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Dream Interpretation: Poison 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Poison? Discover the significance of seeing a Poison in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Poison appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

Dreaming of poison symbolizes negativity, toxicity, and danger. It may represent a situation or person in your life that is harmful to your well-being. Poison can also indicate self-destructive behavior or negative thoughts that are poisoning your mind.

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🧭 Direction


Reflect on your current relationships and situations in your life. Are there any toxic people or situations that are causing you harm? It may be time to distance yourself from these negative influences. Additionally, examine your own thoughts and behaviors. Are you engaging in self-destructive habits or negative self-talk? Take steps to eliminate these harmful patterns and focus on positive self-care.

❤️ Feelings

The dream about poison may evoke feelings of fear, danger, and vulnerability. It signifies a potential threat or harm in your waking life. This dream may also indicate a sense of caution or suspicion towards certain people or situations. It could be a reflection of your anxieties and concerns about being deceived or manipulated. The presence of poison in your dream may leave you with a lingering sense of unease and the need to be cautious in your actions and relationships.





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Dreams of users containing the word Poison

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7 Jul 2024



I was being chased by a man who wanted to kill me I was running through the city and passed by a knife store and grabbed a knife and kept running but he also grabbed a knife it was super hard for me to run but somehow I would run in burst as I was running through the city I was in a mall and he was no longer behind me but I knew he still wanted to kill me so I kept running through the mall and then ran out of the mall and there he was with his truck I try to run back to the mall and scream for help but notice that the mall seemed to be destroyed and everyone inside was panicking and running I assume a bomb hit, so I was screwed because no one would help me because of this other event going on so I had to face the man I turned around he didn’t have a knife he had a syringe full of poison as soon as he stab me with the syringe and injected it I also stabbed him in his side but we both fell down like we died and then I woke up

22 Jun 2024

High School


First part: yoga classe, huge, full of people, workshop. My teacher was holding the classe, she wanted someone to demonstrate a posture/asana. She first asked a guy then saw me and asked me and I felt flattered. I did it well and some other people were helping. Then there was a problemi with my car, I hit something and there was a dead animal inside of my car. It was monstrous, black, it had spider webs in his mouth and the car was in a forest near the a friend’s house by the countryside (this friend doesn’t really own a house by the seaside). There was a strange old man who told me that the animal was poisonous, very rare (only 8 of its kind) but I wasn’t scared or worried about it, I just wanted to wash my car but could not find any open car washes. Then I ended up in my old high school, it was dark, there was a car wash inside but no one there helped me, the people there were actual students and they just went home, ignoring me.

21 Jun 2024



for preface; this is a reoccurring dream— this being only the second time i had it and i’d only remembered having this dream after i had the second one because the plot continued. the first dream: so there was this nightclub run by this evil guy. he had tricked a bunch of midoriya’s friends into working for him (from my hero academia i love that anime) and they were all so excited but little did they know he injected a poison into them that killed them very slowly. but he “injected it” by welcoming everyone to the club with drinks— however, midoriya knew that and his mission was to infiltrate the place and make sure his friends were safe but the boss man caught on and said if he told any of them that he’d kill them all with the poison right away. so i basically had watched midoriya try and protect his friends while also simultaneously being under constant scrutiny by the boss. i don’t think midoriya took the poison though… that was the first dream i had days ago. the second dream started with me being in there with them and they were my friends i think, or maybe i really just wanted to save them but the boss man knew that i knew aswell and he told me not to tell them either or they’d all die. anyway, in this dream the nightclub had this theatre room area where he would have midoriya and i’s friends preform. (it looked like a bunch of fortnite skins and emotes on the stage.) but todoroki (on multiple occasions) kept leaving the stage mid performance cause he was sick or something and he would hide behind this pole (he wasn’t hiding very well) and when i would look over to boss man, he looked at todoroki with an angry expression because todoroki was blowing his cover. and once, a different day in the dream, i was walking into the nightclub (it looked like the entrance to my house) with this girl who said she was going to help cause i think i told her everything about everything and especially about todoroki. and she was like “DONT WORRY I GOT THIS” and she ran in ahead of me and i lost her. and so when i went inside i was standing with the group of people (just like midoriya was in my first dream, trying to play along but also discreetly find an exit for everyone, however midoriya was nowhere to be seen in this dream…) but when i was standing there with them there were these two shorter brown skin girls. they hated me. the one on the left started explaining why she didn’t fuck with me and she said it’s because i “talked to her man.” or that i “wanted him” and that was just not true. i was like “who’s your man?” and she was like “malik.” AND THAT WAS AN ACTUAL GUY I TALKED TO WHEN I WAS LIKE 14… SO I SAID “girl i promise i don’t want him” but she kept cutting me off and saying that i did. and the girl on the right was just like “yeah i don’t fucking like you either.” and i was like so confused cause i didn’t want him at all… and i said “when did u start dating him” and she was like “february 2024” or something. and i talked to malik in february 2020.. so i was like “… so when we talked.. he wasn’t your man..” and she cut me off like “BITCH FUCK U THATS MY FUCKING MAN” and i was like “okay what fucking ever bitch bye.” and that was the end of that so i walked into the club and like i was sitting in this booth by the back… i don’t remember really what happened back there. i remember a bartender lady who was looking my direction but that’s it. then skip to the theatre room again, they were all performing again and todoroki went off of the stage mid performance again. and the performance was really good, he was supposed to be front and center but he ran off and boss man was so fucking mad. BUT THEN… THE GIRL FROM EARLIER WHO SAID SHE WAS GOING TO HELP… she came out dressed as todoroki (again this specific law of physics was for some reason like fortnite so she just changed her like character to look like todoroki.) and she was doing the dance, but she wasn’t exactly doing it right at all and she wasn’t even on the stage but just right beside it.. i assume to buy him some time but bossman could tell it wasn’t actually him. i just remember the rest of the performance being really good and then at the end everyone was clapping including me. but then some girl from the crowd, which looking back i think was the bartender, had randomly stood up and said “oh by the way everyone, he’s forcing all of those people to work for him. he’s injected them with a poison in their legs that will slowly kill them over time.” and me and everyone else on the stage started clapping and cheering for her and the bossman was like “ahhh i gotta go!” and ran away. then after that he was like banned from the nightclub or something but he kept coming back but he was like a lowlife. so everyone from the performance and stuff was kinda just living their own lives, only being connected by the fact that they were all manipulated and poisoned. i spoke to a few of them, they were each like super emo or something i don’t really remember i’m sorry. but then.. cut to the future and to a different scene.. todoroki was laying on a gurney in the hospital. this part i wasn’t there, but it was more so just letting me know that this was happening while i was elsewhere. like a cutscene. and he was laying flat on his back and he looked very sick, and he was asleep. then he slowly woke up and as soon as he opened his eyes he started to slightly panic (which is out of character for him since he’s typically very calm and quiet) and he like sat up and ripped the blankets off of his body and one of his legs were amputated. he looked horrified and all he could say was “DO YOU SEE THIS??? DO YOU SEEE??” to whoever was with him (the doctor or his parents? i’m not sure.) i remember there was a lady in the hospital specifically that was like helping wheel his gurney when he was asleep and she was kinda rude that’s all i remember. what the hellllll is that about??

