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Dream Interpretation: Window 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Window? Discover the significance of seeing a Window in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Window appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

This symbol represents a portal to the insights your subconscious mind is trying to show you. Windows signify an opportunity for new thoughts and ideas to enter; however, they also present a vulnerability to the outside world. They sometimes also represent a barrier that you have constructed inside your mind.

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🧭 Direction


Notice what you see outside the window or what is trying to come in or out of the window. Should you defend against these things, or should you learn to accept them and let them in? The choice is yours, but your mind is becoming aware of things you had previously not known. So it will be essential for you to recognize them and use these hidden opportunities.

❤️ Feelings

The dream of a window can evoke feelings of curiosity, openness, and a desire for new perspectives. It may symbolize opportunities, a longing for freedom, or a need for clarity and insight. The emotions associated with this dream can range from excitement and wonder to a sense of longing or yearning for something beyond the current reality. The window represents a gateway to the unknown, inviting exploration and a sense of possibility. It may also reflect a desire for connection, as windows often allow us to see and be seen by others. Overall, this dream can leave one with a sense of anticipation and a willingness to embrace change and new experiences.





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17 Jul 2024



so my dream started in New York City I was with somebody and we were going throughout the city and it was time to go into a building. There was a woman we were going to the building to meet and to get to where we were meeting we went into the elevator and went up up up till we got to the right floor When we got out of the elevator, we walked over to some woman's apartment and it seemed familiar to another friend's apartment that I have in New York in real life. When we walk into her apartment, she's about 5'1 or 2 with dark, long hair and pale skin. And she has two sons and at least a daughter. And two of them were to the right of me and one of them was to the left. I look around and there's a table to the right of me and stairs and the kitchen is to the far north east. The place looked so big considering it was a New York City apartment. The person that I was with wanted so badly to look around the apartment. Maybe take some pictures or just explore. So they asked how much this will be paid for her apartment. And she said, oh, I pay $20,000 a month. I thought that was so cool, that's a lot of money to spend each month, but you could tell that this place was so nice because of it. We keep going from that scene, and we end up moving straight into a big building. It feels like the same building, but it wasn't the woman's house anymore. But instead, it was where a bunch of jobs were taking place. it was basically like a mall but instead of shopping each room was like a different office or job so it was just like one big place for a bunch of different jobs to take place and we had this man lead us through to show us everything and it felt like an orientation It was in New York City so I was like thinking about oh I would have to move here to have one of these jobs but like I'm okay with that because I was in the orientation I remember us walking around and looking at the different jobs. There was like a cafeteria type looking at this one room in the corner and it didn't have walls. It just had window walls so we could see in there. And the guy was telling us that every room acts as its own independent job or independent place. But we can all come together in community, you know, like in the cafeteria or the hallways or other places. I remember looking into the job room that he was showing us and there was a nice little table for snacks and a bunch of chairs and a desk. Then we started walking by down the hallway after that, going forward, and to the right of us were all these big windows leading to outside, and to the left were more rooms and doors. It was such a big building for being in New York City, I thought, and I had been somewhere similar in a dream before in New York City, so it felt like a similar location and place to the other dream I had before. I do remember liking the orientation and thinking how easy it was because I didn't even know I got the job until he started doing orientation and I was like, wow, I must have got the job. So it felt pretty easy going and simple and I liked being in a different state. Then that part of the dream ends, and I'm still with somebody else, but my friend invites me over for a dinner party. She says that I should come over for a dinner party, and I also get the feeling that I'm in a different state, but doesn't necessarily feel like New York City anymore. In real life, this friend lives in Delaware, so it might have changed to there. She asked us to come for a dinner party and I remember like doing the U-turn trying to get there and it being a little difficult but I still made it happen no problem. When we got there I was trying to surprise her with something like some kind of food like a donut or cookie or like I remember trying to surprise her with something. and i come in and i'm in like the front porch and there's a bunch of stuff in there which there's not usually stuff in there in real life and i'm like going through stuff trying to figure out what to get them after like making a couple u-turns turning around like figuring out how to get back to their house for this dinner party and then out of nowhere the friend that invites me ends up coming through the door and I was so shocked with her appearance she had her hair like all done and volume and curled up kind of like the 20s she was kind of like a brunette version of Marilyn Monroe with the red lipstick and like the whole face makeup and the long white dress so I definitely underestimated how fancy this dinner party was gonna be she looked so dressed up so put together and I usually never see her like that I've never seen her in a dress and makeup like that before and I remember her boyfriend was there like kind of in the background and I was excited to join the dinner party there was another part of the dream that I remember sleeping over somebody's house because we were still out and I slept on the little air marks the floor and my friend slept on the couch and I remember when I got there my friend wasn't there and I was looking for the keys that they had hidden so I could go in their house and wait for them

