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Dream Interpretation: Supermarket ๐Ÿ˜ด - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Supermarket? Discover the significance of seeing a Supermarket in your dream ๐Ÿ’ค - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Supermarket appears in your dream โœ…

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๐Ÿ’กPossible meaning

A dream about a supermarket symbolizes abundance, choices, and opportunities. It may indicate that you have a lot of options in your life and you need to make a decision. It can also represent your desire for material possessions and the need to satisfy your wants and needs.

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๐Ÿงญ Direction


Think about the choices you have in your life and what decisions you need to make. Are you overwhelmed by the options available to you? Consider what is truly important to you and prioritize your goals. Be mindful of your spending habits and avoid overspending on unnecessary items.

โค๏ธ Feelings

The dream of being in a supermarket can evoke feelings of abundance, convenience, and choice. It may symbolize a sense of fulfillment, as you navigate through aisles filled with various options. This dream could also represent a desire for more in your waking life, whether it be material possessions or personal growth. It may leave you with a sense of excitement and possibility, as you explore the vast array of products available. Overall, the dream of a supermarket can leave you with a feeling of abundance and opportunity.





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6 Jul 2024



my boyfriend dreamt me and him were at dinner together, then the purge began and two men took me and dragged me to a supermarket, he said they kept going on about how pretty i was and he tried to take me back from them but they wouldn't let go so he brutally killed them with a bat

27 Jun 2024



So in my dream I was in some kind of Barbie game with some other people I know but we had to choose our players that were people from Barbie but we didn't know what they are supposed to do, so I tried to pick the prettiest ones, and there was this one Barbie boy and he was the boy version of Chelsea and I wanted to choose him but he was locked for VIP pass, so I chose another boy. Then I tought I had the max number of player but I had one more slot left and I realised in the last 5 seconds and I was in a section where all the players there needed a VIP pass so I could choose them so in the last second I chose someone random and it was a supermarket Barbie boy or something and he was really basic. Then I remember hoing upstairs(we, the humans and our players were all in the Barbie Dreamhouse, and it was drowning. I think the scope of the game was to use your players to go to the top and be the last to not drown. The players were running all around, panicking and got scrambled, I remember going in a bathroom and getting stuck with some other players and drowning

26 Jun 2024



I had a dream that I was in a situation and I needed help so there was a boy wearing a black clothes and he helped so when I came out to tell him that everything worked well I did unexpectedly I opened my arms wide for a hug I hugged him from side and I felt my hands hugging him tightly he was a cold boy and like didn't care but he didn't refuse or moved away and i was like happy by his scent and the hug i was moving a side away from him then again hugging him and i said thank u and I left him and said you are beautiful not because he was a Korean boy but because he helped me and was by my side so I left the ace I was happy and then I was holding plastic bags from the supermarket and then he called my name out I looked at him he wasn't like smiling or anything but he looked at me the thing is we where in like semi desert and I dont know whether i dreamed this because i was thinking about this before sleeping but nit exactly this scene but of like have a boyfriend idk really

25 Jun 2024



I was with my parents and they had gotten one of these enormous fridges you find at the supermarket that are low and open at the top, all in glass so you can see the contents. We were all leaving to go somewhere and my father starts to turn the fridge off and I asked him why? Wonโ€™t all food go bad and you have to throw it away? He answered it was to save on the electricity. And I said โ€œbut the cost for the food wasted would be three times what you would save on electricity!โ€ He started explaining to me how high the cost for the electricity had become and that this was the way to do it. And I answered but youโ€™ve changed the electricity source to a natural one so you donโ€™t even pay for electricity anymore. After a lot of the same banter going back and forth between us he actually agreed and said, youโ€™re right. It was a very confusing dream in many ways. I felt frustrated with him and exasperated. I temper thinking he was a bit stupid but I immediately felt bad about thinking so.

15 Jun 2024



I had a dream where I was in a space station with some other survivors and our mission was to venture out onto the planet we were on to kill a bunch of creatures that wanted to kill us. After a day of hunting, I found metal bow and arrows on the ground next to the space station entrance. Then we all went inside and shut the door behind us so no monsters would come in. We were constantly thinking that a few creatures came on board. Then we grabbed a vehicle down below in the space station and we were surrounded by zombies chasing after us, as I shot them all. Then we went on top of the space station and we were surrounded by space zombies, so I grabbed a huge machine gun and shot all of them but they kept coming. Me and another survive went down into the space station where there was a super store where we could grab and buy food. I grabbed a few peaches and woke up

15 Jun 2024



I met an old friend from middle school whom I felt didnโ€™t like me much for some reason since she barely spoke to me. She had an emotionless face but was still friendly, and we were first at an outlet mall in a supermarket and then we went to our other friend's place. One of the patients at my employment was there, heโ€™s a adolescent pediatric patient and we were playing around and apparently he had other siblings there.