17 Jun 2024



I was living in a kingdom with a king and a queen. A large group of people did not like them, and I was the heir to the throne. We decided that we were going to kill them but in a subtle way it took my friend and I over six months to devise a plan that would work to kill them. Our first attempt did not work and we ended up cutting up our hands really bad, with our second attempt, we decided that we would poison them. Our entire kingdom decided to go for a long hike from our kingdom to somewhere else. To stay hydrated the king and the queen brought some soup that they were drinking. When the hike was almost over, I decided to go up and poison their soup by putting head and shoulder shampoo into it. When they got back to the kingdom they had one last drink of it in front of everyone. They then ended up dying in front of everyone, and an angel of death then came and commanded them to go to hell. I was able to see this angel of death, unlike everyone else. The angel of death said it’s time for you to go to hell. The king and the queen we’re not willing to go as they did not believe that they were dead. However, the angel of death told them again, but they still did not go. So this time she commanded them in a very deep and demonic voice to go to hell in which they obeyed and went to hell portal of death had opened in the floor for them. it was in my time to become the new queen. We had my coronation ceremony and I wore a beautiful blue and white dress that made me look like an ice queen. The entire kingdom was excited for me to come into power as they knew that I would be a good queen leading from my heart and doing things that would benefit the entire kingdom.

6 Jun 2024



I was hiding under a blanket trying to scream for help for my mom. I was asking her to bring in wasp poison since a nest of wasps had broken through my bedroom wall and were flying around my room. She gave me the poison and I sprayed it and killed some of the wasps but poison from the can leaked all over my hand.

6 Jun 2024



I was with my mom looking at different horses to buy and doing these weird tricks on some of them. Then I was with all my friends at the Jr High in the Auxiliary gym watching an elementary graduation. My mom was also there and she was around all of these little kids because she’s always loved babies and being a mother. I was around all of the little kids too and playing with them sweetly. My mom left for a while and then came back with a pregnancy test, and said she was pregnant. (She just got married and is currently on her honeymoon in real life) But then she said she was kidding and wasn’t actually pregnant. There was also another girl that was kind of chunky, African American, older, and definitely not my boyfriend’s type. She looked older but apparently she was 13. She said she was pregnant and was going to be a proud mom. And somehow, in the dream supposedly the father to her baby was my boyfriend, Harry. Then there was like a combination of one of my school hallways and a local movie theater. I got called out of the classroom or something to go to a movie with my boyfriend, Harry. I remember him being Harry in my dream, but he didn’t act like him at all and I can’t remember if he even looked like him. This guy was acting really weird and creepy, almost like a psychopath. After the movie, he was supposed to make me drinks. I didn’t trust him, and thought that they would be poisoned. I saw a bottle of alcohol under the table of drinks as well. I kept asking him if he did something to them and he said no. I ended up drinking it and going back to class and I think it was fine. Everything was very mixed up and I couldn’t remember much and I think I had several dreams that fed into each other.

