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Dream Interpretation: Plants 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Plants? Discover the significance of seeing a Plants in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Plants appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

Dreaming of plants symbolizes growth, renewal, and healing. It may represent a new phase in your life, or a desire for change and personal development. The type of plant and its condition can also provide insight into your emotional state and relationships.

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🧭 Direction


Consider the type of plant and its condition in your dream. Are they thriving or struggling? This may reflect your own emotional state and relationships. If the plants are healthy, it may be a sign of growth and positive change. If they are struggling, it may be a warning to take care of yourself and your relationships. Take time to nurture yourself and those around you.

❤️ Feelings

This dream about plants evokes feelings of growth, vitality, and connection to nature. It may symbolize a desire for renewal, nurturing relationships, or a need to cultivate personal development. The presence of plants in the dream suggests a sense of abundance, harmony, and the potential for new beginnings. It may also reflect a need for self-care and a reminder to tend to the various aspects of life that require attention and nourishment. Overall, this dream elicits positive emotions associated with the beauty and resilience of nature.





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Dreams of users containing the word Plants

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18 Jul 2024



I also had a #dream about having a tiny #home_pound, but the #fishes, frog and #plants in it died, I went to buy some more, the pet #shop owner told me #cats aren't good for #pets and most of them leave their #houses, I told him that my #cat, #Jin, never left me, his #daughter came, she gave me some #fruits that she wanted to give me for #years and it was completely a #compost now, I told her I stopped using organic #compost but took it.

13 Jul 2024



I was in the same shop that I was in from another dream just a few minutes ago but now instead of it being a medicine shop it was a shop of all kinds of interesting things, like trinkets and mystical items and crystals and stuff like that. I had a bunch of plants too. I was talking with customers when two or three guys came in and dropped the body of some creature I've never seen before. It looked kinda like a big dog with no hair kinda like a gian hairless mole rat but skinnier and just looked bizarre. It was dead and bloody. The customers knew of these beasts I at some point realized there was a gian waterfall nearby and asked the people of the town in my shop and they said it's close but to be careful because of those creatures, I think they called them nephelum or something. They said they inhabit that area. I decided to go check it out regardless of their warning. I got there and it was a calm overcast day with beautiful long flowing green grass and smallish spread out trees. I saw the waterfall and river which was massive and the water was moving extremely fast and powerfully like crazy rapids. I saw a beach on the otherwise below where I was as I was up on a small cliff. I thought it'd be cool to go on that beach but the water looked dangerously strong. I then realized there were some of those things on the beach. Then I realized there were some where I was. I began to hurry and get out of there and a few started chasing me. Someone else was there and we began fighting them off but the the pack leader showed up and he looked more like a mix of the same creature but also larger and more like a dog/elk without antlers and more human like. He was stronger as I had others in a choked hold with my hand but this one I couldn't fit my hand around his neck and I was more intimated by him. It looked me straight in the eyes as to communicate a message but then I woke up.

11 Jul 2024



I was trying to find a treadmill to run on in a gym, another one of my childhood friends and his sister were there too. But the treadmill next to them was broken, so I found a different one. Then the dream changed and I was filling up water jugs and watering plants for people in my office.

23 Jun 2024

New house
Parking Lot


I remember the first part of my dream I was in some restaurant watching my friend eat. I remember her saying that I should’ve been calling James to come get us from here . Then my dream switched I remember walking outside and seeing alof of my family in the parking lot . A lot of my cousins I haven’t seen in a while . My cousin Dakota I actually hugged and talked to for a while I remember saying that I need to come to Atlanta where she lives to visit. Then I remember walking into this new house apparently it was my new house it was nice I remember I had plants hanging up everywhere I started watering all the plants with a spray bottle.

