Dream interpretation about Died, Killing, Death, Falling, Fighting, Leaving, Husband, Family, Father, Aliens, Apartment, Daughter, Man, Mouth, Water, Hand, Head, Pepper, Point, Sky, Sun, Window, Looking, Lord, Reading
It was me and 2 others and we killed a man and before he died he cursed us. He something about dying by the eclipsed moon. We went back to our apartment and I tried to ignore it but couldn’t when I noticed the screen in one of the windows had come loose a little. One of the other two were cooking spaghetti and the two were talking so I decided to try and fix the screen so no one would fall out. But as I reached for it my hand went through it and I fell out of the window. I was holding onto a curtain that was apart of the window but the curtain was long n I continued to fall. As I was falling I was looking at the sky and I saw the North Star but it was big and bright and than I saw the moon eclipsing the sun and felt I was dying so I shouted out to Lord that I was sorry for killing the man and that I wouldn’t do it again and the curtain bunjied me back up and through the window into the safety of the apartment. The dream than skips and I am with my husband and 2 daughters only one of them has a strong aversion to water. Whenever she comes near it her head gets really small or it completely disappears and we as a family have to go into the water to fight some unknown creature to save her. At one point this weird alien thing starts to come out if her mouth than it skips and her head is getting smaller she panicks fir a second and once she realizes her head is just small and not gone she goes back to reading. My husband and other daughter leaves to fight while she stays and helps me cook. I wake up after she tells me that her dad wants her to get the onions and green peppers out for spaghetti. You should note: I am not married and I only have 1 daughter.
Dream date:
25 Jan 2024
Emotional tone:
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