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Dream Interpretation: Wedding 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Wedding? Discover the significance of seeing a Wedding in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Wedding appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

This symbolize commitment, a new beginning, and a transition phase. A commitment is finding its way into your life, be it a new relationship, a new project, or a new job, be prepared for it. However, a wedding dream also suggests that you are taking some waking life commitment too lightly, and it's time to be responsible.

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🧭 Direction


It's time to know your commitments. Think about your obligations as your subconscious is now guiding you to work in order to fulfill it. Running away will not resolve anything, instead face the situation head-on, and you will soon find yourself enjoying the new duties in your life.

❤️ Feelings

The dream of a wedding typically evokes feelings of joy, excitement, and anticipation. It symbolizes the union of two individuals and the celebration of love and commitment. This dream often brings a sense of happiness, hope, and a desire for a harmonious partnership. It may also reflect a longing for stability, security, and a desire for a new chapter in life. The emotions associated with this dream are usually positive and reflect the desire for a fulfilling and loving relationship.





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Dreams of users containing the word Wedding

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18 Jul 2024



Woke up again from another dream about my wedding. It wasn't very long but I was getting ready for my wedding, when I got there I was still wearing trousers under my dress so I had to quickly get them off and put tights on before walking up the Isle. .how embarrassing 😳 😆 I woke up feeling quite confused what the dream meant.

14 Jul 2024

Parking Lot


I was in a parking garage in a wedding dress running from someone

14 Jul 2024



Last night I dreamt that I was shopping for antique lace wedding dresses with my sister.

13 Jul 2024



My husband and me were getting ready for a wedding. We were in some kind of venue getting ready with other people too. I was in a wedding dress but I wasn’t the bride. It was interesting because I knew the wedding dress was still the appropriate thing to wear. I was interrupted by a young man who invited to come party with a bunch of other people. He walked me outside to a big green lawn. The vibe was eerie, it felt like halloween. When I looked around I noticed the sky was pitch black, like there was no moon or stars just artificial lawn lights. The young man told me to wait for a second because something was about to happen and it would be a great addition to my “costume”. The surprise was blood that was shooting up from the ground like a sprinkler system. And everyone started celebrating dancing around in the blood trying to get as drenched as they could. I immediately left. I knew I shouldn’t be there and that I should be back inside getting ready for the wedding. On my way back inside I noticed I had a bit of blood on my white dress but as I approached the doors the blood evaporated and my dress was pure white again. My husband was still in the bathroom getting ready I joined him again and when I looked in the mirror I noticed blood dripping from my head but it was different. It was like heavy. It seemed to be coming from this invisible never ending source. I was scared and wanted to cover it.