6 Jun 2024



I was going through a super market alone and stumbled into my friend Jacob. We started fighting about how he was acting like carp to me. Then I got back home mad and upset, and he followed me home. We started fighting each other and he wanted to steal my archangel sword necklace. The reat of my youth group came and helped me out.

6 Jun 2024



I was going through a super market alone and stumbled into my friend Jacob. We started fighting about how he was acting like carp to me. Then I got back home mad and upset, and he followed me home. We started fighting each other and he wanted my archangel sword necklace. The reat of my youth group came and helped me out.

27 May 2024



I had two dreams. The first I was riding my old red bike and me and my two friends went to a supermarket, so I parked my bike withy chain. But when I got back from the supermarket there were a small crowd gathering around my bike. They were trying to unlock my chain. I thought my chain had fallen because it has fallen this day but I managed to realize and lock before getting in the supermarket. So I got in the crowd and asked what they were doing and they really were trying to unlock so I decided to wait and see if they could do that. I looked around and saw two women looking worried and excitedly to find money inside of the folder that was connected with the bike. I showed my tongue to the women attempting to say that they won't open it. She went straight to the chain and tried to do herself but she couldn't. After a while the man opened the chain but as expected there were nothing but some tools in it. The man was clearly upset but he did that to entertain people so he wasn't upset for real. Then my dream switched in a secoind. I was gonna have a test for my school but it was a writing test which is very uncommon in my school as my school is for actors and voice actors in real life. It was a rainy day and we went to a big city as the school reservd a room in a building for us. After doing the test we were going to go to a studio a little far from there so we let some baggage inside the room. However, I forgot something inside my bag so I returned to get it when I saw some other students using our room too. I got confused because I thought the room was just for us but it seemed it wasn't. I just went straight to my bag to take what I forgot and tried to go but I heard one of my classmate saying "to achieve things, you have to work jard no matter how hard it is. But don't forget to take some breaks." And while I was thinking about it, I saw a boy, one of my classmate but I don't recognize him in my waking life and a girl, one of my closest friend starting to act strange. As if they were possessed. So I started to pray by instinct. I noticed it was working because they looked at me right away and my friend jumped on me. She was trying to bite, and she actually did. But it didn't hurt. As if she was saving her strength to not hurt me but she couldn't stop biting me. And while she was doing that I was praying all the time, and when I finished the second version of praying I woke up. That's it.

26 May 2024



Dreamed that spider watched a compounding pharmacist and asked for an abortion through spelling on her web. So the pharmacist compounded the hormonal abortion pill for the spider Then my mom and I were at a restaurant in the mountains and this waitress was rude and made her cry while 2 other waitresses comforted her. I left a bad review Me and my cousins were with out grandpa and he was married to one of my dads ex wifeโ€™s and they wouldnโ€™t make food for us so we went to McDonaldโ€™s often and I didnโ€™t like their McDonaldโ€™s bc they didnโ€™t have breakfast all day Then I was in this supermarket with my 8th grade ex and it was weird because there was an AI preschool there and it was causing trauma to kids.

22 May 2024



I went in the market to eat something from a food stall but the food preparation was taking longer than expected so I went for a stroll in the market I had 500 rupees I got into a supermarket and started searching for perfumes as it is my favourite and had planned that I would buy a perfume of 450 rupees and keep the rest in my mother's purse

21 May 2024



I was attending elementary school as an adult. I was out on the playground when this kid wouldnโ€™t leave me and my friend alone. So I suggested we act as weird as fucking possible so that he would fuck off. My friend asked how we were gonna do that (and also said that could backfire), and I told her to watch me. Then I said โ€œOkay, weโ€™re playing supermarket now. Iโ€™m gonna be a can of beans.โ€ Then I T-posed and shouted โ€œBEANS, BEANS, BEANS, BEANS, BEANS!โ€ Then I woke up.

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