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Dream Interpretation: Fox 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Fox? Discover the significance of seeing a Fox in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Fox appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

This symbol represents shrewd and cunning intelligence that is used to escape threats, navigate obstacles and achieve incredible results. Use the knowledge and power hidden deep within you. However, if the fox is against you, it could mean that you are putting blind faith in someone who is plotting against you. Even if they are close to you, there is a chance of betrayal. So use your intelligence to flourish while dealing with bad influences.

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🧭 Direction

Daily events

Do not hide from your creative, cunning, and shrewd intelligence. This may be a forgotten aspect of yourself that needs development. Simultaneously you should also be careful of this nature in others as you may have overlooked it and put trust in someone that does not deserve it.

❤️ Feelings

The dream of a fox can evoke a sense of cunning and slyness. It may bring feelings of curiosity, adaptability, and a desire to navigate through tricky situations. The fox symbolizes intelligence and resourcefulness, which can inspire a sense of cleverness and quick thinking. This dream may also elicit a sense of caution and wariness, as the fox is known for its ability to outsmart others. Overall, the dream of a fox may leave one with a mix of intrigue, alertness, and a need to be on guard.





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Dreams of users containing the word Fox

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17 Jul 2024



Jiyan, a calm, resolute and righteous military commander from Wuthering Waves, the game I like We talk or something I forgot what Shrine and dance performance Misty shrine, middle of nowhere mountain in Middle-West Japan I’m here with a group to observe a Kagura dance performance that tells the origin of Japan The kagura-den is wooden, but somehow the inside feels like a small Midwestern church and the kagura-den; a mix of both The audience is allowed to be inside the stage or leave as they please to get better angles, so I go back and forth between inside and outside to watch from the stage or from below it The shrine maiden performing it has red and pale white traditional stage makeup, and she smiles at me when I stare at her too long They’re so ethereal The guide for this group pilgrimage program thing is explaining the story There’s one about the making of the country, and another about how the god they’re worshiping at this particular shrine played a role in it Some kind of a white fox… Continuation of the dream from last night? The cliff one We’re talking, the storm comes, we take shelter, I run into the rain alone despite warnings and chastising of the wiser members of the team I find a small, me-sized cave, I’m nestling in it Mosses, water dropping from the ‘roof’, it’s like I’ve shrunk to the size of grasses and stuff, everything around me is vibrant and comforting

12 Jul 2024



I had a dream that there was a fox at my work and one of my co-workers trapped it in a box but the box had an opening on the top which provided the fox an opportunity for escape. while attempting to figure out a better container to keep the fox so that it wouldn’t leave. I was designated to put my foot over the opening to ensure the fox wouldn’t jump through and escape. The dream then transitioned to a guy named Bruno who was a sword smith and was making a really nice sword.

23 Jun 2024



I had a dream I was walking Diesel, my puppy, in this wooded area, and at some point, he got hesitant and was looking back a lot, which he does when he senses something. I started to feel a weird vibe, too. I noticed a fox. So I quickly picked up his waste and rushed into my car. I usually put Diesel in his car seat in the back of my car first and then get myself settled, but this time, I brought Diesel with me in the front and had him hop in the back into his car seat. I started driving away and noticed there were a lot of foxes around us. I kept driving, and then, at some point, Diesel hopped to the front of my car and sat beside me. I looked back and noticed a furry tail next to his car seat, but I couldn't see the whole thing. It freaked me out, and I woke up. I think a small fox made its way into my car. I never found out what it was because I woke up. But when I woke up, I was worried that my puppy got bit by a fox, got rabies, or a fox was in my car trying to get home with us as a pet. For some reason, the whole thing got me worried.

