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Dream Interpretation: Alien 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Alien? Discover the significance of seeing a Alien in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Alien appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

Dreaming of an alien can represent feeling like an outsider or experiencing something unfamiliar. It may also symbolize a fear of the unknown or a sense of being lost. Alternatively, it could indicate a desire for change or a need to explore new possibilities.

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🧭 Direction


Consider what the alien is doing in your dream and how you feel about it. Are you afraid or curious? This may give you insight into your own feelings about change and the unknown. If you feel lost or disconnected in your waking life, try to connect with others or explore new experiences to help you feel more grounded.

❤️ Feelings

The dream of encountering an alien can evoke a range of emotions, such as curiosity, fear, and wonder. It may leave one feeling intrigued by the unknown, anxious about the unfamiliar, or fascinated by the possibility of extraterrestrial life. The presence of an alien in a dream can also elicit a sense of vulnerability or unease, as it represents encountering something beyond our understanding. Overall, this dream may leave one with a mix of emotions, blending curiosity with apprehension, and a desire to explore the mysteries of the universe.





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Dreams of users containing the word Alien

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18 Jul 2024



In the beginning of the dream, I was riding in the car with my mom, then, suddenly, aliens showed up, big purple aliens that looked like squids, they were chasing us. It looked like a world straight out of an apocalypse movie. I took control of the car, making my mom move into the passenger seat, and making sure my little sister was save in the backseat. I kept on driving, until we got to the beach, and I couldn’t drive anymore. So, I got out of the car, and became a distraction, jumping on top of another car and calling the squid-aliens my way, allowing my mom and sister to drive away safely. I woke up screaming when the alien opened its mouth to eat me.

14 Jul 2024



First started off me tryna steal some drugs and when I went back they weren’t there and they we left but I just saw a ufo in the sky but it got close to us and I wasn’t afraid and it left then I was counting money in my living room and the alien popped up magically into a cat and started downloading shit into my finger and it was talking to telepathically saying it was going to take care of my what ever I needed here he was downloading it all into me But in that house I was with people I didn’t know

1 Jul 2024



In this dream I was basically living in the movie “A Quiet Place!” I was in an old fashioned apartment building on what appeared to be the top floor. There was a window near the kitchen and living room. It connected to a an old metal stairwell that connected to the side of the building and went all the way down into the ally below/beside us. It wasn’t just me in the apartment but several other young adults and teens in this small apartment. Most didn’t live there but in the apartments below. They would use the stairwell and window to move from one apartment to the other and warn all the others of danger and that the alien creatures were on the move. I remember us all being together at one point practicing being quiet for if the creature ever came. The room was crowed and we were all sitting on the floor trying to be quiet. As someone in the group acted like the creature with her senses blocked off but there hearing. They went around the room trying to find us. Some where hiding in other rooms or in the closet but most where in the living room sitting on the floor trying their best to be absolutely quiet. I remember my old childhood dog Jack was there and came up to me as we were playing causing me to make a sound the person started coming towards me. I went to move to stay out of her reach and avoid her but she continued to hear me and I and my dog needed up getting caught. I remember being disappointed and sad but only told myself that I will have another chance. But then the dream changed. I was with one person in the apartment when something happened and a creature was spotted. He hoped at the window to warn the others and said he would be back. It wasn’t long until I heard screaming and the clicking noises that the creatures often make. I ran and hid behind n the closet of the apartment holding my breath as too not make a sound. I hear sounds coming from inside the apartment my heart was racing as I saw a shadow appearing from the gap underneath the door coming closer to the door and the door handle start to move. I then was started awake and was unable to get back to sleep for a long time. Cause everytime I closed my else I say one of the creatures.

29 Jun 2024



I had a dream I was in the midst of an alien invasion but it felt like I was repeating the whole scenario again and trying to find a way to succeed in a few situations like I did in my last life however there was missing piece that werent the same in this one. When the alien invasion started I ran to what looked like a drop down elevatar that looked similar to a window washer who cleans sky scraper windows. I was waiting for a woman to show up but she never did and then messed with the scenario because she was not dating the same guy as she was in my last life. I was then late to running away and stuck inside a military base with what seemed like hundreds of other people, I ran to the bottom floors and I had to be very careful depending on the aliens but in my dream I knew how to trick them and knew roughly what was coming next, I had to play dead in some hallways amongst other bodies that have already gone, in my dream I remembered how I died in my last life and almost wished I died quickly in this dream life because my chances of survival were so low. I did make one friend because they enjoyed my music but after awhile we split up and I managed to make it outside. I was running between 2 ponds and I stopped myself immediately when I seen a huge snake slither out but it had a face with only one huge eye on it and under the eye was its mouth where its fangs hung low from. It didnt sense me anymore and left and then 2 others snakes from the other pond came slithering out. They knew me for some reason, one pursued me and the other stopped the pursuing snake and spoke to it in human language. It said something like “dont do that, thats nani” and that someone else would be very mad. After that I started to quietly make my escape until I woke up

19 Jun 2024



That a character had killed a friend of hers because she needed to go to an alien planet

