. There was no cities, towns, hotels, barns, grocery stores, etc. We had to defend ourselves by making bunkers in different areas of each country… a lot of people didn’t make it so there was like only 3 bunkers per country. Most bunkers had about a thousand or so people. We had just found we were getting invaded by aliens so all of the smart people got together and started to make plans on what was going to happen… we were going to invade there ship undercover since they are very similar looking to us. The thing was both me and my boyfriend were in part of this plan in some different ways and we worried all the time about if something was going to go wrong. One day when some of my friends and my boyfriend and I went out for a little in the dessert area through a secret tunnel. When we were heading back to the bunker my boyfriends friend randomly said “just do it already and get it over with”… so I went to ask my boyfriend what he meant and halfway through my boyfriend kisses me. There was so many feelings all at once that we both felt but the one that was most important was that we truly liked doing it, I was super blushing and he was awkward all the way back home. The next day the head of the alien squad said that the mission was going to happen tonight so be with ur loved ones as much as u can before it happens. I’m the middle of breakfast with my family and my boyfriends family my boyfriend just gets up and leaves without saying a word so I went and followed him. Once I found him he seemed mad and I’ve never seen him that way in my entire life, then when I tried to talk to him he yelled at me and said that he was stupid to take the job and shouldn’t have done so. My boyfriend was one of the people that was going up to the aliens ship to invade it, I guess he didn’t want to now but he can’t back out now. He told me how he was worried that he won’t see me again, then I got mad nd upset and ran away… both our families were concerned and wanted to help but my boyfriend said it was fine and that he’d fix it. I ran to the forest crying my eyes out and ended up at my favourite spot, my boyfriend caught up with me and asked me what was wrong… I told him that I’d been thinking about the same thing for way longer than he has about us dating and the alien squad. I said to him that I was worried about the mission ever since it was announced and thought that it wasn’t a good idea for us to start dating because it would be too much on us and might affect the mission which could ruin it. I then told him I’ve been having nightmares about him being caught and haven’t gotten much sleep because of it.. he told me that he was having the same dreams as well. He looked at me and wiped my tears away… then he kissed me for the second time, it’s weird because we’ve never kissed during the whole 2 years we’ve been together and then we start doing so which makes us even closer and not afraid about the alien mission. We have a hidden bunker we made ourselves in the forest so we went there and ended up sleeping together without any nightmares for quite awhile. Our family was definitely worried so we woke up to them yelling out in the forest looking for us so we hurried and used the back door of the bunker and said sorry we just needed to talk and enjoy the wildlife at the same time before anything goes wrong tonight. We head back home and I remember that I had made him something to make him feel better so I go looking for it and gave it to him.. it was a bracelet and it said on both of them “I love u” which everyone thought was really cute. He thanked me for it and then went off to practice for the shuddle flying and the aliens that he was going to see. We had took the aliens that came down here to find us and gotten rid of their abilities to remember what happened here down in the bunker. The squad leader said that it was time to get ready and to get our uniforms on.. I was one of the people who was going to operate the mission by speaking into a very small earpiece that the invaders are going to use but they can only listen they can’t talk back to us because then the aliens will notice we aren’t one of them. When I was starting to get ready and the invaders were heading to the shuddles with the real aliens in them my boyfriend stopped me from saying goodbye to him which i thought was strange and then he pulls out a box, gets down on one knee and everyone was super shocked and made a strange noise then I realized what was happening. He proposed to me asking me if I could be his wife, his girl forever and gave me a beautiful silver/diamond ring that was shaped into a heart… I obviously said yes but then asked him how he bought it and he said that he had money saved up for something else he was getting for himself and decided to use it on this instead and said that he has some good gambling skills. He went into his pod and they left, he forgot about the bracelet he was wearing so he had to try and hide it from view as much as he could. Once they got to the ship the invaders were shook and scared but managed to calm down once the head of the aliens came over and asked why it took them so long to find us. We had changed there minds and told them lies to say to the master… they said it was so dusty that they couldn’t find a thing but managed to find one farm with animals that were nice and healthy which we didn’t put into that ones mind and that farm the alien was talking about was one of my best friends house just outside the bunker so I called them and warned them to leave immediately. After that I don’t remember because I woke up
Dream date:
2 Nov 2024
Emotional tone:
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