18 Jun 2024



I have never dreamt about my grandmother until now. In my waking life my grandmother was like a mother figure to me and raised me sense i was a baby, i dont have a relationship with my biological mother. In my waking life my grandmother had died a few months ago this year from illness. In my dream me and my grandmother was outside standing in an unfamiliar place with a gate that had visible green grass and plants on the other side of it. In my dream i felt confusion, i was confused because i didnt know if i was dreaming that my grandmother was still alive or if she was still alive in my waking life. In my dream i wanted to ask my grandmother if she was still alive or if she was dead but i thought if i asked her she would have gotten upset with me. so because i didnt want to upset my grandmother i decided not to ask her. In my dream my grandmother didnt speak, she looked at me but didnt talk at all. In the dream i told my grandmother "i love you", i told my grandmother i loved her and she still didnt speak but she didnt stop looking at me.

14 Jun 2024

New Home


I just got a new house with a courtyard and has beautiful floor tiles. I was walking through the different rooms deciding what colors I wanted to paint each room. I was very happy to have a home with big windows and a lot of plants.

11 Jun 2024



I had two dreams. First, the first one was about tsunami and I don't really remember about it but I think I had that dream because I was woken up at almost 5 a.m. by the alarm. There was like alarm that was ringing in my phone but then it wasn't something dangerous so I went back to sleep. and the second dream I was working at a burger shop and I arrived after my school but it wasn't like my current school I mean it's more like a foreign country, an uknown place with a good amount of plants decorating the street. I arrived at a corner space in the street. Beside it was a small house with a slightly big park. I was in my drive-thru booth attending some people. There were some rude cars passing through but I didn't care. I just kept doing my job professionally and kindly. Then a middle-aged woman came and as usual I kept doing my job professionally and kindly. The woman explained that the cheeseburger she ordered was wrong but she wasn't angry unlike some other customers would get normally. I apologized and brought a new one for her and told to come again after apologizing to her again. Suddenly she started saying I'm different from others. She said that my smile was bright, warm and kind. My voice was soothing and she said none of any people have spoke to her so kindly and politely. I told her it's the least I can do to anyone. After all, why should I speak rudely to someone that has done nothing to me? I always try and manage to speak nicely to everyone. She then told me not everyone can do that. Even some days before there were some people yelling at her by speaking slowly and too long. She was explaining that to me right when an old man behind her was screaming from the car to hurry up. he was like yelling at her because she had to stop there so we could get her her new cheeseburger but he didn't even care about it. Then she looked at me with a warm smile and told me to come with her. As my shift ended right then I hurried up and I met her at the back of the burger shop. She said that her house was the house beside the shop, with a slightly big park. We went to the park and she said it was all her property. I asked her if it was the long corridor area surrounding the park and she said that including that corridor, everything in that park was her property. I got so amazed that I was speechless, because I used to play when I was a child, and I saw so many children playing around there, too. But no one has ever told us to never play there, as it was her property. Like, no one ever said that it was her property. I asked her why she never told anyone about it, and she said that she didn't even care if there was someone in her garden, an unknown stranger walking around at her park. She said that she even liked the idea of seeing so many children walking and playing and running around her park. She said that it seemed like little angels was running through her park and playing and it was so cheerful, so cute and so peaceful so relaxing that She loved that idea of seeing kids playing there having fun and Experiencing the freedom of the nature. she loved that. So she couldn't even pop up with the idea of saying " No one can play there " because it was her property. She hated to think about it. Let's just say that I quite understood what she was saying, like when you're used to see the joy and the freedom of people's faces, you can't just take it all away just because you own that place. It's not the right thing to do. It's not humanly kind. I don't know how to say it. So I asked her if I could play there in the park, and she said, go on, go ahead. And I tried to climb to take the swing, because the its chain was tied up, so I had to climb and untie the chain so that I could play with the swing. So I started swinging with it, even though there was a lot of plants curling the swing, I didn't even care. I just, let's say that I liked the idea of playing in a swing full of plants. I was like, oh my god, I'm in heaven right now. I loved that. So I kept swinging and playing, and started remembering my childhood memories that I used to play with the swing and in the park. It was soothing, I loved it.the wind blowing on my face, the view from high above when the swing goes high, even though the brick walls surrounding the park was pretty high, the space of the park helped to not feel caged but makes you to feel safe. I saw some of my coworkers playing around the park too. When I was in my dream, I could remember their faces. I acknowledged who they were, but when I try to remember after I woke up, I don't even know who they were. I don't even remember their faces. Then when I reached the highest place with the swing, I woke up. The dream was so warm. I loved that. It was so relaxing. And about the burger shop, I think it appeared because I work at Macdonald.

