Dream interpretation about Fighting, Scared, Mother, Chasing, Escaping, Happy, Mad, Crying, Family, Group, Relationship, Lesbian, Meeting, Boyfriend, Dog, Letter, Sleep, Rainbow, Dinner, Back, Door, Thought, Time, Way, Flower, Table, Four, All, Men, Ritual, Smile, Acting, Little Brother, Living Room, My House
I was at home sitting at the dinner table and my homophobic mother gave me a letter where she wrote that she was tired of us fighting all the time and that she was willing to accept me for who I am, so she would want us (the whole family) to put on something with a rainbow and she would give me a flower and she would do a whole ritual to accept me being "lesbian". Then my little brother and I had to go all the way up in some kind of container, while a group of men were chasing us. We had to run on four like dogs. We escaped from the group of men and then I was back at home again, sitting at the dinner table when suddenly my boyfriend was at the door of my house. I was scared my mother would get mad, because my boyfriend is normally not even allowed near my house, but she gave me an approvingly nod with a smile, which made me very happy because would mean she would really be willing to accept me for who I am. So I opened the door and told my boyfriend happily that my mother accepted our relationship. My boyfriend was really happy about that and immediately wanted to meet my mother. He ran into the living room where the rest of my family sat and introduced himself. My mom pretended to be happy to meet him, while I could she she was about to cry. Then she turned to me and told me that she was mad at me because she never meant that she wanted to meet him. I just told her that I thought she was willing to accept me as she said in her letter, but like her acting like this would change nothing and we would keep on fighting all the time.
Dream date:
4 Nov 2023
Emotional tone:
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