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Dream Interpretation: Vegetables 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Vegetables? Discover the significance of seeing a Vegetables in your dream πŸ’€ - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Vegetables appears in your dream βœ…

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πŸ’‘Possible meaning

Dreaming of vegetables symbolizes health, vitality, and nourishment. It may also represent a need for a balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle. Alternatively, it may indicate a need for more variety in your life or a desire for simplicity.

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🧭 Direction


Consider your current diet and lifestyle. Are you taking care of your physical health? If not, it may be time to make some changes. Alternatively, if you feel like your life has become too complicated, try simplifying things by focusing on the basics. Incorporate more vegetables into your diet and take time to appreciate the simple things in life.

❀️ Feelings

The dream about vegetables may evoke feelings of nourishment, health, and vitality. It signifies a desire for a balanced and wholesome lifestyle. It may also represent growth, abundance, and the need to take care of oneself. This dream can bring a sense of freshness and rejuvenation, reminding the dreamer to focus on their physical and emotional well-being.





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Dreams of users containing the word Vegetables

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19 Jun 2024



My husband Rudy had built our youngest son a really long huge sort of ditch in the ground with foil around it almost like a giant banana bread pan. He dug the soil for him. He said it was for him to farm on. We were walking through it saying wow. But the logical side of me asked him, β€œif he were to plant fruits and vegetables, what happens when it rains? Wouldn’t this flood?”

18 Mar 2024



I dreamed I was in my grandmother's garden who has passed away in a very violent act and in this dream I'm in her garden picking vegetables and I can hear music from the '60s playing in the background but when I stand up in the ground there's no other house there's no people there and I just get back down on my hands and knees and pulling peppers off those the plants

29 Feb 2024



The first part I was at base camp preparing for a backpacking trip with my uncle and my family over a mountain, we were nervous because it was cold snowy and icy. Then I don’t remember how it resolved. Later I was at my family house waiting for my sister, I heard a knock on the door and opened it but no one was there so I said go away because I was worried I accidentally let a non human entity in, for whatever reason there was a three season porch. I went back and was fermenting all sorts of vegetables in mason jars for winter, then I started levitating and floating around a couple feet off the air, then my sister walked in and was confused.

2 Feb 2024



I dreamt about making food. I was in the kitchen making spring rolls. As I made spring rolls, I was told to be careful with bean sprouts and scallions. The root of the scallions can cause Listeria. I was told to be sure to wash the vegetables before adding them to the dish.

3 Dec 2023



I looked up organic grocery stores on my phone. I arrived at the grocery store and could not help but notice potatoes. Also a portal that led to a bathroom. It didn’t make sense for a bathroom to be in the grocery store next to vegetables. There was urine in the toilet. I was disgusted so I decided to find another bathroom. I got distracted and walked to another high end grocery store. I walked past the food and looked at cosmetics and skincare products. The label on one of the containers say β€œgive me money, give me lots of money” I woke up to use the bathroom and quickly fell asleep. My second dream was bizarre. An unattractive man was on top of me. We were having unprotected sex and I was not happy about that. He gave me money and continued to penetrate me. He got up and left. I counted the money and it was only $400. I thought he had paid me more

27 Nov 2023



so! i was being arrange-married to teru minamoto, an anime character. he's an older brother and an exorcist we were getting married in jamaica, so all my family was there and they were super excited. we're at my grand-aunt Dell's house in the country-side but in the dream it's less like a house and more like a mansion? so we were there and the wedding was going to take place there too. i'm walking with my mother in the yard/garden, but it was HUGEEEE and had all sorts of fruits and vegetables just growing- and we're picking mangoes off trees. we're discussing the marriage. (in the dream i wasn't super opposed to getting married to teru? we didn't really like care all that much for each other but there was a mutual understanding that it would be good for both our families if we just went through with it.) as we're walking, we go deeper into the garden, and my grandmother is there harvesting cucumbers that were growing on metal rods (they just... like a corndog). so she was picking and cutting the cucumbers, and my mom left for a bit to do something, so me and my grandmother were talking. yk how the minamoto's r like a religious family? my grandmother was happy that i was marrying someone like that and we were talking abt that too then I bump into another person, my aunt Jem, and me and her talk too. so later that afternoon, i'm in a room to change my clothes BUT the door had no lock so I was kneeled down behind the bed as i changed just in case. for some reason, me and teru's stuff were in the same room? so just at i'm putting on my shirt, teru just walks in without knocking and i'm like "wtf what if i had been naked" and my mom walks in right behind him and goes "then he wouldn't be standing right now" and looks at him threateningly and then i woke up