16 Jul 2024



We were in a house and all of a sudden one piano came crashing out of a window and started breaking the ground beneath and then all of a sudden another piano came crashing out of a window and broke it even more and then the ground started falling away from the house and we went inside to grab our belongings and whatever was important to us and then the house started falling and then it finally stopped and then we had to get out of there and all the dirt and water was pouring in from all the cracks in the walls and the floors and we made it out finally and then finally the whole house just sank into the ground.

15 Jul 2024



I was at school and the only one I. My class room. I was feeling determined to get thw rest of my school assignments done as it was the end of school year. There was a guy that I liked and had shown me some attention in another classroom. I kept wondering if he would come by my class room to flirt. Although I felt focused and anxious as I kept looking through his classroom window to see if he was there.

15 Jul 2024



I dreamt of being in my living room, with just my dog at first. I walked over to the clear door that connects the inside of the house to the outdoor deck, and I went to it, flicking the outside light on from the inside. I saw my cat. I flickered the light on and off a few more times, just to make sure I was seeing it right. It looked to be him, but for some reason in the dream, I had a very strong memory of already letting him in from outside. I looked towards the couches in the living room, seeing my dog and no one else. I called for my cat, just in case, and he ended up coming out from the dark closet downstairs. I just watched him, as he rubbed up against my leg and then walked away towards the couches as well. I took a moment before looking back at the cat outside. The cat that wasn’t my cat. I thought to myself, did I maybe let the doppelgänger in the first time, and the real cat is outside? Is the not-my-cat-cat even bad? What if he just wants shelter from the winds and cold outside, and is using anytmeans to get it? In all honesty, I was about to let him in, but before I could unlatch the lock, the cat that had copied my cat, turned into a siamese cat, with blue eyes. He seemed upset I saw through the ruse, but I wasn’t especially upset by his trickery. He faded into the darkness of outside, and the once locked deck door became weak, and Inhad to keep it closed to keep anything hiding in the darkness out. It was actually quite fun-my cat came to help me in an almost cartoonish way, putting wooden blocks and toys(I think) to help keep the sliding door as closed as possible. My dog even got up from laying down on the couch and kept watch by my weirdly small living room window that faced the same area my clear deck door did. The window only had one large vitamin, but it did cover the window until my dog nudged it and let the small window/hole peek through. I rushed over to help him close it and my dog huffed and started budging at the curtain to fix it with me. I looked over to my car sitting by the slightly ajar deck door, unable to move it but keeping watch, and I kinda laughed, walking over to him and pushing at the door to close it again. “Looks like we got work cut out for us, huh?” I said to my two pets. My white dog let out a rough whine and my cat just blinked at me. The dream felt hopeful, though.

12 Jul 2024



My black rapper ex was looking in a window like he found me and I was trying to hide I wasn’t alone I remember trying to ask for help to call 911 but some how a girl replied back with 991, I was scared and no one was helping me

12 Jul 2024



Shelter survival We entered a house and fixed some broken parts of the house, we also opened the windows of the abandoned house that we fixed, I don't know why the people in my dream constantly change to other people. Multiple tall brown creature with a siren head stand in front of my house, it is quiet and it walks slowly around, but then a tiny skinwalker walking on four legs came near my house, and it started at me, it noticed me and started running towards us, we try to hide and think that it is alright, but we forgot the fact that we opened our windows before, so then it entered through our window and killed us.