11 Jul 2024



I was scheduled to have a DJ consultation meeting with my kids' former high school wrestling coach. He was getting remarried again for the third time and he wanted me to DJ his wedding reception. I DJ'ed the wedding reception for his 2nd marriage. Considering I am no longer vice president of the wrestling program and the fact I DJ'ed his last wedding reception, this was honor to DJ his 3rd wedding reception. We were meeting at an athletic facility. For some reason I was running a few minutes late to the meeting and was feeling anxious about it. I have a reputation for being a few minutes late in my personal life, but not with DJ consultation meetings and other activities. The wrestling coach and his fiance were already at the athletic facility. The lady that ran the venue drew attention to me arriving late by saying, "oh James is late" with a sarcastic tone as I entered the area. I apologize for being late and sat down. We were sitting in the bleachers at the score table. The threebof us were alll facing the same direction I was on the left the coaches in the middle and his fiance was on the right side . The venue lady was at her own small table on the gym floor. I started talking with the couple and as we were talking I remembered that his fiance had sent me an email outlining specific details for the wedding reception I didn't have a printed copy of the details with me. I only had my planning sheet the filled out per my request. I asked to look at her printed copy of the details. She had a big beautiful print out all the best photos I had taken at the coaches' previous wedding, some of my wrestling pictures , a picture of the logo for my nonprofit wrestling association and on the last page was the detailed instructions for the wedding reception that she had emailed me. I noticed that the beautiful print out was actually the email I had sent them originally. She had the pictures enlarged and made into a beautiful large 2 foot by 4 foot calendar style flip book. As we were going through the consultation meeting, I noticed there were other activities going on in the gym. It seemed like it was some kind of football combine or camp. I was able to see my younger son's head coach from the University of North Dakota sitting on a bench near the indoor track. I went over and talk with him and he shook my hand. He told me that the program was getting better. He told me about all the coaching changes that had happened after my son graduated. He said that slowly but surely the program was getting closer to the vision that I had for the football program. That was great to hear. Somehow I was assigned to check the grades of the players to make sure they were eligible. As I was going through checking the grades, if a player had a bad grade I would pull their name out of the list. I saw that my son's name was on the list and he had passed his math class with a B and an A in his other class. I told him great job passing the math class and he said, "I know." That was odd considering he had already graduated college. I noticed that there were five, maybe six other guys that had on the exact same outfit I had on. I had this red and white dress shirt with matching dress shorts on. I've never worn the outfit before, I was saving it for a special occasion. I was really surprised to see other people wearing it because I had bought it specialty shop in North Omaha. I was at a football event with college players other states and six people had on the same outfits. As I walked past someone wearing the same outfit, I would give them a head nod and make a funny expression like, "Say, what? We have on the same outfit!" After talking to the third or fourth guy, I said we should all get together and take a group photo of us wearing the same outfit. The fourth guy said he would help organize the group photo and we should all meet at 1:00pm. We had 35 minutes for him to get everyone organized. He said he really didn't want to be in the photo but he would take the photo. I told him he should be in it and have his girlfriend take the photo.

11 Jul 2024



I had a dream of me and my friends playing hide and seek in the woods during the day. Somehow, my friends and I were able to be invisible, so it easy to hide and hard to find each other, but a couple of my friends were carrying a tan colored umbrella that when you looked towards it turned into what looked like a floating mushroom Because since they were invisible you could see the umbrella, but not able to see their Bodies. The dream transitioned to a scene of two of my friends getting married and taking the wedding pictures one was my spanish friend from work and his wife who was an Indian girl I went to elementary school with. They took one wedding picture in front of a car door that was removed from a car and the second picture of, the wife on a horse with its behind towards the camera and its hand sticking out a window away from us. Both pictures were taken inside a house. the scene transitioned to two of my Asian friends from high school who seemed to be dating. They were sitting cross legged it’s gazing at each other‘s eyes what seem to be like some tantric/yoga movements as they would hold onto each other and sway their upper body. It look like they’re connecting very well and I was happy for them and thought it was cool.

10 Jul 2024

Partner Cheating


I had a dream that my partner cheated on me with my bridesmaid on my wedding night, I woke up really wanting to cancel my wedding.

9 Jul 2024

Killer whales


We were visiting Arizona. A hot, warm orange and yellow desert. On top of a hill there was a large, orange brick castle with 4 large towers on each end. There was a town that was inside, along with a large natural lake filled with killer whales. When walking inside it seemed to be a tourist location- many different weddings were occurring. There were also locals working in shops. I remember walking through a shop and noticed some really cool shirts. Later we were in the lake and I almost got attacked by the whales.