21 Nov 2023



My dream was rather long this time. In my dream it started out very bright. Like a hot sunny day. But in real life it's getting colder on my part of the world. So in my dream I was in a movie set for Camp Rock. The Jonas Brothers were there. And somehow I was the one who wrote the Camp Rock Reunion movie. In real life there's not a 3rd movie to Camp Rock. Or at least to my knowledge. So in my dream I also got to be an actress in the movie. The whole scene was shot during the day with cabins everywhere and green grass everywhere too. The lake was a beautiful blue color. The sky was a beautiful blue color too. With white fluffy clouds and the sun shining. At first I was the only one on the scene walking around getting to know the place and my surroundings. Then everyone started running onto the scene yelling happily. In real life I have a hearing problem. So in my dream I couldn't understand what everyone was saying. So, anyway everyone started singing but me. Because in real life I can't sing. And in my dream everyone was dancing too. But me. Because in real life I can't dance. So in my dream the scene ended and my dream became night time I was back stage and there was a table with food it was a long table with a white tablecloth on it. It was in the middle of the room. And over to right side of the room was another long table with another white tablecloth and on the table was beverages with a punch bowl and it had vanilla ice cream floating in it. The punch was a pink rosy color. And there was a an ice tea jar filled with ice tea that had lemons floating in it. There was yellow and even pink lemonade with strawberries floating in them. For the food there was pancakes and waffles and eggs bacon and sausage. There was toast. There was fruit and yogurt. There was vegetables and ranch dip. There was meat, cheese and crackers. The beverages table had orange juice and milk for everyone else and almond milk for me. A vegan diet area for me. There was coffee as well with coffee creamer and sugar. There was soda. There was water with lemons, limes, oranges, cucumbers, raspberries, blackberries, blueberries and strawberries floating in it. The room was a dining hall and the walls were white and so was the floor. There was tables and chairs and couches and a TV and people were doing all kinds of different things. Somehow I fell asleep in several different areas. At first on my old trampoline I had in real life at my childhood home in the backyard on the outdoor basketball court. I remember everything was the same as it was before my mom Gail sold the house when I was 21. The swimming pool was still there with the deck my dad and I built when I was 10. The covered patio was there with the picnic table. The little deck off to the side of the big deck was there with the apple tree and then next to that was the flower garden my mom and I built when I was 10. With the gazebo my mom built. And off to the side of that was my old red playhouse and the old black swing set I had. With the tall bushes as well. The plum tree was back and so was my old jungle gym. Then the scene went back to me on the trampoline in a blue sleeping bag. There was a couple of guys talking to me who looked like actors. But young teenagers though. Cute but way too young for me. Because I am 44 -years- old. So apparently the boys liked me but I told them to leave me alone. They said that I am a Jerk. I said I don't care. I'm old enough to be your mom. They backed off after that. I even remember being inside my old childhood home at one point. Everything inside was the same too. Anyway, to the next scene it was night again. And I was asleep inside of my old childhood home down stairs at the end of the house. And I remember before I decided to go to bed I was yelling and cussing at everyone on the set for some reason I was mad at everyone. Everyone tried to reason with me. But I wouldn't listen to them. In real life I have Bipolar and Manic Depression. So in my dream I was also a Witch like I am in real life. I had magical powers in my dream that were very movie like. I could see floating colors and floating shapes in the air and in the sky. I could only see dark when I saw these things. The colors were red, blue, green and, yellow. A wolf shape would appear to me a lot glowing in a beautiful baby blue color most of the time. And sometimes it would be changing colors. I saw an owl glowing shape changing colors too. I could levitate in the air too. I can't do those things in real life that I know of. Even though my fiance Andrew told me in real life he has seen me do those things. He said he can in real life too. In real life he is a Warlock. We are Wiccans. So anyway, back to my dream I went to bed in my dream on a bed then on a couch and I was not really asleep. I was pretending to be asleep. Because I didn't want to do anything or be around anyone else. I then purposely fell off of the couch and layed on the floor and then I rolled over for everyone to see me in my thong panties. And everyone was mad at me for being inappropriate on the movie set. But I didn't care. I was sick and tired of everyone changing the way I wrote the movie. They were having me kiss everyone in the movie. And I didn't like that. So eventually I got up and I went to a place outside and by that point it was day time again but the day was a cross between sunny and very dark. I found a cot tree swing bed and I layed down in it and I fell asleep in in but somehow I could see myself in my dream and I was wearing a banana costume and I was snoring very loudly. And people were trying to wake me up. And then I woke up in real life dizzy. Oh yeah and Andrew was in my dream too.