11 Jul 2024



Hey. Sorry I haven't said a dream in a while, but this one was very clear to me, so I'll explain. I was back in my old apartment on the first floor. It looked very different though, and it was too different but felt odd. I needed to wash my hair, which in real life I postponed for the morning, but in the dream, I was contemplating on whether to do it there and then. Then when I went to touch my hair, I saw this white gunk covering the underside of my hair. It looked like spoiled milk was on my hair and it solidified. So gross, but I peeled it off with my hands. Kitchen looked the same but there two bedrooms. In real life, the old apartment had two, but this dream had three or four or even five. I went to the one near my old bedroom and that bedroom was a bit bigger. My in real life furniture was there. I collapsed on the bed, not literally, but I laid on there in relief, becuase I thought they renovated the place to have one more bedroom, but i was wrong. My bedroom had a mini closet, window like I always wanted, and door to exit and enter from. I started to love this bedroom. Then I got up and looked around the house to see three more bed rooms. Still saw the old bedrooms though and walk in bathroom I had. In the dream, I didn't want to wash my hair in the bathroom, because of my concerns about it, which I expressed in real life so I didn't. I went into my old bedroom and saw a window there, instead of the sliding door that I was used to seeing. It looked bigger but I didn't want to move into the old bedroom, because of mold issues, so I didn't, and that's true in real life as well. Then, I went outside and when my mom opened the door there was a white car and cops. Cops were there for some reason but were friendly. We thought our old neighbor from the old apartment we were in in the dream was getting arrested for something. My mom was nosy as always but I was even more curious about the apartment and it's strangeness. She went out the door and I told her to "close the door, mom!" Because I didn't want misquotes coming in. Then she did close it. (This is also something I never liked about my mom, opening the door wide for other bugs to come in the apartment, so this is a legitimate concern I had in real life, I guess it goes into my dreams too.) I don't know how to explain this next part. So in real life, the apartment isn't facing the road it's facing another apartment, so the face of the apartment faced a nature perseve we had and another apartment which that apartment faced the road, not ours. You would have to use the little sidewalk we had to go to your building door. In this dream, our old apartment placement was the same but....we had a WIDE concrete area.. like wide enough to fit multiple cars and the shrubs that was in front of our doors were gone and replaced with concrete. That's why we could see the cars park in front... literally in front of our apartment door. There was also a huge roof over the cement area. These things looked mega different to me, but my mother wasn't surprised or concerned about it, she acted like this wasn't weird to her. Then there is the second dream. I walked to the other side to explore the other bedrooms, I opened one of the doors and I can't recall if it was empty or notbut I turned around and turned back out again and I was in a mansion. Like I'm talking, beautiful tapestry, quint dining area, the doors everything looked rich to me. Had a carpeted red french staircase, it just looked beautiful. There was this girl that had everything on but then was naked and told me to get nude as well. Mind you, I'm a bisexual girl in real life, I was getting horny by this in the dream, so stripped until I saw a guy, and the only thing I had on this white thing that looked like a t shirt dress but wasn't thick garment, my bra and underwear, and a tank top that was purple. He came and quickly run through the door, busting it open and ran towards me which made me run up the stairs and into a random bedroom, looked like a boys bedroom if anything, and it didn't feel like mine but I hid there and tried closing the door but he wanted and tried to get in, but I wasn't going to let him in. At first, I thought he was a threat until he said "I saw something disgusting from your window!" He calmed down his voice when he kept telling me it and to open the door, but eventually I did open the door and he was relieved for some reason. He said he saw something gross through the door and dragged me out the bedroom. I then was teleported to a place that looked like Italy and Los Angeles at the same time. I say Italy because it had Italy infrastructure, but also Los Angeles because of the golden state bridge, that huge big red bridge and there was a sidewalk and water in front of me, no barriers from the water to the sidewalk by the way. He took me inside a place that was on the first floor and then looked out the window and looked at the golden state bridge and I saw him on the very top of it, looking down. I knew he was probably going to jump, and I didn't know why. I then was teleported to the second floor to get a better view and then I saw him dive in and jump off the bridge, I started to scream as I teleported back to ground level and go to the peirre. I screamed for someone to swim towards him and someone did, I couldn't swim either and I could see him struggling. I saw his feet go up from the water and back down and I was panicking so I tried to call 911 but it wasn't working. It wasn't working throughout the entire dream I was getting antsy because every time I called it would say "611" "51015" or other numbers even when I put 911 on there, it would change and I would think I'm talking to dispatch, but not. It was so painful seeing his lifeless body and struggle to breathe. The guy took a while to get him on land but eventually he did and put his body on the concrete sidewalk before the hero came out of the water. I still wasn't able to reach dispatch and couldn't tell what time it was because my phone nor my mom phone would say. When she snatched my phone and told me this isn't 911, that I'm calling the VA, I told her every time I called dispatch, it was divert to another number, and I was annoyed she thought I was dumb like that. Finally, I asked someone else to call 911 and they did but when EMT arrived, they said they could do nothing for him, even though they could save his life by doing CPR, which I didn't know how to do properly. Also, when EMT arrived, it looked like there was a door, which confused me because I thought this was real and now it feels like we're in a huge realistic movie scene, even if I saw no cameras and it felt real to me. I thought he was a goner and I felt like I lost a lover so I laid beside him and then I think I blinked or fell asleep and woke up around maybe 5-6am to see the sun rise. I saw the boy come back to life, but I thought he was a ghost, an apparition, so I just smiled and pretended to be happy, when I was sad on the inside. I smiled and hugged him and tried to be lovey dovey as possible to savour the moment with him. Then once I saw someone say "something is off." and everyone started to agree, I didn't see him anywhere. In the dream, I knew it was time to wake up from it, and I tried to stay awake in the dream as long as I could but I couldn't, and so I closed my eyes and opened them, and I left the dream world and woke up in real life the next morning which is today. Additional dream: this dream didn't happen after the second dream, but I don't know where to put it so I'll insert it here. This was a smaller portion dream. I was in the party and walking past people and this guy came up to me and we went to his bedroom and closed the door. There was multiple people there and we were talking into these mics, and said we are doing a podcast episode. The boys the entire time objectified me but I was laughing at their comments and jokes and teasing them back. After most of the left, one guy stayed and gave me some comfort and his number to call for anything. I agreed and we exchanged numbers and I left the bedroom first before he did. I went past the party, dancing for a few seconds, before driving away in a white sedan with the cops coming after me, and then I went to the second dream listed above. Dream bot, please tell me with precision what your interpretation is. Be as long and as descriptive as possible.