6 Jul 2024

Pelo rubio


I had a dream and it had many parts. The first part i remember was a forest connected to an amusement park. And the road leading to it was a little wild. It had a huge dip like a roller coaster would to get to the forest. Uphill was a wedding venue. I had the job of making sure it was ready for wedding. I had an ipad where i could visualize thr layout of the venue anf start loving stuff around. I went into the room that had the wedding dress and a washing station. I discoveref some clothing covered in vomit and a lady came in with her wedding dress covered in vomit also. She was panicking because today was the day of the wedding. Somehow i found a solution and everything went well. I attended the wedding and it wad beatiful. Two members of nobility were getting married and i was in the crowd taking care of a blonde haired child. It was my child. He lookef boref/upset during the wedding so i offered him some comfort by patting him on the back and giving him a half hug. Eventually he developed a fever and i took him to a safe space out of the main wedding venue. I went back to the wedding venue realizing that two of the ppl involved in the wedding were cons. They were trying to steal a vintage car thr couple had bought for the wedding to use it to leave to their honeymoon. They tried to steal it but then it had something inside that they needed to get out so i helped try to pick up the front end of thr car so that the liquid would come out of the back. It didnt work because the car was so heavy. The teo persons continued ro manuever the car around until they broke the wooden fence behind them and that caused the whole forest to burn down. I was then on a team to help extinguish the forest and prevent further burning. I could super jump and locate fireballs and destroy them. Eventually while doing this task i happenef upon a small child and puppy. I thought they were alone and i wanted to take them with me but as i approached them they made there way into a bus where their father was but he was abusive. It turns out they had one other sibling too and he was very sad angry and depressed. I left and told my companions about it so they could come back anf distract the abusive father while i spoke to the children. I had a predator at my side too in case of emergency. A dog that could transform into any big prefator like a lion. I went and told the children i could take them and their puppy with me away from their abusive father and that i would be their adoptive mother and take good care of them. They agreed and followed me. I took them away into a resting place in a cave in the forest with my colleagues. The boy and girl sibling and their dog were decompressing in the cave while i spoke to my colleages. They asked me if i wanted children and i said yes. The dream ended soon after that. In real life i tell myself i will be happier single and without kids and part if it is because im not mentally ready for it but im also afraid of it. Im afraid of having it all then losing it.

5 Jul 2024



I jumped about this long time ago where I was taking my mom out of her dinner and it was a very fancy Pope dinner party were in the pool and there was a bar in the pool and but it wasn't alcohol I was a cookie bar and we tried different types of colorful cookies and the bar cookie tender told us what we wanted I told him I wanted this cookie cuz of super beautiful blue and I guess we fell in love and we were going to get married but I had a feeling that he was something was wrong with him he ended up being a murderer so I had to run away from him and my mom went to this big giant mansion house to visit my friends and we were talking about what room they were staying in and it was pitch pitch Black everything was painted black and it was the most rarest black of paint to be discovered and the people were going crazy so they had to repaint different rooms and my sister was talking about what room she wanted

4 Jul 2024



I dreamed that I lived across the street from Jason Louv (An occult teacher). I was trying to work with him in some way. Later in the dream I learned that we worked in the same nonprofit. I had the feeling that I wanted to escape my life or change it. At times I was my age and still married to Bob, and others I was younger and just starting out. I was sitting in my car taking shelter from a terrible storm. I think my car was white. The wind was blowing my car around while I was in it, and I felt like the world might be ending. When the storm ended I was standing in my front yard looking across the street at Jason's house. There was an ocean in the middle of his back yard with beautiful mountains behind it. The sea was roiling and grey while the mountains were a dark green. Watching the movement of the water, I sometimes couldn't tell the difference between land and water - where one started and one ended. I was overwhelmed by its beauty. The water was deep and strong and moved as if attached to the land but separate too. I was in awe. Storms began again and I felt besieged. Jason was playing loud music from his house because he was upset about something. It turns out he was getting married and he came over to ask us (I was living with a group of people) to help choose the flowers for his wedding. I remember seeing the woman he was going to marry, I didn't know her, and thinking that I couldn't see them together. She was short, chubby, with short black hair and I thought, "How can he like her? They're not well suited." He has picked some flowers from his yard and wanted to show them to us. I got a picture in my head of the flowers I wanted him to have and when I looked he had them in his hand except they were wilted. They were red poppies and I said, "Yes, like that, but alive." He agreed with me and I was happy he'd chosen my idea. Then, as a sort of thank you, or as a gesture of connection, he wrote something on a small piece of paper and said, "This is your name". (I'm pretty sure that's what he said.). When I opened it up it looked like some kind of ancient language like Hebrew or Arimaic. That's all I can remember.

3 Jul 2024



I was seeing gru and Lucy wedding from dispicable me 2 and was thinking of my future wedding

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