Dream interpretation about Killing, Blood, Leaving, Brother, Car, Father, Truck, Twins, Body, Girl, House, Bedroom, Part, Basement, Door, Floor, Window, Jumping, Looking, Bottle, Figure, Four, Backyard, Helping, Siblings, Against, Forgot, Going, Locked, outside
I had a dream that my dad was a murderer. we lived in this 3 bedroom house that had a basement. there was a decent sized backyard and at the end of it there was a garage with two cars my dads blue truck and a smaller car. the first part of the dream i had more siblings, i think they were twin girls and then two more girl so there were four all together. then i remember seeing a shed or a room with a padlock on it and i remember my mom helping me figure out the code because i got a call from someone that told me the answer to the riddle. then eventually when my dad had disappeared, we got the shed unlocked. my mom was curious and i was more hesitant after we got it open. i didn’t really want to see what was inside. but then we opened it and when i looked inside there was blood and matter all over the inside of the shed. and i remember seeing a rack of wine bottles that had blood on them as well. but i don’t remember seeing any bodies i jus remember the blood. then we just closed it up and forgot about it. until i saw my dad come back. my brother was outside and as soon as i saw my dad in the back i told him to come inside and i locked the door. but then i started talking to my dad with the door open because i couldn’t hear what he was saying with the door closed. i don’t remember what he said but i do remember telling him to leave and to just go home because i knew he killed those girls. he then ran up to the door and because it was locked, he couldnt get in right away so i remember him smacking his gub against the lock to get it open. i ran upstairs to find somewhere to hide but soon realized that my siblings were in the basement. they were talking to me and i could hear them through the floor. i looked around upstairs and eventually found a room that had a window and i was going to try and jump out of it but i woke up.
Dream date:
21 Jan 2024
Emotional tone:
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