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Dream Interpretation: Uncle 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Uncle? Discover the significance of seeing a Uncle in your dream πŸ’€ - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Uncle appears in your dream βœ…

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πŸ’‘Possible meaning

Your mind will give you this image when it is trying to connect with a story or character that you need to integrate into your life. Think about your own uncle, or the key features of this character in your dream. These are elements that your mind is trying to get you to pay attention to!

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🧭 Direction


Think about your uncle, what are their key features? Your mind will bring this image to mind when you need to either confront these characteristics in your own life, or learn how to embody them more. Either way, your mind is giving you clues how to overcome the obstacles you face! Don't miss the opportunity!

❀️ Feelings

The dream about an uncle may evoke feelings of familiarity, comfort, and nostalgia. It could symbolize a sense of family connection, support, and guidance. This dream may bring about emotions of warmth, love, and a sense of belonging. It could also represent a desire for advice or wisdom from a trusted figure in your life. Overall, the dream about an uncle may elicit positive emotions and a sense of security.





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Dreams of users containing the word Uncle

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16 Jul 2024



I was on my grandma's bed and apparently I thought I was sick or I was sick and so I had a needle in my hand. I'm guessing it was filled with medicine and I started poking it in my leg and for some reason I kept missing the spot apparently and I just kept poking it into different parts of my leg. My uncle walked in. For some reason he wasn't scared or like mad. All he said was you have blood on the floor. While I was walking to the bathroom because he told me to, I guess he told me to go to the bathroom because to wash it off. I don't remember him saying anything. He just told me to go to the bathroom and when I walked in there I saw a very very thick candle. It was pinkish. It was like a thick candle like a Mexican candle. It didn't have any stick in it like it was just like a tower and it was so melted it wasn't even in a glass and for some reason it had a perfect trail of wax leading away from it the candel was locatec in a part of my grandma's bathroom that I've never even seen before but when I saw the big candel my dream ended

9 Jul 2024

Family Members


I went with my family and then they all just started disappearing one by one and then the next moment I’m in the water drowning and I just keep trying to swim up but every time I try to swing up and get Pacheco home and then go brief moment I'm out of the water but then I see my uncle who passed away and I try to speak but then I get pulled into the water again and I keep drowning and drowning and screaming for help and then I wake up

2 Jul 2024

School Bus


I was helping the youth wrestling club I resign from with their fundraiser. They were trying to decide what to do so we had them sale girl scout cookies. They had to sell at least five boxes in order to make money to cover their registration fee for the tournament. I was on the yellow school bus talking with them and had to leave in order to I get home on time for the dinner date with my wife and her family. I attempted to call my wife on my cell phone to let her know I would be late but my cell phone was not working correctly so I had to turn off and reset it. When I got home I was at my old Boys Town job working as a youth care worker in a residential group home. When I arrived some of the kids were outside to greet me. There were desserts and other food dishes in the mailbox from our family and friends. I took those things inside. Christie's step and an uncle followed me inside. Then when I was about ready to leave one of the kids began to act out and I had to do a teaching her action with the kid and the kid and some consequences. Instead of the kid responding positively to the teacher interaction he escalated his behaviors to the point where I had to call a timeout with the other kids so I could work with him one on one. And I could tell he was trying to draw out our action so I would be late for the family gathering. As we work through that problem, there were other obstacles that were happening with the other kids. The kids kept delaying leaving the house to go to the neighbors house I tried my best to deal with each situation as I encountered them. We moved from the dining room to interaction in the garage. I was closer to getting them to leave. At one point I even apologize to the one youth for losing control of my own emotions and rushing through the teaching interaction with two big consequences instead of a big one followed by a small one. This would have made its less hopeless for the kid and would have allowed him to see some light at the end of the tunnel by issuing the big consequence followed by the small consequence before going to a larger consequence. Eventually there was an assistant youth care worker that came to the home to help so I could leave. By that time I got my phone working again and my wife was upset that I had missed the celebration for us. I tried to explain to her that my actions were not intentional. I ran into some issues with the youth I could not leave them while they were misbehaving. She did not believe me and she was hurt by my absence

1 Jul 2024



My uncle is having a going away party for Madonna. I am really excited to meet her. I decide to give up my 30 days of sobriety and I’m drinking a margarita. I drink it quickly and am waiting to feel the effects of the alcohol. I am excited to be a part of everything and am walking around the room taking selfies with everyone

30 Jun 2024



So, I had an intriguing dream recently...I was with my Uncle on the motorcycle.. the road was bumpy and troublesome.. but my focus is into the beautiful scenery on my side... It was almost dark, The sky was blue... And the moon is Bright yellow.. there are thin trees which make the view even captivated... My blurry visions even make it beautiful.... I was captivated by as if that's all that matters there. Not the bumpy road nor my Uncle's talking or caution's.. but Uncle is glancing at me and trying to take my attention but it's no use... Then, in my dream... There's a Family whom I'm also part of..more like a cousin or so.. they're singing at the table and blowing candles.. but I'm not near them. I'm near the sofa.. sensing something else... Something "Dark" It's Aura and Energy... Not good news...But the energy it gives is definitely from a Mischievous Man.

