Dream interpretation about Falling, Fire, Break-in, Judge, Alarm, Hugging, Bridges, Crosses, Family, House, Legs, Middle, Water, Castle, Guy, Top, City, Foot, Front, Ice, Side, Snow, Thank, Waterfall, Looking, Couch, Going, Creepy
I was in white city I felt drawn to get to the top of the central castle the place was very cold and covered in snow but still full of people and I had somewhere to go where my family was. The path ahead to the center was clear was I was coming up to a bridge of ice that had a waterfall flowing through and under it. I was going to cross it but was stopped suddenly by two strange and eccentric looking guys that said they wanted to give me a hug. I found it creepy and looked around to see that all the people that were around before were gone. I told them no thanks and that their request seemed creepy. and pushed by them to cross but the ice bridge broke in the middle and I fell through into the freezing water. Luckily the rails of it were thick enough to keep me from being taken down by the current I kept calm and swam to get out on the other side. And once I did, there they were waiting for me. they helped me to my feet and brought into a building, my legs felt so weak like they didn’t want to hold me up anymore. They helped me get to a soft couch in front of a fire. I felt bad for being rude and judging them too quickly and apologized. Then I got woken by an alarm
Dream date:
24 Mar 2024
Emotional tone:
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