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Dream Interpretation: Spider 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Spider? Discover the significance of seeing a Spider in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Spider appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

This symbolizes trickery, deception, and a sense of fear. It indicates that you will need to be extra careful in both personal and professional life as there are chances of falling into the trap. On the other hand, it also signifies that careful planning will help you cope with challenges.

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🧭 Direction


Examine the dream carefully. The environment of your dream discloses a lot of happenings in your life. If the spider is against you in your dream, it indicates there is trickery or deception in your life that you need to become aware of. If you are the spider or the spider is your friend, it means that you need to lay careful plans in order to catch good fortune.

❤️ Feelings

The dream of a spider can evoke a range of emotions, such as fear, unease, and anxiety. The presence of a spider often symbolizes hidden fears or insecurities that may be lurking in the subconscious. It may also represent a feeling of being trapped or entangled in a difficult situation. The spider's ability to weave intricate webs can symbolize the need for patience and persistence in dealing with challenges. Overall, this dream can leave a person with a sense of discomfort and a desire to confront and overcome their fears.





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Dreams of users containing the word Spider

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17 Jul 2024

Old friend


I went into an exotic pet shop. I saw many pets in cages or enclosures. I saw a spider which had escaped. I had to try to grab the spider and put it back in his enclosure. While I was trying to grab the spider, it had wrapped its web around my hand and made it very difficult for me to hold him. As I went to grab the spider after removing the web, he bit me on the back of my hand. I exited the exotic pet shop and went outside. I had people wanting to get a hold of me and I did not want to be caught. I started to realize that I could wipe people's short-term memory. Even so, people were still trying to come and find me, and I did not like it. I decided to run away after wiping a few people's memories, of recent memories. I ran to the top of a building and a man was there who grabbed my hand, he said this doesn't work on me, the spider bit me as well. This meant that wiping his memory of me being there was impossible. He tried to grab me and I ran to the edge of the roof. I said to him that there was no luck, I was going to fly away. I turned away from him, got as far away on the roof as possible, jumped off and flew across the sky, flapping my arms as wings, higher and straight down towards the ocean and the coast. I made it down to the coast, and I thought it would be a good idea to try to live within the cave system on a rock near the ocean, because other people had lived in there before, so it was very possible to live for a short period of time within these caves. When I landed next to the ocean, An old friend from my working life came to me and said don't worry, if you need somewhere to stay, you can shower and sleep at my house. This made me relaxed and a little bit happier. I was in a group of people down on a holiday resort, and I noticed a lot of my father. I quickly wiped the memories of me, went back to the group of people in the holiday resort, and they were trying to do some show. I don't remember the show, and I said I could fly. They did not believe me, so I gave them a small show on me flying around in front of them.

13 Jul 2024

Taking a shower
White man


I was saying some white guy and there were spiders all in the house we just moved in while I was taking a shower. He kept attempting to kill them but more kept appearing the last spider was the biggest spider and then they eventually started to mate together, I don’t understand what this means

7 Jul 2024



I had a dream in about a girl that I’m slowly talking more and more to. The location was in a city I’ve never seen before, it was almost like a little bit of a Hollywood town. It was tiny too. There was a square in the middle with a huge sandlot and sometigng else next to it, which I can’t remember. Like a children’s playground. Around this square there were one floor houses surrounding it. Anyway the girl had apparently had someone break into their house. And I happened to visit at the very same time that the police were there. I had my dog with me and it seemed we just needed shelter for a little bit. So while the police was there, my dog and I was in her parents bedroom. In their bed. My dog and I was snuggling and then her mom came in and said she wasn’t too happy about the dog being in the bed. So my dog and I went to the bathroom instead and I put him in a tub so he wouldn’t run away. Somehow I brought the covers from the bed into the bathroom and laid on the floor with my dog, cuddling up again. The girls brother eventually came and took the covers because my dog couldn’t touch it. The police was investigating the small house and swiped all the surfaces for dna. Even the surfaces I touched which didn’t make sense. They eventually came to the conclusion that it was a huge spider that I done all the things they thought a burglar could do. It had opened a window and so on. the girls mom was not surprised, she said she knew it. The spider was then right behind me in the corner of a room. My dog and I headed out and I went to a neighbor to ask if they knew what had been going on. My dog was right next to me and started peeing all over their floor in their house while i talked and told them it wasn’t a thief but a huge spider. It was very embarrassing. I had to tie him outside to a trashcan and head back inside their house to clean up the mess. When I came back to my dog, there was a huge spider on the trashcan it was tied to so I slapped it away and eventually my dog was gone. Idk how but it seemed as if he was untied and stolen maybe. Then suddenly the spider took over the city and somehow turned into a bear. I tried to fight this bear and get it locked up and I think I did it, I’m not sure. But I was cheered on by the town. I felt not so welcome earlier but now people seemed to love me after I saved their town. But my dog was gone. I sat down and cried so much until someone came to help me. We then saw him in the back of a minibus, driving past us. I’m not sure if we ever rescued him but I think we did.