9 Jul 2024



I was in an apartment that looked like a blend of where I live right now and where I used to live growing up. I was spending time with my siblings and Neice in the other room, along with a few unfamiliar friends. I think one of them was related to the late Michael Jackson. I was getting a message from one of my neighbors through the showerhead; they were calling out to me. I opened the window, and a few of them were trying to show me something. I climbed out the window, and they showed me their Halloween costumes. We chatted for a little bit, and they headed out. One of the neighbors is one of my friends involved in my Haitian community group in NC. I asked her to buzz me into the front of the building since I didn't grab my keys when I climbed out. She tried to buzz me in, but I guess that front door didn't match the entrance of my place. Someone was coming out of another entrance right next to it. I confirmed that my unit number was in that building, and they said yes and kept it open so I could come in. I got upstairs to my front door and knocked so my family and friends could let me in. They were confused because I had just gone to my bedroom and bathroom, and I had updated them on what had happened. I remembered the next section of the dream, feeling like I wasn't part of the dream and watching the characters involved. There was a young black man with curly hair and a young black woman. I remembered a scene where a young white boy was at this big celebratory event, and he was scared but also wanted to see his favorite DJ play. He hid away when he was scared, and a team of folks came to find him. They found him and got him back to the crowd. Then, despite his fear, he tries to stow away in the bubble-like flying vehicle to see his favorite DJ perform. But for some reason, the team leader who helped him was still concerned about whether he was okay. I also remembered how the black young man and young black woman got connected. They were in a majority-white place, like a school. I'm pretty sure that during their interactions, the black man started to really like the young woman more than a friend. During their interactions, they started to discover something was afoot in the place where they were. I can't remember what it was, but they started to work together to uncover the truth. The man constantly checked in with the woman to ensure she was okay. The young woman was courageous and willing to do what was needed to uncover the truth. The young black man was also confident and brave, and I remember very comforting and supportive of the young woman as they ventured into revealing what was happening in this institution. In another part of the dream, I interacted with a middle school classmate I hadn't seen in years, and she asked me if I would join the cooking class this year. I told her no because they talk a lot instead of doing more cooking. I prefer fewer speeches and more on-the-job learning. Cooking and interacting with my cooking partner while the instructor provides feedback or corrections, affirmation if we're doing it right, and tips and tricks we can utilize as we cook a dish. During my experience of taking this cooking class, they seemed to talk more and not cook enough. We both laugh about it. I asked her if their style of instruction had changed, and then I would join. She assured me it did not. We giggled, and I stood by, not joining the class. The dream was very pieced out, and I can't remember all the pieces of the dream. I remember going upstairs throughout my dreams for different things. I remember a journalistic theme throughout the dream when the two young black people uncovered the truth and a budding romance formed between them. They also had the feeling of mentorship for the younger students. I remembered interacting with family, unfamiliar friends, and an old middle school classmate. I remembered big crowds and the characters being concerned and checking how folks managed the pressure and what they felt called or desired to do. I remember all the people who followed through on something they were scared of doing or required a lot of pressure.