16 Jun 2024

Old woman


Earth had been invaded by two alien species. One species wanted to destroy myself and those that are like me, that were created by the other alien species that was trying to save us. We were a genetic creation by the other alien species, and they had telepathically spoken to all of us to gather in a central location, find one another so they could take us off the planet and save us. The hostile alien species that came, none of the other people around could see them. In my dream I never directly saw them. but I could sense them it was like a darkness that was kind of a spooky feeling like something lurking in the shadows I was told to meet this guy who is this gay actor and he was at like some sort of convention and I had to find him through all these fans but luckily like he got the same message so he kind of knew who to look out for. Then we found each other and then for some reason people kept giving me like gift bags and then this person was wanting to get him some beer and I remember him being very like specific about the beer that he wanted and I was like dude we shouldn't be drinking beer right now we need to like leave. So then we were trying to get away from these hostile aliens. In my dream I remember him seeing them, like I looked at him and then his eyes got big and he got like super scared looking. But then by the time I looked back, the alien wasn't there anymore. But he saw them and he was extremely frightened by them. So we finally made it out and away from these hostile aliens and we were just about to get to a location where we were we could hide in this U-Haul full of like storage bins and stuff and we were on our way to hide and at the same time there was this old woman who was meeting us in this same place and we were being chased and she sacrificed herself for us so that we could make it to the inside of the U-Haul truck and hide inside of the plastic containers to get away from the hostile aliens. It was interesting because we could communicate through our minds to each other, and I remember her telling us telepathically to run and hide and to get where we needed to, and that she had lived a long life and, you know, didn't need to come with us. After that I remember getting into a plastic bin and kind of like talking back and forth telepathically to the guy and feeling the U-Haul truck moving and kind of musing about how the others are getting to the spot we're supposed to be getting to and being concerned if we were actually safe or not.

11 Jun 2024



I see a futuristic space plane that is taking up a pair of astronauts. The pilot is taking up an older man who has a respiratory disease as part of his treatment. Breathing in zero gravity is part of the treatment. He takes him up for short intervals of about 20min, multiple times a day. Then I see they give his daughter, or grand daughter, a ride into space. The little girl is so happy. My wife and I are there watching from a platform. I see the young girl introduced and I see two women, Lauren and Patty. It's Laurens daughter getting the ride into space. "which one is Patty?" I ask my wife. 'the one in green, in the st. Patrick's day dress. Lauren is in blue. "oh, ok". I say. We smile as the little girl climbs into the space plane, in her homemade space suit/astronaut costume, and gets a ride up into space. The plane tilts up into a vertical launch position and blasts off, flying away into the distance.

4 Jun 2024



I had a dream where I would record bird chirping into an app and get paid $15 for each animal. Then I showed my half sister kendall how to record the sounds to make money. We were at a petting zoo in the backyard of their new house and she recorded the sound of a goat. Then I took the goat with me trough some outdoor area and up a hill and into some mansion where there was a lot of powerful people. They saw me with the goat and I showed their kids how to use the recording app. Then the goat turned into the devil and I carried it out of the mansion and slid down a hill where there was a devil in front of me and a devil behind me. I chose to go forward and dodge the devil in front of me. Then I had a dream where I was in a classroom and I was trying to be really understanding of a hippie girl and how she saw the world. Some guys full of hate were arguing with her about something and so I backed her up and killed those guys, who happened to be alien cockroaches in disguise as humans. She walked off crying and I gave her a hug and let her cry on my shoulder. Then I was sitting at one table with a bunch of people and my friend Tyler benbrook was sitting at another table with a bunch of people. Someone from the room we were in announced that it was saint patricks day and so I said “it’s Tyler’s birthday then.” We were figuring out what to do with those cockroach aliens. I started walking down a ladder and there was a bunch of selections to choose from what to do to the cockroach aliens. So I chose to turn them into fish. I put them on a table and some in a blender. A bunch of fish were randomly in my mouth, so I started trying to spit them out and they wouldn’t come out. So I started pulling them out. Then I dreamt that I was playing a dragon ball video game with my little brother. He was playing as vegeta and he didn’t know how to do a kamehameha, so I showed him how and he was able to do it because I helped him out and then I woke up.

3 Jun 2024



I am in the backseat while my mom is driving my older brother in the front seat the rest of my siblings in the back. We are driving home from the park only the paved roads are all grass lawns now and as we drive by the houses they turn into tall bamboo trees and we narrowly avoid running into them. Scen changes I am at the bottom of a grey stone mountain all along the path going up are stone dragon heads that shoot fire at anyone attempting to go up the mountain path. I have to reach the top with my friends. The line of dragons shoot fire as soon as we get in range. The heat an intense burning forces us back to the beginning. I realize we have destroy the dragon heads out before we can go up. The main one I have to destroy is way up and climbing up the shale rock is impossible. I jump off the ground and fly up to the outcropping then blast an energy ball from my hands at the nearest gargoyle and it explodes causing a chain reaction all the way up the path. All the dragon heads explode like a domino effect. We reach the dark fortress and my family is captured in those Alien cocoons. I see the queen sleeping but just in reach of my family members . She leans down and a facehugger falls off of my nephew. My friends distract the queen while I rescue my nieces and nephew. I worry about how to save them now they're infected. We need a surgeon to remove the Alien before it bursts out. I wake up