19 Jun 2024



Okay, so, I was going up this big hill because I heard of this game called The Black King, right? This is actually where you go up the big hill at night, and, um, I'll give you two days. But I was doing this alone, um, and there were cats and foxes, um, and then around like halfway up the hill was a cool way for, um, there was a bull going round. I say round, I was going in a straight line. Um. And then, I waited for it to run past on the other side, and I continued going up the hill. And then when I reached the top, I considered going back down the way I came, but I knew that that was a really bad idea, because the game said, don't do it, so obviously I didn't do it. And then I went down, right, and I was really scared. And then I saw the bull again, so I waited for it to go to the other side, and then I went down. However, when I saw the bu ll, it started to slip down, so I ran in fear that it would fall onto me. Well, I was falling to it. And then... He's gone! Then I jumped off the hill. It was daytime. I was at my school playground. It seemed to be lunchtime. There were students lining up for their meals, and there were kids playing, but also teachers there. And it was daytime, right? However, I looked behind me, and the bull was charging at me, so I then ran into the... I decided to run into the girls' bathroom, however, I then dismissed that idea, because it's bad. So then I just started to run for my life, saying, please wake me up in this anime au. Please wake me up from this anime au. Yeah.

24 May 2024



I was in an empty two-story house upstairs with my baby. The sun was going down and zombies started appearing in the house. The would come up the stairs and all I had to fight them was an axe. I would axe them right in the head but it took a lot of hits to kill them. More and more kept coming and it was getting harder to keep them away from my baby. I screamed for my husband to come help me but he never showed up. I saw a game console and realized that I might be in a game. I ran towards it an pulled all of the plugs. They slowly started to disappear. I was outside walking my husky when a beautiful fox came up to me. I touched its head and told the fox how pretty it was and then it walked away. I thought I was very fortunate to have the chance to touch a fox and it not run away. I walked up to a building where I found my husband talking with a group of people. He pointed at some dogs and said there’s a cute dog over there. I looked at the dogs and said I don’t see any cute dogs, only mine. He started talking to a woman in the group and complimenting her telling her he really liked her style. It made me so mad because he never compliments me. I looked at him angry and gave him the middle finger. The woman said she didn’t like his style or anything about him. I thanked her for saying that.

22 May 2024



so i was on a walk with my dog lola late at night and i saw a fox so quickly was running back home then i saw this little black kid from my street with his dog and i was tryna warn him but then he was running away frim me (cos it looked like i was running at him) but i said it again and he heard me and was running with me and turns out there were two foxes and we were running to my house and then we made it and shut the door as the twi were stood at the gate so the boy had to stay for a bit. i was talking to him on the sofa and he said do u want the big one i was confused i was like whats that and he said oh ive got a car but no lincence to which i said no shit look at the size of you and he asked me about my lessons. then i went upstairs a sec i came back down and theres piano keyboards all lying around and he said theyre passed down from his brother and do i want any i said no. then i saw his janky car outside . then jacek and max came i opened the door for them and they were asking me for a jibberish polish something (some kind of object but it wasnt a real word that i understood) that i didnt have then i asked my mum if i could skip college and she said yes

28 Apr 2024



I dreamt of having rabbits and guinea pigs as pets, there was a big Barrell of water in my next door neighbours house. I heard dogs barking and sounding distressed. When I came out into the garden, there was a fox that had drown in the water, but when i emptied the water, the fox came back to life, then turned into what looked like a human baby in the body of a baby fox with no hair. I then saw my dog had drown in a swimming pool, but when I pulled her out she was still alive, she was just very lethargic…