31 May 2024



I had a dream I was on this big alien ship. The inside kinda resemble what I assume a large alien mall would look like. Yet very clean. There were plants and stuff growing normally on board too. Anyways this lady with bright red (super) curly hair dropped me off on earth saying I must save god. This was either the beginning or end times of earth. I’m not sure but earth looked like a frozen tundra with visible blue like energy flowing between the snow blanketed trees. It was Ethereal. I’m not gonna lie to you dream notes, I kinda wish I could see it irl. It was so pretty yet kinda spooky cause there weren’t any creatures seeming to inhabit the plant. I felt things there but very few in my witchy perception. In the very center of there earth, I found a white glowing coffin where I assumed god layed. I didn’t actually see his face but I knew instinctively what he looked like. His hair was Snow White and quite long. Not like a girls hair but definitely longer giving him an elf like effect. Very tall and slender I think. A guy. The coffin was locked and I needed to find the key yet I had no idea where to look or if that’s even what I was supposed to do. There was this massive hellhound guarding him though. The beast was kinda scary and growly but as soon as I approached the coffin it layed at my feet all cute like. What a confusing creature. I remember thinking “You should really make up your mind if u wanna eat or cuddle” The silly thing got me a stick and had me throw it for him 💀it was pretty wholesome tho. The massive black creepy dog bounding toward me with a mini stick in its mouth. Its head was like the size of my body. I remember the lady said only I could save him, Only I had the key but I just could not figure out what that was supposed to mean? Earth had looked like a frozen grave yard in the dream.

26 May 2024



have an idea-I want students or someone to build 3 collages-1for properties if the plant, second land connection and 3 connections with other plants. Than teaching resiliency. Someone like Raynique is supposed to present. She doesn’t want to. I feel foggy. Who was supposed to do what? I tell them to collect as many native plants as possible. I’m collecting-can’t think what certain ones are called. I ask Tiff and Dylan -from old Fort. He tells me. I ask Tiff and another about corn meal. They seem skeptical. I say it was given to me by a Native. Then I realize I can use it for my retirement. A student has joined the class and is latching on to Jeremy Zimmerman. Sigh. I tell her she seems desperate for connections. I want to buy blue corn cookies for everyone. But I forgot my wallet. Sigh. Don’t leave I tell them and dash to get wallet. What’s the fastest way. Making sure I’m not lost on Elmors road. Run into Savannah Lewis and Dylan. I’m pulling imaginary strings. One of them is that he feels like a fraud. The other is that he wishes the class were more organized. Both are corrected. I tell him how much he would have liked out old department. Activist. I think about our department now. Seems sad.

20 May 2024



Extended family was over for a holiday, there was good and maroon plants. We brought home a sheep that I was mad got on the couch because it wasn’t clean and had fecal matter on it. I felt guilty for getting mad at the sheep then gave it a bath, for whatever reason the sheep was our family pet.

19 May 2024



Jupiter exploded. I went into this underground mall for protection. I then ended up in space trying to plant plants in space while looking for a twin planet earth.

14 May 2024



I dream a lot about walking on places full of colorful natural elements, bright blue streams with beautiful pink flowers growing inside them, vast green areas with scattered strong trees, a blue grass field which was the strangest... I collect flowers and plants all my way, even those surrounded by insects, and they don't hurt me. People seem to be fascinated by my love for plants and how I take care of them too.

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