Dream interpretation about Dead, Enemy, Friends, Pet, Crying, Relationship, Dog, House, Light (Not Dark), Reason, Bed, Door, Front, Gates, Hair, Hallway, Side, Sun, Thought, Looking, Color, Orange, Fan, Memory, my-ex, My Room, Super, Watched, Words
I was trying to cosplay technoblade to honor his memory or something cause I knew he was dead but I had like this whole techoblade outfit for some reason (which that's already odd cause I never really watched technoblade I wasn't like a big fan of his) and what else was strange was that I was back in my room at mom's house, the sun was shining though the windows green curtains like it usually did, the bed was next to the door but it felt more empty than it had been before (the whole house during the dream felt emptier, the pets weren't there either which is odd since I have rarely ever been in that house without the dog being there) and when I looked out into the hallway Annabelle showed up (my ex, she probably hates my guts) she came up to the gate but didn't come into my room, and I didn't come out either, she had her hair short, but not super short like down to probably just under her chin, the front was a dark green color and the back was like a pink or orange, something brighter, as far as I remember I never saw her hair look like that, the dark and light contrasted made it stand out a lot, she talked to me, I think she said something about technoblade because of whatever I was trying to do before but I don't remember her exact words, (I don't remember anything she exactly said now, but I think I more remember just the idea of what she said) I'm fairly certain she said something about us, about our relationship, I know she said something that made me sit down and cry, and she kneeled down on her side of the gate to try to comfort me, or maybe apologize, I don't know, I think it helped though, I really wish I wrote this down when I woke up, I wish I remembered the words I just remember we talked, it wasn't bad like we were enemies, but we weren't exactly hanging out like we did when we were friends either, it was unusually calm which isn't and wasn't usually either of our usual styles.
Dream date:
19 Jan 2024
Emotional tone:
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