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Dream Interpretation: Twins 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Twins? Discover the significance of seeing a Twins in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Twins appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

This is a symbol for two halves of something, similar to the concept of Yin & Yang. This suggests another side to something in your life that you have previously been unaware of. This side can bring you happiness or sadness, depending upon how you perceive it. It also suggests a reexamination of your life to evaluate if the things will positively or negatively affect you.

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🧭 Direction

Daily events

Something you previously thought to be one has two sides to it. Whether both these sides will positively or negatively affect you is up to you to determine. Examine your dream; if they appear to be in harmony and make you feel confident, it suggests a positive reward or result that may be coming your way. On the other hand, if you see the twins fighting in your dream, it means both the parts conflict with each other. Put forward a new strategy to address these new issues that will soon arrive in your life.

❤️ Feelings

The dream about twins can evoke a sense of curiosity and intrigue. It may bring feelings of surprise, wonder, and even a touch of confusion. This dream could symbolize duality, balance, or the idea of two sides to a situation. It may also represent a desire for harmony or a need to find a sense of unity within oneself or in relationships. Overall, the dream about twins can leave a lingering sense of fascination and a quest for deeper understanding.





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Dreams of users containing the word Twins

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18 Jul 2024

Sexual Assault
Baby boy


In the year of 2020, I had a dream that the US was nuked, and we had to go into underground bunkers. However, the bunker that I was in only had one other person, a man that I didn’t know. In this dream, the man sexually assaulted me repeatedly, until I ended up pregnant with twins, a boy and a girl. I don’t remember much else of the dream other than that.

17 Jul 2024



Me and my friend Jose where waiting in a line for a tourist attraction it was night time things where barely visible it was our turn only 2 people could go at a time it was a metal pyramid with the route of stair down the middle it was very tight and hard to move fast very dark even when we got to the top with open sky we could see much bc of how dark it Jose wanted to go I wanted to stay after we got down we met with the twins(old friends ) I used to date of them and they where shocked by how kind and compassionate I was I even lead blowned them clean

14 Jul 2024



I heard Luke (6 years old) outside screaming “stop it” When I went to check on him, he was on the front steps being pinned down. A 13 year old girl was punching him in the face while her twin brother held him down with his foot on his throat. (Both were identical, blonde, skinny, cocky) I chased them into the back yard and caught the girl. I held her face in a muddy puddle that coincidentally had animal feces in it. I wanted to drown her. Her brother tried to double team me and I told him, “back off, you’re next.” He abandoned his sister and ran. I held the girl’s face in the mud and told her that if I see her again I’d show her what a real psychopath is. I got Luke inside and told him not to go back out without at least one adult. I woke up in fight or flight mode. I was scared and furious.

