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Dream Interpretation: Puke 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Puke? Discover the significance of seeing a Puke in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Puke appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

Dreaming of puking can represent a need to release negative emotions or experiences. It may also indicate a feeling of being overwhelmed or unable to handle a situation. Alternatively, it could symbolize a need to let go of something toxic in your life.

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🧭 Direction


Think about what in your life is causing you stress or discomfort. It may be time to let go of toxic relationships or situations. Take time to reflect on your emotions and find healthy ways to release them. Consider seeking support from loved ones or a therapist to help you navigate these feelings.

❤️ Feelings

The dream of puking can evoke feelings of disgust, embarrassment, and discomfort. It may symbolize a need to release negative emotions or purge oneself of something toxic in waking life. This dream can also indicate a sense of vulnerability or a fear of being judged by others. The act of puking in a dream may leave one feeling unsettled and anxious, reflecting a desire to rid oneself of unpleasant experiences or situations.





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Dreams of users containing the word Puke

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18 Jun 2024

Building (Place)


I had a dream I was walking around this space with a few friends. It was raining outside so a lot of people were in the building. It seemed like a shopping area/food court but everything was darker toned. Like black picnic tables. Dark walls. The only lights came from the food stalls. I went to use the bathroom and the bathroom was a white dimly lit large U-shaped stall style bathroom. It had showers on one side of the U and regular bathrooms on the other. I went in to wash my hands and as I’m washing my hands I notice there are people waiting for the shower. I look over to the showers to see one is open but there’s a brown gross looking liquid puddling in that stall and drawing towards the drain. And then the smell hit me. Everybody washing their hands started gagging and trying not to actually puke. It was a PUTRID smell! As if somebody had not washed in a month and was on their period at the same time NASTY smell. I start to look for another spot to wash my hands but everything else is taken so I get ready to leave. As I’m walking out I notice the only color since I’ve been in this dream in a pink and green floral decoration around a large mirror. I take a second to look at myself and consider taking a selfie but I end up not taking a selfie because there are a few people around and I didn’t want them in my picture. So I leave. As I’m looking around a girl I had seen in the bathroom with earlobe length black curly hair, a round face with a slightly point chin, black spaghetti strap shin length dress, combat boots and lots of long necklaces and a little black backpack tells me she likes my outfit. I tell her I love hers! She goes on about her day and as she’s walking away the jacket she was holding changes from black to like a frog green and I wake up.

3 May 2024



Evie stayed at my place w Kayla. She didn't have any respect for Kayla or her home. Vapes everywhere, in front of her kid. Eventually she got so dumb she somehow started a house fire, I put my pets in bags and ran out barefoot w nothing else. Eventually we made it back home. Dino and tango were in n my dresser drawer for some reason so they were put in a bag. Except when we got home they started acting funny and puking up a lock

1 Apr 2024



I’m in school the teacher is explaining math to me and my friends I take a big gulp then get up and run to the bathroom and start puking

1 Apr 2024



I’m in the garden with flowers and grass then I start to throw up really badly I keep puking then my mom comes and pats my back as I keep puking

25 Feb 2024



Had a dream about my grandparents house in Oregon. My mom was there skyler and his friends were there they were drinking and one of the was puking . When getting ready to take them to school it started snowing in the front yard but not the back yard then it moves quickly to the back yard. And then we heard a noise and itnwas a huge airplane crashing it had no wings and barely missed the house.

9 Feb 2024

Childhood home


my sister got stung by a bee and she was freaking out and crying, and I tried to help her but she wasn't accepting my help, then I realized I was also stung and my sting was way way worse, I started pulling out the stinger from my right foot and this thing was like an eagles talon, after I pulled it out I sat it on the counter of my childhood home and then I started puking up tons and tons of blood.

4 Feb 2024

Dead body


there was a programme going on in our school which was barricaded by bamboos when all of a sudden 70-80 bulls came running from nowhere and those bulls started killing people. in the whole dream i was just running like crazy, it was super scary. for a moment i thought i can go inside the bamboo barricades so that the bulls dont reach out to me but then soon i was surrounded by two bulls from each side, i was stuck. just then my dance teacher- sourav sir came and helped to save me. i again ran and ran and ran and just kept of running. there were muslim people also, actually they were terrorists. i think they planted a bomb somewhere near. while i was running i saw tons dead bodies which were killed by the bulls. i finally reached home and puked on the floor

3 Feb 2024

Being Late


I dropped my kids off at their soccer game and I went to go play in my own soccer game. And it was adults and kids in my team. And one of the girls stopped playing and I intuitively knew that she was going to vomit. And then she vomited either six or seven little piles of vomit. And right when she was on her last one, I intuitively knew that she was done puking. And I helped clean up the puke. Someone was handing out wipes. I ended up getting puked on myself cleaning it up. And then I realized it was getting late and I was late to pick up the kids. So I ran to go pick them up. And it was okay, they had some sort of a kid hangout that they were at. And I went to pick them up and some man was sitting at the table. And he goes, Shannon. And he was a very attractive man. But I had no idea who he was. And I was like, how do I know you? And he said, he gave me some puzzles, basically. He's like, well, it's not positive or negative. It's, I was like, neutral? And he's like, yeah. And then he said something else to get the second word. And it turns out he was the host of a show called Neutral Something. And I looked at his wife and she was a bearded woman with a full-grown beard. And I kept looking at it and thought it was so strange. And then I was like, well, okay, you told me about your show, but how do you know me? And he said something about moving over to consulting, which is what I do for work. I think he moved out of consulting because it was too much for him. But he still never told me how we know each other. And then I ended up at some big party and ran into a coworker. And I told my coworker about this story. And he didn't understand or have any answers for me either. And at this party, we were moved out of the space because it was closing. So we went over to find chairs to sit in at another space. And then we ended up at a friend's slash client's property that she had just moved into. It was overlooking a city. And we ended up sitting in this room to watch the sunset or rise, I don't know, over the city. And it was pretty. But she wasn't settled into the house yet. And they had a big garage on stilts that they had to lower. And they had...

29 Nov 2023



I wake up at my old house on Pastime road cleaning up a bad party. I was sleeping in my poncho until a nasty red puddle woke me. I soiled my poncho on a puddle of puke and vomit that smelled like strawberry gatorade. I mopped it up. I threw my poncho in the laundry. Waiting anxiously at the door, I wait from sunrise to sunset. Danaché finally comes Alana's house. She blithely walks past me and stumbling like a sleep walker she tucks herself in and sleeps in my parents' bed. I wince. A sleepy blond man opens the front door and says "goodnight honey I love you". This total stranger recieves a "I love you too" from Danaché. Some girlfriend she is. How dare she touch Alana's things? Who are you people? Where is Alana? Why isn't Alana here? I awake. Sober enough to remember Alana left years ago. Danché is here.

18 Nov 2023



In my dream, my husband and I found out I was pregnant. We were surprised. Then it flashed forward to the end of the pregnancy and I was very adamant that my friends took down my name choices for both genders on a piece of paper so my husband wouldn't name it the wrong name. Then I had the baby and it was a boy and it was all fine. My dog had puppies and after she had them, sick and was rushed to the hospital, I felt awful in my dream for not taking her to the vet to have her babies. She ended up being fine. Then I started puking up blood and was rushed to the hospital. The rest of the dream was in 3rd person where I was watching my husband set up a bunch of racks of clothes for the homeless with our kids. We had multiple even though I had only had the one before I died earlier. He was telling them about how I used to do this for the homeless before I died and how I wanted to teach them about giving.

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