6 Jul 2024

Abandoned home


I was at my old house, my family was arguing, I felt sick and I looked over, I told my mom that I didn’t want to leave and that I want to look at ny garden. She said okay but to not eat anything. I was confused but when I went to my garden it was covered in spider webs, rats, crows, flies, and mumified carcasses of said animals. There’s an abundance of fruit and vegetables, literal mountains, they start to rapidly rot. Flies surround me and I get overwhelmed, I run inside and the inside of the house was a thrift store, something I’ve always wanted to own. My mom tells me that she owns this thrift store. I look around, finding multiple items that I’d like to have, I ask my mom if I can have it and a employee yells at me so I shy away and put everything back. I nearly cry. Then the same employee struggles to measure the size to cut a box and accuses my mom for printing the size smaller than the measurements were. I spoke up at told her that it’s obvious that they’re just example photos and of course the measurements wouldn’t match up. She rolled her eyes at me and suddenly a really tiny employee was wrestling a tall man in tactical gear. And all the customers were cheering the tiny woman on.

5 Jul 2024

Red Dress


I found myself at a gate in the gatekeeper was a toad that was human sized. I realize the clothes are wearing, have changed to a red dress with a long slit up the front. The dress itself was sparkly, and I was wearing a crown. I had blue fairy wings when I entered this garden . It felt like home. I saw two trees with doors and a shed in the back. It was like each garden bed was surrounded with bushes and in between the bushes there was tile like a walkway and in the center there was a large fountain that had a spider on it when I went into the garden, I saw wolves seven to be precise. I ran up to them and gave them a hug one by one like how you agreed a dog pet. I noticed each wolf had a different color. The different colours were red, yellow, orange, green pink, teal royal blue and white.

25 Jun 2024



There was a snake in our house and I caught it and was wondering why I wasn’t very scared of it and then a spider showed up and I was very scared

23 Jun 2024

Video Game


I had a dream that we were at my P nana'shouse in the redwoods mobile home park. There was an issue with her bathroom but there were these huge spiders that kept appearing every where. Like the size of baseballs. My mom was there and my sister. Then we were at a video game place then we were at Walgreens on lake Blvd but it was on the other side of hilltop where damn burger is.

22 Jun 2024

High School


First part: yoga classe, huge, full of people, workshop. My teacher was holding the classe, she wanted someone to demonstrate a posture/asana. She first asked a guy then saw me and asked me and I felt flattered. I did it well and some other people were helping. Then there was a problemi with my car, I hit something and there was a dead animal inside of my car. It was monstrous, black, it had spider webs in his mouth and the car was in a forest near the a friend’s house by the countryside (this friend doesn’t really own a house by the seaside). There was a strange old man who told me that the animal was poisonous, very rare (only 8 of its kind) but I wasn’t scared or worried about it, I just wanted to wash my car but could not find any open car washes. Then I ended up in my old high school, it was dark, there was a car wash inside but no one there helped me, the people there were actual students and they just went home, ignoring me.

20 Jun 2024



So there was like theses little groups colonie thing with 2-6 people in them and some were just animals there’s also a blizzard me my dad and sister were protecting spiders and there was a crow in a tree by us and little sparrows a little farther we were on a littler playground thing there was a bridge that the ginger group tried to get across and sabotage us we didint like the gingers because I screwed them over and now we are enemy’s so I yell at them to get away and start walking towards them then they scurry off so later in the dream for some reason we go to the rich group for dinner and we are all sitting there and it’s quiet bc there’s no blizzard then I’m really bored so the queen and my colony decide to merge so I’m like that’s stupid and say “if it’s that easy to just make groups and and matty (my little brother) are making one to!!” So we walk of and later matty confesses to me that he killed sombody so I’m like who!? He says he killed his friend William so we don’t tell any one then later he gets crowned king and his mother the queen makes him say and oth and she says if he lies he will go to the gallows so he panics and she says don’t worry they are updated and it’s a picture of a spa then the dream ended

13 Jun 2024



Scary dream about a spider eating someone

4 Jun 2024



I had a dream about a guy that I'm seeing and in this dream it's like we were connected to each other in a large spiderweb. normally it's just me and him but I felt the third energy connected to us and it was not pleasant. it's like anything that she felt, I felt and anything I felt, she felt. It was like we were both going crazy but we knew the other was there. she had brown skin, a gorgeous smile, medium length locs mid shoulder blade length and she was smiling hard in a picture next to him in a mall with flashes of them sharing affection. I was jealous that she wasn’t me and that i wasn’t getting the same man she was. But I wasn’t even mad at her I don’t even know her I was more upset that I let someone play me again.

3 Jun 2024



I was in my home cleaning and some how the the dream led me to cleaning my garage . As I was cleaning my garage I was looking through my phone and I saw a guy friend’s social media post with another white girl and they were playing at a park as if they were dating. This guy I have chemistry with and we had a romantic fling in my dreams before since 2019 and I used to live with him as friends but it was complicated with him . I saw three photos he supposedly posted on his unta story and I skipped it like I didn’t care but it kinda hurt but I was strong to not care then I closed my phone and kept sweeping my garage . Then the dream led to a group of people I was hosting a slumber party at my house and I love slumber parties since I was young anyways that girl I saw on the insta story post with the guy I used to like was there twerking and I was like whatever girls like to twerk you know ? I continue to clean my house because I was embarrassed that I was hosting a slumber party and there was a little of a mess upstairs as I was cleaning I saw him he was there and he was smiling and he was helping me clean and he helped me clean up a spider on the floor too . As that was happening he disappeared and I went on my phone again and saw another post he posted on his insta story and it said my name three times and it said I love her and it had my picture I was like wow he really does like me romantically and then I woke up

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