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Dream Interpretation: Urine ๐Ÿ˜ด - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Urine? Discover the significance of seeing a Urine in your dream ๐Ÿ’ค - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Urine appears in your dream โœ…

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๐Ÿ’กPossible meaning

This symbol signifies out-of-control emotions, stress, and tension that needs to be relieved. If you see yourself peeing in your dream, it indicates that you are stressed about many things, and it's time to ease the stress and pressure. However, in some cases, the dream about urine is also related to finances. It signifies that the dreamer is spending a lot of money.

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๐Ÿงญ Direction


Your dream reflects your daily activities and your emotions. Based on the dream scenario, you can figure out what it is trying to convey. If anything in your waking life makes you stressed, it's best to take care of it as soon as possible. Other than this, take care of your finances. Spend only where it's necessary. Overspending may end up in added stress and tension.

โค๏ธ Feelings

The dream about urine may evoke feelings of embarrassment, shame, or discomfort. It could symbolize a loss of control or a need for release. This dream may also indicate feelings of vulnerability or a desire to cleanse oneself emotionally or physically.





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28 May 2024



I had a dream that I was with my wifeโ€™s who was the tik toker named Yorkshire peach who I follow. We were living together but then my girlfriend came to see me and I had to lie to both of them about where I was. I was then outside a shop while Kayla ( Yorkshire peach ) went inside and bought some shipping. Outside there were a group of teenagers who wanted to start trouble with me and one had a gun. He held it up to me and I wasnโ€™t scared at all because I knew the gun would not work. It did not work when he fired it and I punched him in the face really hard. I then walked off and another person wanted trouble with me and tried to hit me and missed so I went into the floor and was going to punch him in the testicles with an uppercut but he all of a sudden urinated on me through his trousers. I congratulated him on a great way to stop me attacking Kim

24 May 2024



Playing with a dark grey kitten. The kitten followed me everywhere to the point where he accidentally urinated on me so I got back into my room to change into clean clothes

23 May 2024



I had a dream me and my boyfriend was sleeping and he had wet the bed, peed in the bed and I woke up that's what woke me up is that I was wet and when I got up I see that he had peed the bed and I said to him I said honey you peed the bed he said oh man I thought you peed the bed and I said no that's you and he was like oh man I did have a dream and the water was just flowing like I that I was peeing and the water was just flowing I thought I was just peeing outside I said no you peed the bed and I got up and was standing on the side of the bed looking down at him and then walked into the bathroom and I woke up

21 May 2024

Evil spirits


I dreamed that I lived with my mom and I was a teenager. It was a reoccurring dream that I have a lot where I live in a house that has a secret passage way in the walk in closet that leads to areas in the house that deep inside or below and that havenโ€™t been touched for years and where truly evil things lie. I dreamed about urinating on myself while laying on the kitchen table begging my mom to go and confront the evil that hides within the walls of the house, but she refused. The lights were flickering on and off and the demons were shaking the house. There was a cat there that was also afraid.

6 May 2024



I had a Dream I had a dream that I was in a hotel in a foreign country and there were lots of garden tables of chairs and parasols. It was night and I remember that I was urinating under one of the tables, I was then spraying disinfectant onto the urine and scrubbing it away, my next door neighbors were suddenly there and they could see what I was doing. I became aware that what I was doing was a rule of Alcoholics anonymous and all of the tables had different rules to do with it. My neighbor asked me what rule I was doing and I said all of them. I was then holding a parasol and it was windy and the wind made the parasol lift me ever so slightly off the ground. I remember feeling good about this and waited for more wind. More wind came and it lifted me higher into the sky. I remember I was not afraid one bit and eventually I went as high as a house and each time I gently floated back down. I remember I had a feeling that I had designed a flying machine and that I could sell my idea. Although I didnโ€™t see them my sister anna and my mum were there.

23 Apr 2024



I hiked up a mountain with my kids. When we got to the top, there were no trees. It was covered with black rocks and there was a pile of charcoal. I was walking down a sidewalk that was parallel to a road that was higher than the sidewalk but I could see police cars surrounding a small house with a lot of windows. They had their guns drawn and telling someone to come out. I wanted to get closer without being noticed so I got down on the ground and crawled closer. I could see a man inside going crazy and yelling back at the police but he wouldnโ€™t come out. I was in a mansion with my husband. I had really nice clothes and shoes on. An old lady owned the mansion and she had two ugly wild dogs that peed all over the floor around me and started jumping on me getting urine on my clothes and shoes. I kicked the dogs away and told her to control her dogs. I told my husband these people are disgusting and I donโ€™t want to be here. He carried me out so I wouldnโ€™t have to walk through the dog pee.

