Dream interpretation about Giants, Leaving, Friend, Friends, Father, Ocean, Tunnel, Airplane, Boat, Flying, Girl, Island, Point, Dinner, Foot, Hair, Person, Place, Side, Sky, Socks, Tall, Three, Back, Jumping, Looking, See, Walking, Ground, Purple, Yellow, Sacrifice, Wings, Ask, Many People, Memory, Playing, Smile
Dream 1: I was in a black canyon, where I had wings t fly. At a certain point, I sacrificed those wings to be with friends. With three friends, I went onto a plane that we flew around the black canyon with. The sky was a deep purple colour. I hopped off the plane, so did my best friend, and walked towards a mine entrance. The mine entrance looked like a cosy cottage but the mystery of mines awaited once we jumped down and crawled through a flooded tunnel, where I only had my waterproof socks to wear for my feet. Dream 2: I was on a giant ship, sailing through a small, serene stream to where ever it took me and my Dad. There was also a penguin on board too. I looked across the port side and saw the sea. I soon got transferred to another dream. Dream 3: I was sliding down a very tall and long wooden slope towards the sea, towards an island. As I was sliding down, I saw a tall stone tower on my left, the land I was originally on where I was sailing but nothing on my right. I soon found myself on the island. The island had yellow stone structures as if it was a ruin. It showed to be an attraction site as many people were either having lunch or playing around. I was jumping and jogging about the place, site seeing, I soon came by a young lady, she had long brown curly hair, tanned skin and lovely white smile. I asked her a question and was shocked that she knew something about me. She mentioned about my ex-girlfriend saying kind comments about her, how someone just left her. She was talking aboutm me, I left my ex-girlfriend. I did not want to remember that memory again but it came back.
Dream date:
29 Oct 2023
Emotional tone:
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