Dream interpretation about Falling, Spider, Holiday, Grandmother, Laughing, Bus, Cat, Hotel, Middle, Airport, Front, Point, Apple, Floor, Jumping, Shopping, Squares, Present, Stress
My grandma took Lucy and me to Thailand on holiday as a present. We went by plane to the southernmost tip of Thailand. My grandma and I were standing at the front of the plane getting off, and Lucy was sitting in the back talking to a Chinese lady about how much Lucy enjoyed the last time she visited Thailand. We then took a bus from the airport to the hotel. The bus made several stops at different hotels. At one point the bus made a stop at a shopping centre. I went for a run around the square, but that wasn't allowed. A cat jumped on my back and scratched me to let me know I wasn't allowed to run there. There was a mini Apple Store and we went inside because Lucy lost her charger on the plane. There was a very large tarantula in the store that fell from the ceiling on the floor. It crawled around the store which gave me a lot of stress. Lucy and the shop owner laughed and said that those spiders were very common in Thailand.
Dream date:
9 Feb 2024
Emotional tone:
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