Dream interpretation about Sex, Crash, Shit, Break-in, Friend, Friends, Flirting, Ghosts, Screaming, Aunt, Laughing, Life, Theatre, Traveling, Bus, Cousin, Flying, Girl, Guy, House, Singing, Door, Uncle, Walking, Ask, Against, Perform, Study, Worker
There is a Lady that does pop up theatre shows when ever someone ask her she was very popular so she travels a lot Whilst she on her break in a pub an old guy friend of hers sat next to her and started talking about like one thing led to the other there were talking about there sex life and she says no one able to satisfy her and the friend has a crush on her so was blantantly flirting with her at first the girl was against it and then she started get flustered by it the guy whisper sweet nothing about fucking her and then the girl finally got the courage and sat on his lap next minute you know a ghost was roaming around and wrecked the whole place Her cousin who studies theatre wanted to come see her and want the girl to go see her cousins show Theatre girl friends was sitting talking like best friends due when she started talking shit about her cousin that does theatre and then the following hour it was announced that the cousin was coming to visit girls houses after talking shit about the cousin the cousin and auntie and up walking through the door and the girl who was once talking shit went so silent and the friend wanted to burst out laughing so much The girl agreed to visit her cousin team whilst on the tour bus with her cousins and co workers there girl that where telling a story about one of the co workers she gets processed by a Relic a scotich possession and one time during there set wth no gear on whilst singing she randomly flew through the air in possession and after that I had gotten Chills So after the cousin perform the way they explained it on the story in the bus happened and the possessed girl came screaming towards me and luckily I liked to my uncle and he understood he grabbed a rope and put it around the girl So next thing I know we were giving the processed girl a very old brew that cast the possession off
Dream date:
26 Jan 2024
Emotional tone:
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