Dream interpretation about Falling, Running away, Stuck, School, Group, Life, Teacher, World, Child, Month, Trip, House, Door, Front, Hallway, Part, Side, Squares, Thought, Top, City, Restaurant, Supermarket, Walking, Ground, Crack, Going, Super
I was in a local supermarket (thats closed down in real life) on a school trip with Ruben, Esrah, few other random kids and my old 6th grade teacher. We heard the air raid siren and thought it was just noon on the first monday of the month. But it went on for so much longer and we got anxious. The supermarket closed its doors when it found out something real was going on. We were stuck inside. Somehow we got out and we walked onto the city square. There, we witnessed the earth cracks into 2 pieces, right on the square, maybe 30 metres in front of us. It was in front of the house of parliament (and the big ben). The whole building went 2 metres up in the air with the earth (because of the tear). We went closer to the big ben (that was on the back right side of the building). The big ben starts to fall into pieces, big pieces fall all around the city square behind us. I don't know what to do, I'm so scared. I run away from the big ben, but 2 big pieces of the highest top of the big ben fall down and land right in front of me. I run far away and keep running through hallways of little cafés, restaurants, snackbars... When i stop running, i go back. It takes a long time to get back. I almost get lost. I get back to my group, who are still standing on the same place, with the same reaction. They don't notice I was gone. I'm super panicked and I'm hyperventilating (maybe from the running). The group doesn't say anything at all...
Dream date:
22 Feb 2024
Emotional tone:
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