9 Jul 2024



First thing I remember is noticing me and my brother coming home from work and noticing my bedroom window is open and the screen has been cut the we hear noses coming from the house the some random guy walks in and holds us hostage for something the some lady does the same thing I grabbed something to try and defend myself but she grabbed a knife and the she kills my brother and hurts me I’m almost dead but I call my mom to let her know I figured out one name somehow and I tell her and let her now I love her and I’m sorry then I woke up

8 Jul 2024



I had a dream I was on a field trip to a museum and I told the room about the situation with my family and had them raise their hand to show if they believe no matter what drug is in the house, it's not a house for kids. Before I could finish people kept shuffling in and out. Before the question we were outside making a strategy for foot ball, it was 4 or us and like 6 of them. After the question, 72 people believed and the rest didn't. The rest was the majority, but I realized I needed to ask someone closer to me. Then I saw people rehearsing for a dance recital it was very hip, but I saw someone in a hat like Jj Evans from good times. I knew it had to be my friend that doesn't give me the time of day anymore, Kyte. I watched in awe, but as it became clearer that it was Kyte. Then Kyte stepped up next to me. So it wasn't her. We needed to get out of that place, so we went through the dunking donuts window. The cash Register needed to be restarted then Kyte realized she didn't know the password. I said "try dunk" and it worked! She asked me if she could borrow my m and ms until she saw me again. I said sure. She said but that won't happen will it? I said no I'm never getting those back it's fine. Then I asked if I could ask something weird, but she said yes. I was trying to figure out how to ask "does she dream about me" when I was pulled out of the dream. The next and very short part of the dream was that a kid was on a beam over the sea and some kind of dark figure was slowly eating at his soul. We, me and some guy, promised to save him in the afterlife. Strange one huh? I will say I can see what's coming over from reality, like in real life I watched good times and jj Evans is on there and a few other things. But weird dream right? Thanks for listening

7 Jul 2024



I was in this house and literally there was a man killing/stabbing men and these men happened to end up outside our house. So one day I put 2 and 2 together and was telling my brother to be careful bc there is a man who is out there stabbing other men and killing them at night. It was crazy cuz he was only doing it when they would go outside at night. There was a total or 4/5 men. I started to get paranoid and wondering what was going on around that time so I started peeking out the window at night and I seen a man lurking around the windows. So then, as I am watching one night this man approaches the door with morgue materials to help with some “practice” or sumn when I comes to seeing the bodies around the house. That’s when I realized he was the owner of the house and he was the killer. It was a moment where he tried to kill me in broad daylight but im intuition was kicking in. So I ended up leaving.

6 Jul 2024



I dreamt that my dead brother was visiting. He was standing in a window. He didn’t say anything but I was so excited and feeled with joy seeing him there. I kept saying this is my brother Matt to someone.

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