31 May 2024



I had a dream I was on this big alien ship. The inside kinda resemble what I assume a large alien mall would look like. Yet very clean. There were plants and stuff growing normally on board too. Anyways this lady with bright red (super) curly hair dropped me off on earth saying I must save god. This was either the beginning or end times of earth. I’m not sure but earth looked like a frozen tundra with visible blue like energy flowing between the snow blanketed trees. It was Ethereal. I’m not gonna lie to you dream notes, I kinda wish I could see it irl. It was so pretty yet kinda spooky cause there weren’t any creatures seeming to inhabit the plant. I felt things there but very few in my witchy perception. In the very center of there earth, I found a white glowing coffin where I assumed god layed. I didn’t actually see his face but I knew instinctively what he looked like. His hair was Snow White and quite long. Not like a girls hair but definitely longer giving him an elf like effect. Very tall and slender I think. A guy. The coffin was locked and I needed to find the key yet I had no idea where to look or if that’s even what I was supposed to do. There was this massive hellhound guarding him though. The beast was kinda scary and growly but as soon as I approached the coffin it layed at my feet all cute like. What a confusing creature. I remember thinking “You should really make up your mind if u wanna eat or cuddle” The silly thing got me a stick and had me throw it for him 💀it was pretty wholesome tho. The massive black creepy dog bounding toward me with a mini stick in its mouth. Its head was like the size of my body. I remember the lady said only I could save him, Only I had the key but I just could not figure out what that was supposed to mean? Earth had looked like a frozen grave yard in the dream.

30 May 2024

Photo shoot


Sky becoming all grey, then a ball of cloud with litghning started forming. It’s in fact aliens were invading the earth. I took pictures of this ball to then show to my family who weren’t aware of that happening

29 May 2024

Black Hole


In my dream, it was the end of the world- which it often is. I’m constantly having dreams about alien invasions and the apocalypse. Aliens were killing majority of the people/kidnapping to take to there ship. The sky was red and you could hear people screaming all the time. No one ever returned once they found themselves on a ship. After awhile of being on the run I was finally captured like a lot of others. Oh btw I have orange hair in this dream. At first they made us slaves on the ship. (While it was still harbored on earth that is) I was forced to work in a tiny soup kitchen with other kids/young adults. Didn’t see many old people. Actually can’t remember seeing anyone that was graying. It at least resembled a soup kitchen. I peeled potato’s and such. It was real hot and steamy in there. No one was happy but we made do. The ship was larger then several continents combined. After the ship took off into space, (to return to there home planet ig) Humans were slowly intergrated into normal citizens amongst the aliens. Some even getting married or starting families with them. Not me though I was super hateful and angry. Refused to befriend or trust anybody. I was still trying to find an escape (as one does) And found myself in one of the oxegyn tank bubbles. They’re aloud to leave the ship within a certain perimeter. I feel it should also be mentioned I’m natoriously known as a runner so there’s always a bodyguard with me. No one trusts me but it’s chill cause I don’t trust them either. 2 bodyguards. Also for some reason a lot of the alien guys are super protective of the human women 🤷‍♀️ can’t remember what I was talking about with the guards but I was prolly complaining about how horny I was and no on having sex with me- stupid guard said “Your body is so ugly… but your eyes…” I had whipped my head around to see they weren’t looking at me but starring at a black jump portal in the distance. (Jump portals are always BLUE!) my stomach lurched as they hurled us over to the black abyss. They seemed completely entranced by it. It took me a minute to catch my bearings till I was screaming bloody murder, begging them to turn back. I was convinced we were about to run smack dab into a black hole that would immediately crush us completely. Moments before we hit it, just a breath away, they finally heard my shouting and stopped the pod. Like a spell had finally worn off and they flinged us back to the ship. We had to tell the Prince Alien about the broken jump portal. We might all die because of it. When we made it to the “Thrown room” I wasn’t aloud inside. Probably cause I’m the runner human 💀 at least I can make a name for myself. Right as the doors were closing (the two guards went in to explain the situation) I turned my back as the Prince entered the room. I didn’t seem him, but just before the doors closed he glanced at me and I could vividly feel his eyes on my retreating form. I think he might be my “mate” or something. I didn’t realize but I think he did just as the doors clicked shut. But before he could do anything about that knowledge the dream ended. Here’s my thoughts: the slaughter on earth was a cleansing of all the dark and twisted manipulators using todays youth. I think the ship might be my current reality. What if one of the guards is my spirit guide and the other is a self limiting belief. They referred to the portal as my eyes so what if it wasn’t a black hole but a gateway to the soul? Nah it was prolly a black hole but I think they were trying to say I got a pretty soul or something. Alien bastards lol. So many questions so little time

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