20 Jun 2024

High School


January 26-27th ⁃ Train I bonded with? ⁃ Was happy to help celebrate my birthday ⁃ This train took me magically to this temple. To deliver a gift box. It was labeled with “Chicago” on the letter/gift box. ⁃ Was claimed to be lost and found to be delivered to clothe someone. ⁃ Arrived safely. This train spirit seemed to receive trouble and was arrested (?). ⁃ There was a tiny house I arrived in, inside was bookshelves with dolls. Possessed dolls but had no interest in harming me. I went to grab them to set them free. As they seemed to be sitting abandoned for years. ⁃ Upon going outside I encountered overgrowth of the temple and came upon cat food and then Cats in a cage/coop In a temple-like setting. ⁃ I was trying to feed the cats as they seemed very hungry ⁃ One of them managed to break free. A cream colored cat with orange tabby stripes ⁃ This cat was so eager and happy to see me ⁃ I picked this poor baby (cat) up and she clung to me. She was in rough shape. But I protected and held her and gave her love. ⁃ Was about to release the other cats to bring them with me ⁃ But an elderly man yelled at me to stop me which scared me ⁃ I knew then I had to , so I rushed down the stairs of this temple. Trees were growing and flourishing more…had I passed a test of sorts? ⁃ Made it to an airport or court like setting. ⁃ Two blue haired twins that matched 2 of the possessed dolls I was carrying. I knew the twins were malevolent when they grinned evilly at me. “Prove it. You won’t.” ⁃ I ensured they knew I knew. ⁃ Right after that I encountered a woman at the check out that matched another of the dolls. Even down to the ghostly purple will-o-wisp dancing in her head but also was seen through it. ⁃ I had to find a way to restore them. ⁃ By this time the cat that was clinging to me must’ve died or disappeared. As I looked to my cradled arm and noticed she was missing. ⁃ I grieved for her but no ill will came. In fact only love and care blessed me. A boon of sorts? ⁃ Looked over, hadn’t realized I was hungry, seeing a buffet of food. ⁃ Urged to go over and nourish myself. I did so, encountering my tall as fuck older brother, Shariff, and soon after my dad. ⁃ My hair was very well done curly free. From me doing it earlier. It was dark brown and not dyed red irl. ⁃ Was called over by my dad and as if I was a child again sat me down. ⁃ I was vibing as he did my hair. Braids…twist at the end…form afro puffs at the end of these….then tied it into a high ponytail position. ⁃ He let me go. ⁃ By the time I did, the food I was going to grab was gone. ⁃ I expressed my sadness but someone noticed me. Adult man, black hair and beard and mustache. White. He had 3 of the brownies. He offered to give me one once he was finished and told me to grab a tray. ⁃ I did and waited. He gave me his phone and all I saw was him and his girlfriend naked in erotic positions? Cool tattoo jobs tho. ⁃ He gently took the phone back and gave me a brownie in thanks ⁃ This brownie was a vanilla cookie and chocolate brownie combo. A Brookie! It was absolutely delicious. And I thanked him. ⁃ Full, I went back on my self-imposed mission. Saw a vision of the old man, the woman and the twin talking at the temple stairs. The woman was crying like “What happened to the stairs?!” ⁃ At some point I remember telling my youngest sister to grab the dolls from the temple. She did and bright them to me. ⁃ Snapped out the vision, Heard the ghostly woman and one of the dark blue haired twins arguing. Screaming match. ⁃ Fed up, I marched over and barked “OI!” Which got them both to shut up and look at me. ⁃ “You’re both screaming and not getting anywhere. You’re grown adults and not children. Communicate like it or I’m pinching nipples. God.” (Paraphrased) ⁃ The woman noticed and listened. The twin would try to elevate his voice and only pipe down when I followed through and pinched his nipple (even with his shirt on) ⁃ This would happen a few times before I realized the possessed dolls I was carrying were missing again even after retrieval. ⁃ I sought out the stairs. Found them. Covered in pink petals and prospering trees. Even the cats from before were doing better and free. Loved. ⁃ I went up those temple stairs. No sign of the coops the cats were locked in. ⁃ I found one of the people I sought out to save. The purple haired ghostly woman who was in the doll. She was free. As the Will-o-wisp was no longer there. The dark blue twins were gone. ⁃ I found myself tearful and crying joyfully from the relief. “You were a doll…I’m so happy you’re okay!” (Paraphrased) ⁃ She smiled and sat me down next to my old friend. Erica from high school. We hugged sitting together gazing at the view. I woke up after that.

10 Jun 2024



I went through a portal with a team of people. We were logging anything out of the ordinary. I made note of a few things like one of people who were twins was holding a lockout tag out slip when he wasn’t supposed to be. The people we were making notes about were still, or at least were supposed to be. As we were approaching one room, I made a comment about a teacher I knew that was retired and possibly no longer alive in my waking life. Anyway, somehow the majority of the group got captured and me and one of my teammates barely made a getaway. To get back through the other side of the portal, we had to go through like one of those moving sidewalks you can find at an airport. I was going to go on the wrong one by mistake. My partner was at the correct one and asked the people ahead of me if we could go first (I was a different line but the other people there were the only other people there). Once we got through the portal, my partner went through a thing where it made like an ice pack thing for your face. She was lying face down on a bed through this and the next thing I know a baby I forgot we had was in my arms as I was going upstairs. I yelled at our robot to watch the baby as I noticed my partner was going back through the portal to rescue the others. I wanted to go with her but she told me to watch the baby and keep it safe. I woke up after that. This is just what I remember from the dream

30 May 2024

Childhood home


standing with my patner and child in a place that resembled my childhood home lands. An old friend of mine once a bestfriend was in the distance with her twin sisters. She walked over to me slightly angry as i had not made contact or plans with her, felt very guilty but anxiety is stopping me from getting out there. Feelimg lost with family dynamics and miss female company. Struggling to make friends because of my sensory issues, dont know how to be around them. Trying too hard.