5 Jun 2024



Me and my dad are staying at some kind of hotel or resort. In the room we are staying at, there are several different kinds of snakes scattered all over the room. For some reason, we are not frightened by this. I am only mildly uncomfortable. Most of the snake species we see are non venemous. There are only two venemous snake species we see at first (copperhead and water moccasin). One night while my dad is sleeping, there are two non venemous species on the bed. (Brown dekay and eastern king) Suddenly, a copperhead appears and bites him. I am frightened by this and try to walk my dad to a medical place because he got bit by a venemous species. Immediately, my dad starts showing signs of poisoning as he can’t walk straight and walks directly into objects. I think that due to this, he needs medical attention immediately and call 911. When the paramedics arrive, it turns out that he had high blood sugar and low blood pressure which I noted don’t make sense together. Apparently, these problems were not caused by the venom. He does not go to the hospital and I am worried as the snake bite is still unaddressed. My dad is not worried though and trusts the paramedics. Due to my worry, I try to post on a Facebook group that my dad was bit by a copperhead and it’s not being taken seriously. For some reason, I do not go through with the post. I am scared to go back in the room as I am now more frightened of the venemous species’ than before. I note that I do not hate the copperhead and acknowledge that it only wanted personal space but that its venom is very harmful. Later that day, I notice that there are snakes all over the resort and see the tails of rattlesnakes hidden in corners. My fear increases as rattlesnakes are far more venomous and dangerous than copperheads. I end up going outside as I am no longer comfortable being inside with all the snakes. There is a beach directly outside the resort. When I got in the water, I noticed that there were several blue ring octopi I was touching. Blue ringed octopi are extremely venemous and fatal but are not native to where I’m from. I get scared by the contact, but when I go seek medical attention, I am brought to this class that would help medical professionals identify who was having an emergency. In the class, we are instructed to check our vitals such as our heart rates and oxygen levels. I note than when I check my pulse, it feels weak and feels like it’s getting weaker. I think my oxygen level is also getting lower, but I wake up before I am able to check it.

28 May 2024



My mom and I were sitting in the kitchen. We were doing our bills together and the two of us got hungry so we thought about getting Pizza Hut and we had mentioned that nobody really gets Pizza Hut anymore. We got up got our stuff I went to go order Pizza Hut as we’re getting in the car, we see Michael Myers, and his mom is dressed in his mask and his blue jumpsuit like he is in the movies they want pizza so in order to survive we share this makes mom think that we’re friends friends so they follow us home and invite themselves in. My mom and I try to avoid seeing my son because we know that Michael Myers usually kills people he sees, so we hide Asher and then we try to get them to leave the house when my ex-husband comes. He tries to take Asher to keep him safe but Michael Myers sees Asher so now we’re panicking. it cuts to a scene where I am in the Therapy office with Michael Myers mom and she is planning to get rid of me by telling me that once Michael Myers has killed my family. She’s going to kill me and he is acting on her orders to which I reply well, then I guess it’s a good thing. I added a healthy dose of poison to your cereal this morning, and she is surprised, knowing that she has limited time she leashes the real Michael Myers, and he kill the Therapist I escape and she dies, Michael Myers is confused as to what to do so I find a way to kill him once and for all and protect my family then I wake up

26 May 2024



I was in a small kitchen in a house with my mother. It wasn't my actual mother, but I knew in the dream that the woman was supposed to be my mother. A family of 3 came in. A woman with her daughter and son. with no father. They came in and took my mother and told me they would come back for me later. I knew they were up to no good and had something devious planned for me. They came back and made me play games to entertain them. I refused and the daughter got angry. She came over and bit me hard enough to draw blood. The others came over and tasted my blood. That's when I revealed to them I had drank a poison that entered my bloodstream. So they were also poisoned. They died however I was completely ineffected by the poison and got away unharmed.

24 May 2024



There were more dreams. One was about someone in the family accidentally drinking something that was poisonous and most of the dream was about flying back and forth to find a cure There was also something about a dog breed that I love. And also a part with people fucking.

30 Apr 2024



Last night I dreamt that my ex, Bobby (the love of my life) came to visit my city and I started stalking him. I poisoned his fiance and then proposed to him.

8 Apr 2024



So me and one of my caregivers had to walk to the grocery store because it was the apocolyse and they were giving out some food but we knew not to get some of it because it was poison to kill us quicker so we wouldn’t keep getting it. She ran after getting what we needed because it can be stolen quickly and I ran as fast as I can too but they grabbed me and took me to a room and said why won’t you die. And I said I don’t know. And then they kept being mean like that to me and then she came and broke the door so she could get in that room and was like oh no get away away from her. She knows and does nothing. And then that was it.

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