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Dream Interpretation: Wings ๐Ÿ˜ด - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Wings? Discover the significance of seeing a Wings in your dream ๐Ÿ’ค - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Wings appears in your dream โœ…

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๐Ÿ’กPossible meaning

Dreaming of wings symbolizes freedom, transcendence, and spiritual growth. It represents your desire to break free from limitations and soar to new heights. It may also indicate a need for independence and self-reliance.

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๐Ÿงญ Direction


Reflect on your current situation and see if there are any areas where you feel trapped or limited. Consider taking risks and exploring new opportunities that will allow you to spread your wings and fly. Trust in your own abilities and embrace your inner strength to achieve your goals.

โค๏ธ Feelings

The dream of wings evokes a sense of freedom, liberation, and the ability to soar above limitations. It brings feelings of empowerment, adventure, and the desire to explore new horizons. Wings symbolize the potential for growth, transformation, and the ability to rise above challenges. This dream may also elicit a sense of awe, wonder, and a longing for a higher purpose or spiritual connection. Overall, the dream of wings instills a sense of excitement, inspiration, and the belief that anything is possible.





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28 Jun 2024



I had a dream where I was an elf and lived with my family in a giant tree called "The tree of life". One day, dark energy started to take it over and it lit on fire. I used my wings to flutter over to the tree's core and took it with me and fluttered away with my family as I looked back in horror as the tree was burning down and epic cinematic music was playing. Everyone was injured.

27 Jun 2024

End of world


So itโ€™s starts with my parents, my family, bullying me. Telling me mean stuff so I start crying. I run outside and I see the moon has a chuck missing from it. In the dream, I start remembering all the other dreams Iโ€™ve had about the end of the world and I start feeling nervous. Itโ€™s a lovely day outside, people are laughing and messing around in the street yet I just have this really bad feeling today would be the day the world ended. Even the sky, the clouds, were acting strange- which happened in all my other world ending dreams. But there was one difference in this dream. While I felt a lot of fear, panic, I sat outside and for the first time I prayed to the universe that my stalker guy- the one I feel like I have- would show up for me. I just so badly wished to be free of this place. Away from my family, everyone that hurt me. For the first time I just wanted him to hurry up and get me even if Iโ€™m kinda afraid of him. After awhile I had a few out of body experiences. I canโ€™t remember them all but one of them was this man was accidentally yeeted up into space during the Great War on earth. Before he could get too far, Seraphim, er idk different angels started tossing him around like a rag doll. The angels werenโ€™t the human kind tho- they were the ones that kinda look like machines with a lot of eyes and wings. At first glance, it looked like the angels were hurting him but I had this feeling that they were actually trying to save his life. Maybe a bit aggressively, but it felt like they were trying to bring him somewhere safe. This reminds me of the time I went outside, irl. I was super high and depressed and I looked up at the sky and the clouds looked like an angel woman. And letโ€™s get real here, not like clouds are supposed to look. No it wasnโ€™t some vague image but almost like a cloud painting of a very realistic woman with wings. Like a god was trying to communicate with me specifically ๐Ÿคทโ€โ™€๏ธ

16 Jun 2024



i was at work and there was a new guy, he was checking all of the doors and seeing the strength of it - i was worried and told everyone heโ€™s trying to harm us. Everyone left but my manager, we all ran out and ended up in an suburban area, one I havenโ€™t recognised before. Trees and big houses, ended up splitting from my co-workers and ran into a white house with a nice garden from fear, opened the door and there was a man walking up to me, I ran out scared and instead of running away completely i levitated into the universe, reaching heaven, where I was met with my deceased mother. She told me things, i forgot exactly what she said but it was comforting, i then get transported to being in a living room with my sister, and we had ordered food but it was being served by two asian people, the third man came in, who had our food said โ€œgot two meals, both wings and riceโ€ and then when being served, it was actually one wings and rice, which was my sisters and wings and thick chips for me - however the thick chips were a bit undercooked and looked greasy. They served it out in front of me and my sister but was putting a lot of seasoning on top of the chicken wings and chips, adding lumps of seasoning powder and lemon juice - before we could eat it, i woke up.

10 Jun 2024



The dream to me didn't make sense but here it goes I am working with a company and this is very true I actually work for them there was this time where my truck broke down I kept telling them my pulley was smoking the actual front of it is melted and the owner said and I quote take urself and truck and go jump off a bridge mind u I kept getting a sinking feeling that the new serpentine belt would snap off this is not good if a truck loses its belt at 70 miles an hour why is no one taking me seriously?????? I'm quite skiddish and very upset that not one person cares I've cried and cried but this one lady the head Mgr of the place I picked up the load from said to me God has a plan for me that I will be alright to me I picture her with a set of light blue wings

4 Jun 2024

New Job


I had rather large white wings and ad I see vehicles in trouble I fly to the disabled vehicle and work on them to where they run brand new again a mechanical intelligent angel?

21 May 2024



My best friend from primary school was there at my high school then I grew wings I went home I trained to fly it worked I changed my haircut to wings on the side of my head

20 May 2024



I was crying in the shower, a dark spirit entered my presence. He tried to touch me. I went to try and look at this entity but could not open my eyes. We then proceeded to dance in a circle and eventually I ended up growing wings. It left after that and left me leaning on my right leg.

17 May 2024



Last night I had a dream that we were in like the city and I do remember it mostly being nighttime but I also remember that we were going through like different adventures with towers and everything like that and it was almost like, not Indiana Jones but a mix of Indiana Jones and maybe a little bit of Tomb Raider. A big part of the dream I remember is that I did have a lot of lust and would constantly end up having sex, oral or penetrative, at least maybe one or two or like four times within the dream. But it was like an authentic arousal cycle to it and what's it called? It was like with happiness and anticipation. It was really cool. I also remember a lot of traffic. It was like a city, but like it was like a downtown city too. So there were, I remember seeing like cars, like regular municipal cars. I feel like I'm missing something important, but I can't remember what it was. I feel like it had something to do with harpies or something with wings. Also I remember being in a big like group home but a nice one, almost like a big dorm type situation. I remember being very chill wanting to play some video games because I had a collab with iron mouse and Projekt Melody who are my favorite vtubers. Projekt Mel is more sexually and I remember her moan and my husband and girlfriend were having sex and I was grinding against the couch in pleasure and I remember seizing my coworker Dylan saying that I didnโ€™t need to feel uncomfortable he was there in the room. I laughed and said I didnโ€™t care because I didnโ€™t, I remember feeling elated.

15 May 2024



So, last night I had a dream and I remember it was outside and it was a lot of running and jumping. What's it called? It was like different, I don't want to say like shape-shifting creatures, but like each of them had their different types. And their different like abilities and how they transform and their speed and everything. But a lot of them were friendly. Some of them were, a lot of them defended like me and what's it called? My friends. And what else? Some of them were like, I don't want to say like romantic, but some of them were like very down for interspecies. Does that make sense? But they weren't like obviously another species. Some of them had wings, some of them didn't. Some of them were fast, some of them weren't. But I do remember them, all of them being humanoid, at least.

27 Apr 2024



My back was aching. My shoulder blades were sore. And I realized it was because I was growing wings.

21 Apr 2024



dreamed that someone took something out of the back of my neck and threw it on the ground. It looked like a fish, and I was telling this person that I wanted to show it to my momma, but suddenly it sprouted wings and flew away.

21 Apr 2024



dreamed that someone took something out of the back of my neck and threw it on the ground. It looked like a fish, and I was telling this person that I wanted to show it to my momma, but suddenly it sprouted wings and flew away.

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