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Dream Interpretation: Surgery 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Surgery? Discover the significance of seeing a Surgery in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Surgery appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

This symbolizes analysis and a self-criticizing attitude. It indicates a part of you, be it emotional or physical, that is causing you trouble. This could be related to your personality or someone in your personal or professional circle. It also suggests getting rid of these issues in order to progress in life.

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🧭 Direction


Analyze the dream carefully; the dream environment says a lot. For example, if you look happy after the surgery in your dream, it suggests you need to let go of that rotten part( as indicated by your dream). If you look distressed or disabled, it suggests not to overanalyze yourself. Be more accepting of your ideas and personality.

❤️ Feelings

The dream of surgery may evoke feelings of fear, vulnerability, and anxiety. It symbolizes a sense of powerlessness and the need for healing or transformation. The dreamer may feel apprehensive about undergoing a significant change or facing a challenging situation. It can also represent a desire for improvement or a need to address unresolved issues. Overall, this dream elicits emotions of uncertainty and the need for support during a difficult period.





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Dreams of users containing the word Surgery

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15 Jul 2024



I had a mouth surgery or something I’m not sure why I needed it. It resulted in my mouth having a ton of extremely intense stitches and gauze shoved in my mouth. The surgery was towards the back of my Mouth/ throat. The stitches made it impossible to use my mouth at all it more was keeping my mouth clamped shut. They added a smell material to prop my mouth open slightly but sometimes it would slip, causing me to bite down hard and painfully against my cheek and tongue. It would take serveral minutes to re open ever so slightly and add the spacer. It left my cheeks swollen and sore. For an unknown reason my throat and mouth were still kinda numb. And I lacked a lot of control in my mouth. But I remember my mouth slipping too far open- but more like it was forced open. It caused all the stitches to rip. I could feel them ripping one and a time in AGONY. my mouth would spew open fully, and the stickers would burst to intensely that blood spewed out of my mouth like projectile vomit. It was so real I could taste the blood in mouth. It hurt to bad. But I couldn’t control it. I would start to become aware of the stitches opening and the pain sparking through the numbness as my mouth would open in slow motion, but it was like I had no control. I was aware of it happening and couldn’t stop it. Somehow we’d get it fit back tog, re stitched but it would happen again several times. Eventually being so painful it woke me up.

14 Jul 2024

Best Friend


My best friend and I were suffering from retinal illness, probably cancer. We both were scheduled for surgeries with little chance of survival. I found out I had a slightly more chance of survival than her. I didn’t want to survive because everyone was expecting me to die and I wouldn’t be with my best friend. Then I didn’t know my friend was going in first and I didn’t get to say goodbye so I was very upset.

12 Jul 2024



In this dream i was looking in the mirror and saw my face to be youthful and balanced. But for some reason i felt the need to get surgery on right side of my face, near my nose. After the surgey it healed nicely but then my face when i looked up close was unbalanced. The are icwas trying to fix ended up making one nostril smaller than the other. As well as one side of my lip smaller than the other. I wanted to go back to fix it, i don’t know what could be done, but i needed to go back to the surgeon. Then my dream jumps to me being at a university on the top of a snowy cold mountain. When i arrived at the top i see a large train station and a large cafeteria. I go inside and find my students from 2016. They are in their senior year of college and graduating in a few days. I see mostly my Muslim female students sadia and nadia. Im also sitting next to my high school friend Michael cantillo. They explain that there is only one train for the night to leave campus. I say my goodbyes and head for the station. I have to go througg many old style coridoors and hallways to get to the station. When i get to the plaform it’s packed with students all wanting to take the last train off the mountain. I run through crowd and get to the front of the heard and secure my place on the train

8 Jul 2024



I dreamed that I went to the hospital to see if I was sick before I went on a trip. To my surprise the doctor checked my lymph nodes and saw they were hugely inflamed. She seemed extra concerned. Then my tongue started falling out in pieces. She asked me to show her my tongue which was abnormal looking. Then the doctor explained to me that deep inside my lung was something known as a “Goin”. A cancerous wound that leaks infection into my lymph nodes. The only way for to have a chance was to have an expensive surgery. Just then the rest of my tongue falls out. The doctor continues to explain that even if the surgery won’t save me it will save others. Then as I am waiting on my surgery people from my school begin to tell me that this is the results of me turning my back on God and I had been visited by a banshee informing me of my impending death and eternity spent in hell. I threatened to push them down the stairs and kill them since I was going to hell soon anyways.