6 Apr 2024



I had a very short nightmare. In the dream I woke up to go to the bathroom. Everything was my normal reality, my bedroom and bathroom. I was trying to go pee and it hurt and I suddenly noticed that my cat Nels was in the toilet. For context, this is a cat that I have that is less than a year old and I'm very close with him. The cat seemed to be stuck and struggling under the water. I was reaching in and trying to get him but for some reason I couldn't touch or grip him. The water in the toilet started rising, along with my panic. I started trying to turn off the water valve to stop the water and I started saying to myself, please let this be a dream over and over. I woke up very much crying but so relieved

4 Apr 2024

My crush


My oldest son was home visiting and he brought a female friend with him instead of his fiance. His female friend was hanging out with him, maybe they rode together. I think she had a crush on him. My oldest son was waiting for his girlfriend that come join us and not his current fiance. The family were all in the living room watching a college footbal bowl game or some type of football with my son's female friend. The friend was an attractive young lady and overly friendly. I got up to go get something. When I returned, as we were talking she leaned forward and said give me a kiss. I gave her a short kiss on the lips and then she reached back out for a second longer kiss. It was closed mouth kiss and somewhat innocent. The kiss I initiated was like the innocent kiss on the lips you would give your mom or grandmother. However, she attempted to make the kiss more intimate than it should have been. I didn't fall for it and kept my boundary. My wife and younger son were sitting on the couch and we continue to watch the game. The game was going back and forth. The team that was favored to win was losing. then for some reason we stopped watching the game and did something else. later we found out that the other team the team that was expected to win did rally back in the second half of the game to win. My oldest son's girlfriend arrived she was very short and very cute. She had on long cowboy boots but they're like slippers at the bottom with no boot heel. She sat down and we were talking to her trying to get to know her. We were trying to figure out if my oldest son really like his girlfriend or if he liked the female friend he had brought with him? The girlfriend was nice, kind and easy to talk to. She was also from Nebraska and her dad owned the all you can eat Brazilian Meat restaurant. We had visited the restaurant a couple of times. My younger son left the house and returned with a new puppy. We are not a pet family and he didn't ask us if he coukd buy a puppy even though he's living at home with us. The puppy urinated on the carpet somewhere in the livingroom. We couldn't find the spot to clean it. My mother was also at the house and she was trying to help my son locate the urine spot so she could clean it up. We went outside for some reason and next door to us there was some kind of crime in progress with an active shooter. The police asked us to get down low and move very slowly to get back to our house. There was a van blocking us from the shooter's direct line of sight. If we did not crouch down low, the gunman would see us. So one by one we took turns backing up to get out of the line of fire and eventually there were a few shots fired. I am not sure if the gunman took his own life or if he was killed by the police officers. It was a little scary to have that happened right next door to us. Then we went back inside the house.

23 Mar 2024



I went to a band concert my daughter's band had. There was two of them. The first one was with one teacher and it wasn't great, you could tell the kids weren't into it and didn't enjoy it. I very much enjoyed watching her play. The first concert was outside. The second concert was in a gym, at my old school. It was a mother's day concert and all the kids were giving gifts that's the school purchased on behalf of the child. I kept waiting and waiting for my gift but it didn't come. My sister was telling me she was sorry that my daughter didn't get me anything and maybe next year would be different. I never got to see my daughter during the second concert and I felt really sad. Then I got up to go to the bathroom. It was this bathroom that had no finished floor so it was just wet dirt. When I got into the bathroom there was a friend of mine doing homework in there. There was a window with no screen and no way to close it, just a cut out square. The view from the window was the highway. As I was looking out the window roller blades and skates were thrown from the overpass down to the underpass. There were police already around there and they went to move all of it before an accident happened but an accident did happen. The police were hit, dragged, thrown and tossed by cars. I saw three officers moving on the ground and one was not. I did not help or call 911 as there was already help and emergency dispatch there. When I turned from the scene I noticed worms and all sorts of worm like small creatures on the ground. I remember thinking that it was disgusting and how gross it would be if they held prom there. I noticed the toilet had no toilet seat cover, it wasn't a toilet bowl but an actual humongous bowl and no handle to flush. I really had to pee so I went. I checked the scene outside again and everything was like it never happened. I noticed a tickling inside my leg so I looked down and this whitish translucent creature was burrowing in and out of my leg. I grabbed it's hind end when it's head was burrowed into my leg and I tried to pull it out but it was like once it was under the skin you could not forcefully remove it. I asked my friend who was just watching this if she had any tweezers in her purse. I dug through her purse in a panic and found some and all these other weird tools. When I put her purse down and looked back at my leg I noticed these big bruise like welts where this creature was burrowed and more were burrowing in my leg. I was waiting for them to come out but they wouldn't but I kept waiting and they watching them move under my skin.

18 Mar 2024



We were having a field day then there was a huge storm outside so we went inside, there was a huge tunnel underneath the house we were able to go back in time everything was nostalgic. I went to go pee and it was going everywhere so I woke up

18 Mar 2024

Giving Birth


A woman was struggling to pee after giving birth. Her husband had the audacity to complain about the comfort of the toilets. I was outraged about his delusion. I won an oscar

17 Mar 2024



My Uncle, Larry Watson was in my dream. I forgot the rest of my dream, because I woke up, and had to pee, in a hurry.

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