12 Apr 2024



I had two separate dreams today as i woke up and fell back asleep 1. I had a dream i was back at my stepmoms and my father was there. It was night time and I was finishing dinner. My dad was very grumpy and kept saying unnecessary comments or mean things under his breath. “U should have started earlier now i’m starving” “If it was her boyfriend she would have already cooked”. I don’t even have a boyfriend anymore we broke up. As i was finishing up he got up off the couch and began telling me and screaming at me for everything i did wrong. How im disappointing my late grandmother. How im gonna end up like my mother who is an alcoholic but instead of drinking it’s smoking weed. The dream turned into just me looking at his face as he went on and on about how im failing him. I woke up crying and with a migraine. My right side of my head pounding and the light making it worse so i took migraine medicine and got under the covers away from light and fell back asleep 2. The next dream i had was very dystopian. I was a soldier in a large bulky ship that was flying over the ocean. Everyone looked grim as we got closer and closer to our destination. My commander barked orders. “Don’t let them grab u, Don’t let them trick u, Don’t go up the mountain” as he finished there was a loud boom and the ship tilted throwing all of us to the right as the ship tilted. We were being attacked, i grabbed my weapons and followed everyone to where the commotion was but the ship got hit again and before eyes the ship began to break in half. I held on for my life as everything got sucked out by the ocean. I felt dizzy as the ocean was pitch black below as it was night time. As i was holding on i heard something crunching and looked over to see a beautiful girl kneeling over my comrades body. as if knowing i was watching she turned around reavling large bloody teeth squinted eyes and claw like hands and almost like fox ears on her head that twitched and moved. Scared and shocked i let go and let the wind and gravity plummet me to the ocean. Now the dream starts to sputter i guess and scenes play out quickly. I was up on the island surround by 3 other survivors. 2 male soldiers and a female scientist/ doctor. They caught me up that i’ve been asleep for days and that they don’t know any way to contact to for help or departure. We decide to try and get higher altitude on the mountain for the radio to get better signal. It then jumps to us trying to pass a gate where a beautiful fox lady waits she isn’t the same one i saw before and doesn’t show the sharp teeth or terrifying squinted black eyes. However her nails are long and claw like. She tells us that she should alert the council there is intruders on the island but she is bored and decides to help us pass. As we go up the mountain monsters attack us but we manage. Finally at the top of the mountain we are captured by a group of fox girls who say if one of us can beat them they will let them see the elder. The dream ends there with us on cobble stone steps the black ocean way in the distance and the jungle below us as the girls stand between us and a large japanese temple.

27 Mar 2024



I had a recurring dream that I would climb into a treehouse in the woods and find a fox in a box.

6 Mar 2024



I was in this entirely white room with the ceiling made off glass, it was very bright, the only things in the room were white concrete boxes with flowers frowning out the top like a big plant pot in public. Then I saw my mum crying in the middle of the room, she looked rlly upset, bare in mind I have only ever seen my mum once when I was little in real life, and then a fox came in and started growling at her, I hid behind one of the plant pots and watched it rip her to shreds, like liturally kill my mum and turn the whole floor red from her blood, then I woke up

20 Feb 2024



I was being chased by a fox and a cat was sort of protecting me, and I got in my car and hit it multiple times until it died. Then I couldn’t find my baby brother and he was palm sized and slept all the time so he was hard to find

16 Feb 2024



A dream I’ve had consistently my entire life is that I’m at my childhood home playing outside with my dog and from around the fence comes a squirrel, which my dog starts to chase in circles. And I’m chasing my dog,Then comes a fox, which chases me and my dog and the squirrel, then comes a coyote, then a wolf, then a lion, then an unknown larger creature, each chasing the one before it. This goes on until we reach my front door and I catch my dog and get inside quickly. The next thing is I’m laying in bed about to go to sleep and there is a deep voice that comes from the top of my closet, which is facing me as I lay in bed. I try to ignore it and my mother insists there’s nothing there. Then I wake up strapped to a big metal chair in a mug laboratory type room with lots of switchboard type controls along one wall. There’s equipment hanging from the ceiling above me. The same voice is asking me questions I don’t know the answers to. Then to try and coerce some answers out of me, my family is presented in front of me also strapped to chairs like mine. With equipment above them. I’m told that if I do not answer correctly I will watch a laser and subsequently a drill type thing be driven into each of my family’s heads at the temple for each incorrect response the drill goes further into their heads slowly and agonizingly killing them infront of me. But I do not know the answers to the questions.

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