12 Nov 2023

High School


Vegetables Turing into people. High school romance, witchcraft, world domination or ending. Western food awards dogs and servants apologizing. Beach sand people running in it. Going back in time and revisiting past life.

4 Nov 2023

New Job


In my first dream, actually in all of my dreams I was outside. I was standing in my driveway and I believe a real estate agent came up to my wife and I and gave us her business card. She started talking to my wife, Christi. She give us asked for Christi's demographic information and I begin to write it on the back of the business card in the fill in the blank fields. The ink pen didn't write as well as it should have, so I had to struggle a little and retrace my writing off and on inorder to get the information written on the card. I got through it all and got the card all filled out. Then there was a food truck in our neighborhood and we decided to get in line to get some food. One truck happened to be from Salem Baptist Church, which is the church I belong to. My was belongs to a Luthern church. We got in line and the line was so long that the truck had to pull forward to the end of the block. Everyone in line had to walk down a little further to get to the truck again. We all maintained the same place we had in line. When it was my turn to order. I only wanted a lemonade. The lemonade was handmade and had a little fizzle to it. The glass of lemonade was $10 per the sign in the food truck. He poured some of the first batch of lemonade into another glass. Then started with a new batch of lemonade for my order. I watched the guy make my lemonade and squirt the fizzy ingredient and flavoring into the lemonade. Then he hand it to me and it had ice in it. Although i didnt see him add the ice while making it. I didn't get anything for the family at the food, but the tasted the lemonade. They weren't hungry at that time but they were in line with me. Then my dream switched to another scene and once again we were outside and a couple of people were selling fresh vegetables and fruit in the neighborhood. My wife and maybe my oldest son, were in the garage with the garage door up, cleaning off some of the vegetables amd fruits before repackaging them to resell them. I opened up the geen grapes, which are my favor grapes and begin eating them. My wife said, I shouldn't eat grapes because they were going to resell them. Now I would have to repackage them with more grapes. I said will buy the grapes so I don't have to replace them. I asked how much are the graped? They were $6 and something, maybe $6.50. After that, I went into the house to the kitchen. I could hear Alex downstairs with a friend. They were playing a girls softball video game. He was really excited about playing the softball game because he said the girls softball game was much better for building skills and learning proper techniques because the girls game moved a little bit slower than the men's baseball game. After that, I was back outside again and I was driving. As all of this was going on, I should have been at work but I wasn't going to make it to work on time. It was almost 2:30pm or 3pm in the afternoon. I was debating if I should go in to work late or if I should call in and just say I'm not going to be in at all today. I found it was interesting that all my dreams were mainly outside. It was a beautiful day while I was outside. It was probably late spring or early summer because the temperature was perfect, not overly hot and humind. The grass was green, it was warm and sunny and perfect weather for being outside.

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