28 May 2024



In my dream the people included was Binky n her mom (tiktok) Bae n his family n friend Nylah n dior Me Neighbors (not sure) white Me Nylah n dior was at a friends house. Girls needed their hair down. Dior was running around the house playing with her lil kids while we was all socializing and playing. Not sure how I got upstairs or wanted to cuz this house seem familiar n I knew in the dream of the room where 2 hunted girls lives on a bedroom closest and every time o feel like I go in that room that whispering to me and trying to get me to get in the closet… (I’m TERRIFIED) One of the kids saw me in the room and locked me in. (Not sure why) When the door was closed I immediately knew I was going to see the white twins. Sure enough I felt them behind me and as soon as I felt a cold spirit and hand on me the door opened and I ran down stairs with everyone. I immediately called my kids to me to make sure they were okay. But now for some reason I’m determined to find out what happened to them twins, who are they and why they haunting me.. I don’t think this is my house but I been in this house before in a dream. Same room. I needed up outside where the white neighbors begin to act weird. Like they have sumn to do with the twins disappearance. ( saw me outside pointed at me start chasing me( (don’t no what order this go can’t remember. After girls got hair done I told them they CAN NOT STAY‼️‼️ n hurried up n got them with me to go. After I dropped girls off at home with mom. Me n bae went to hang with his friends n family. Bae friend ended up going to sleep. And a big time dealer needed her things (not sure what things was) but it was Very important. This where it got really weird. I was in bae pop but of view in this part. The guy started to get impatient and starting tellin bae (me) go get your friend I need my money.. bae keep saying he coming he coming. Time still go by. Dude think bae n his friend playing n setting him up n just don’t wanna give him what he came for. He start punching on bae all in his stomach n face telling him he go get on his ass til he get out here.. Bae go wake up friend but only to come back with his friend and guns. They immediately start shooting dude. Bae take me downstairs with his ppl to cook. We sitting in the kitchen laughing, talking, vibin n somebody say your sister want to come lay down in the kids bed. The kids bed was in the kitchen for sum reason. Everybody got wierd n awkward silence came over the room. His friend say naw tell her to stay out there. I’m like it’s coo let her I. What’s wrong wit yall.. ??? Feeling uncomfortable n confused. So bae say naw bae she need to just stay in there… She finally come into kitchen and I immediately looked down in horror confusion curiosity shocked and more… It was a moment u not supposed to stare type ish. She didn’t have skin! She was just a tall big glob of slimy saggy inner body . When she played down and turnt to talk to the rest of us to chime in the convo. I slowly turnt around and she was actually a HE. And he had a face with skin. So he covered his body with a cover so only you can see neck up. I felt more comfortable to look and engage. He seem really cool. I started to his family is really cool. And sweet crazy ppl but I love them. I was happy to meet them n showed me he cares and plan to have me around long. I woke up! 5/28/24 @ 2am

19 May 2024



In current home I had twins. Family came to visit and I remembered the babies. I went to find them where hidden but swaddled and neglected. Both were alive but the back of ones head was hollow and the other sunken in and damaged.

19 May 2024



There are newborn twin babies in my dreams left in a car. The mother is neglecting it by letting their pet dog take care of it. I was trying to get the babies from the dog but the dog is snatching it from me.

17 May 2024



In my dream it was 2010 and my Wife Taylor Swift and I have twin girls that are almost two now and we wanted more children so we adopted three girls. Luna was 10 and her 5 year old little sister Mia and the 10 year old Scarlett. We added more love into our family. Taylor and I are happily married and love all five of our children.

11 May 2024



I was at a party and there was a mishap. 2 twins and I had to carry a box back to their house, and its in a lake. We went over on a cliff with surrounding cliffs and just jump off. We went into the house and it was night and the house was completely dry. My dad looked younger when he came in to help out. I left and got saw their ggoodbye water dance. I went out to go to an evil high school. I tried to find the location on my phone but I needed Wi-Fi. Then I saw a giant town full of streets and it was restraints instead of houses. I went into one to get internet, but there were bad kids in it. I parlour up on the second floor to avoid them. I dropped my phone on a couch. I got it, and got tackled into the table by one of the bad kids. I got him and punched his face and got out the front door. I ran into another on and dropped kicked him and parkoured on more restaurants. Then I found 3 of my friends and told them to help me find internet for the map on my phone, but the bad kids found me and then I woke up.

8 May 2024

Best Friend
Childhood home


I had this strange dream where I was in this very pretty Oriental house and and I was a kid again. Bro why was there a boy that looked like me And Chris with his best friend and the way his friend was talking about my boobs the who looked like me and Chris slapped him upside the head and told him to shut up while walking up the stairs. Now mind you I was walking down the stairs to my room which was literally hello Kitty theme and it has a sliding door had bows on it. But then there was another room connected to mines that's had a sliding door with princess Tiana on it. My room looked so cute it had hello Kitty everything Long story short. This was a dream in my kids pov. I love my son for putting his best friend in check for being disrespectful towards is older sister because apparently my son is a year younger than my daughter in this dream or a cupole of months lol they could be twins

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