30 Jun 2024

Old friend


I was walking around and my old friend who I’ve had sex with before shows up at the store and wonders who I am. I avoid him at all cost because he has kids. I go to the back of the store because I was supposed to meet my uncle for dinner. The whole time I’m avoiding my old friend. I’ll just go see him finally but after that I’m moving. Such melodramatic moments. I end up wanting to be with him after finally seeing him.

29 Jun 2024



I wanted to get a pizza. I was in the second floor parking area and I was chased by this gang. I end up getting pizza and continue on. My cousin ended up dating one of the gang and they were circling around the store. We were supposed to go somewhere but she bailed on me for her boyfriend. I left without her and went back the way I came and got lost I couldn’t find where I parked. I saw my uncle earl couldn’t remember where he parked either. Then I remembered I was on the next up floor.

28 Jun 2024



I was arrested by the police and got away 3 different times. I was also charged with federal charges for throwing a gun I had while I was running. The last time I got caught I wa just so sure I was going to jail. But the last opportunity came for me to escape and I did. I ended up hoping on a train that went over a river that too me to a safe haven. While I was on the train it broke down and fell into the water. Everyone was able to make out safe and transfer to another train. We then ended up making it to the safe haven. I remember being very paranoid as bout someone on the train reporting me to the authorities. When I ended up getting to the safe haven my cousins started to appear in my dream, and a few moments later my Uncle showed up. When my uncle showed up he started getting a little obnoxious and loud about what I had just did with the police. This led to me threatening to leave if he kept being loud about it. This led to me being even more paranoid about the supervisor of the safe haven reporting me to authorities. Then the dream ended.

25 Jun 2024



I was wading in the river up to my belly then I got out. I drove the truck up the hill and changed my mind to clean off the undercarriage of my truck in the river. It changed to I was at my late uncles house. I guess he used to be with this woman. Her daughter was there I was talking with her a while. I dug around his house and I found a picture of her mom. He was alive in the dream and the girls mother was not. I was in a kitchen and some people were coming in.

24 Jun 2024

Demon possession


I'm in Germany And uncle Keris wants head surgery. I met my grandpa brother in the WC, grandpa was crying. When I came out of the toilet, uncle Keris was about to be brought into the operating room when suddenly he was possessed with horror. And everything there was slammed, I ran over there. Fight and scold the demon Finally the demon left

19 Jun 2024

Abandoned home
Swimming Pool


I dreamt that I visited my hometown of Mocha, Cuba. The town was completely renovated, with all the homes a white color as they were under new construction, my grandpa and uncle observing their hometown with me. Suddenly the homes were finished, and they resembled modern American suburban homes. My grandpa’s old home, which he sold years ago, was uninhabited, and so were all the houses in the town. We entered his old home, my childhood home, and looked at all the new renovations, utilizing a modern/antique style of architecture. The back of the home had several indoor pools, with a pond as well. The backyard was a large collective one, overlooking other homes in the area. The dream ended with me reminiscing at my reflection while peering into the interior of the other homes in the area, with my uncle and grandpa discussing in the large collective backyard.

18 Jun 2024



Well, this is a very strange one. I was in a house, seemingly in my mom's home town, Nebraska, and there was a party happening. My little brother or someone else who has autism was acting up and there was, I'm pretty sure the party was already passed, I think, but it wasn't so sad. My uncle was married to a lady and I've never seen this lady before, but she reminded me of a woman I know. She's much older, but anyway, she cried and said, I wish I was able to take care of somebody like that. I could do so much better. Saying that she wished she could take care of somebody with autism or somebody with special needs. She could do so much better. So, I told her that she may want to try, in order to have a kid, she may want to try sex toys, so that things can go better in the orgasm department, and at first she was like no, and I was like I brought some, you can try them out, have one, and she gave me a big hug, and I gave her a hug back, she said I will try one, and I said you need to speak your baby into existence, she was like do you feel that baby in there, and I said yeah I feel it in there, and then she was like do you feel that autism, and I just nodded my head, this was like a super deep hug, like I squeezed, and she squeezed, and I squeezed, and we squeezed together. Then I started putting out, I gave her the sex toys that she was going to use with her husband. But then I started putting out the other sex toys and she went to go take a shower and came back naked and then I went to take a shower but I turned the fan on so that I could air dry. I think we were going to have sexual intercourse but I don't know. The dream ended there. So this would be my uncle's wife's, who's older and that was my dream. Sorry it was so weird, thanks for listening.

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