24 Jun 2024

Demon possession


I'm in Germany And uncle Keris wants head surgery. I met my grandpa brother in the WC, grandpa was crying. When I came out of the toilet, uncle Keris was about to be brought into the operating room when suddenly he was possessed with horror. And everything there was slammed, I ran over there. Fight and scold the demon Finally the demon left

14 Jun 2024



There was a random group of parents with there kid who was sick and needed surgery in my house for emergency and the parents were in there. My mom was Lorelai from Gilmore girls and my sister is Rory from Gilmore girls and my dad was my dad in real life. I wanted coffee so Lorelei took me upstairs to get coffee then she took me to my room to have a nap and I was trying to sleep but then I hear the screaming of the parents of the kid having the surgery and h e screaming gets closer and closer and the kids parents jump on me and I’m terrified then I wake up

13 Jun 2024

Text message


i was at the hospital and there was a hot male nurse so i immediately texted karin, my best friend, about it and after a while i realized that I once saw a similar guy on a plane. I was later told that I had to do a reallt difficult brain surgery and I progressively panicked more and more as I asked different things such as "am I going to be bald afterwards?" I panicked so much I started crying as hard as I could until I eventually woke up.

11 Jun 2024



I wrote this dream down in 2019, it was another MONO dream. So, my dream last night seemed like a combo of The Simpsons, Lost, Pokemon, and the Disney app game because I was on an animated island inside of a game. I was a part of a clan and seemingly nobody thought there were others on the island except for us. They were wrong and I was right. I was inside these buildings running around in a panic and all of a sudden I saw someone that was not part of my people and he was taking notes on me. Then I went to the land And it all looked like an amusement park mixed with Whoville. There was a Pokemon Adoption Center for old and retired Pokemon. The entrance was like the Cat in the Hat ride at Universal Studios. Then I went on an elevator down and I went to a Pokemon creation center where you could create your own Pokemon. While I was down there, some boys approached me and I had to fight, but they sprayed gas in my face and drugged me. Then I was running around my clan and telling them that we were not the only ones on the island. Nobody believed me, and so I went looking for the people. All the meanwhile, I was dealing with many shipments of small houses for small animals that were all in a room. I stumbled across the land that was animated by a big tree with a bunch of flowers surrounding it. It was pretty. I didn't know that I was being watched. Then I was taken. I woke up in a doctor room where they shot me with a needle right into my side boob armpit region because they missed my arm and it hurt because they didn't get all the air out of the tube before they shot it in me. They handed me like 20 pills in different sizes and colors and ordered me to swallow them. I kept asking what they were. Some were cut and some were huge like half of a pinky finger. For some reason, I started taking them and I was walking around the office when I stumbled across Krusty the Clown and Homer Simpson and they were arguing. Homer Simpson was also my husband and he was trying to convince Krusty that he could dress up like Krusty so Homer could do the surgery and not hurt me instead of Krusty because Krusty would hurt me. Krusty agreed because he couldn't take hurting more people with the surgery. I still didn't know what the surgery was. I stumbled across the main dude who was behind it all and tried to convince him not to do the surgery. I was whining and crying and losing my mind because I was on drugs. He said, nope, we're doing it. And Homer dressed up as Krusty gave me a wink while I was on the table. Then the main dude walks in, I jump off the table disoriented because of drugs and he says that we can't do the surgery today. Then he says, hopefully I won't die today anyway because all the pills I had to take. Homer and I stumbled out of the door and I tumbled down a hill. The people that surround sprayed gas in my face found me. I woke up scared and punching from the drugs in the doctor room. They told me to be quiet because my people were walking by and I started screaming. Then, I was back in the room of small animals living in tiny dollhouses. I was trying to keep the bad mice out from the good mice. Eventually, the people believed me that there were others on the island trying to do harm to us.

20 May 2024



I'm a trans man, even though I dream a lot nowadays about getting pregnant and giving birth, I even took care of my own babies and watch them grow and experience the feeling of motherhood everyone is speaking about, I think I should get rid of my uterus with a surgery after every birth but I wake up before I can do. Today, I dreamed I was a bride and that I wore a white dress and married no one, I just kept cooking myself cakes, jam, biscuits and tea, I saw a beautiful woman, we got to know each other and cook together, no more.

5 May 2024



Needing eye surgery and ripping my eyes out of my head

29 Apr 2024



My older guy cousin who died was in my dream he was walking with his 2 kids. He was saying how he was sick and if he get surgery he might live so he got surgery and died a week later.

6 Apr 2024

Car accident


My friend's mom Erica had a small cut on her face and had just had surgery because she had been in a car accident and my mom didn't tell me. I was crying and upset with my mom that she didn't tell me.

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