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Dream Interpretation: Orange 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Orange? Discover the significance of seeing a Orange in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Orange appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

Orange in a dream symbolizes creativity, energy, and vitality. It may also represent a sense of warmth, comfort, and happiness. Alternatively, it may indicate a need for balance and harmony in your life.

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🧭 Direction


Think about the context in which the orange appeared in your dream. Was it a bright and vibrant color or a dull and faded one? This may give you insight into your current emotional state. If the orange was bright, it may be a sign to embrace your creativity and pursue your passions. If it was dull, it may be a warning to take a step back and find balance in your life.

❤️ Feelings

The dream of an orange can evoke feelings of warmth, joy, and vitality. It symbolizes creativity, abundance, and positive energy. This dream may bring a sense of optimism and happiness, as the vibrant color and delicious taste of an orange represent a zest for life. It may also signify a period of growth and new opportunities. Overall, dreaming of an orange can leave one feeling uplifted and inspired.





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Dreams of users containing the word Orange

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7 Jul 2024



So basically what happened was I was waiting outside this house with about 3 other people and 4 or 5 other people came out to us and started talking and then me one of the girls and two of the boys started walking together down to our lodge cabin when we got there we opened the cupboard and a note flew out that said your having a party it’s got to be successful but you can’t make a mess or get any clothes out or anything so we all started stressing about this party I went upstairs with one of the other girls I was here with and we started getting clothes ready but making a mess so we had to clear it up and we were talking about how we want people to be honest with us always so I asked her if my face looked orange and a different colour to the rest of me and she said I’m sorry but yeah a bit orange and I said I knew it. Then down stairs they all started shouting saying there here there here so we looked out and saw a bunch of robot looking people and we both said oh that’s in and we burst out laughing the whole group of about 8 of us left the lodge cabin and walked over to the robots and said there’s your party pointing to the cabin and we all walked off the two boys were walking quite far infront and one of the girls called Connie who goes to my school in real life asked the group which off the boys we all thought was fitter she said the one with brown hair and I said the one with the curly hair then I woke up

5 Jul 2024



I went in my bedroom in the morning. The window was open and I was surprised to see many butterflies and moths all around my room. They weren't flying around, they were all resting with their wings closed. They were very pretty. Orange and blue were their colors. Then I noticed a birds nest with three eggs. The eggs were blue and had a pretty design. The eggs started hatching and I watched as three flying squirrels were born. They seemed helpless. Then I saw a tiny robin. The robin was underwater in the bathtub. I picked him up and set him down. I was feeding him crumbs. I remember thinking I was going to be late for work. The overall feeling was intense interest about all the animals and butterflies in my room.

20 Jun 2024



Pointing out that my mother has a different colored pomeranian every day. (Monday: Red, Tuesday: Orange, Wednesday: Yellow, Thursday: Green, Friday: Blue, Saturday: Purple, Sunday: Pink.)

19 Jun 2024



Signs, Dreams, and reminders A Cosmic Apple picked from the tree, but it’s “bruised” in multiple spots despite being picked straight off the branch. A school hallway. And a sidewalk pathway to school with apple trees alongside… Boat. A speedboat 🚤 is significant. Pumpkins and Oranges…both growing on the same tree…in various sizes and sometimes breeded together to make new fruit. Mydayis and Zoloft pills…not taken but forgotten to be taken.. (seems significant) Persephone (Goddess) Apollo (two confirmations in waking life) A pink incense stick with cherry blossom 🌸 patterned wrapping? Strangers…folks I haven’t seen. Moths (significant nocturnal insect in waking life) The folks I care about and I throwing backs out…. I’m guessing the weight of everything is throwing us to pieces… The back…the spine seems significant.

17 Jun 2024



I was exploring a mountain when I came across a village tucked away at the top. There was a beautiful wooden temple with orange white woodworking on the roof designed like lace and it moved with the breeze. An older woman in white was there and greeted me warmly. I then found an elevator that took me down to a meadow that was in a crevice at the base of the mountain. There was a sea of tall grass encircling a pretty stone fountain that was wrapped in vines with white flowers. I felt I needed to get the water flowing again but I wasn't sure how. The concept of "as above so below" crossed my mind. I was then inside the mountain where there was a large royal chamber, a giant stone throne shaped like an open book with an androgynous ruler carved from bronze seemingly sleeping upon the throne. A congregation of shadows loomed behind me, watching, waiting, but then a companion randomly appeared and said we had to run, the person chasing us was close and we had to keep moving. We went down a path that led to a secret airplane hanger with large airship. Then I woke up

8 Jun 2024



I was in some kind of party, with alot of people most of whom were women I knew, like my mom, my school's principal, some of my teachers. I particularly remember the principal applauding me for something and then leaving for the "main show" with a basket on her head, just like all the other women. One of them, Kalliopi was her name, who wore an orange dress, was for some reason and in some way familiar, though I had never seen her before. When I went to do my duties for the "main show" too, I went from another entrance and ended up in my house. It was like a screenshot of my house in the waking world, but with no people. I saw a key on the desk. For some reason, I knew that this might be the first, but it's not the last key, as I need to find exactly 6 more. I had found 1 already, and I also knew that there was another inside one of the drawers. There was. Then my dad appeared all of a sudden, and my first guess was that he followed me. We didn't talk much, but we found a strange phone-like device which had a cool look and was filled with numbers. We figured it contains yet another key, so we tried some codes that might be required to open it. Really, my dad tried them all. Most of those codes looked odd to me, because, although they were numbers, the screen above them could clearly form a message with letters. I remember reading the messages and thinking to myself that it's weird, but nothing more than that. We did manage to get the key out of the device and then I remember nothing but that I was alone again and I knew that I had all the keys. I'm not sure what happened after that, but I probably used all the keys to the door in front of me, and one of them was the right one. Then, thinking that this was some kind of maze set up as a joke, i proudly walked out, only to find myself inside the same room. The only difference, was that there was something, an object, so weird-looking I don't even know how to describe it to you. What most mattered, was that it was white, but had an orange light (or glow) everywhere on it. I then remembered the woman in the orange dress and knew that she had set this all up as a trap for me. I had no idea why. I woke up after that.

7 Jun 2024

Movie Theater


I went to a movie theater with my ex, her roommates, and a bunch of my friends. My ex was wearing an orange sweater and black pants and she looked very beautiful. When we took our seats, she was at the front, facing me on her knees. I went to meet her there and got on my knees as well. While we were kneeling, she confessed her love to me and before I had the chance to respond, we started kissing. I was very happy and confused because there were still things I wanted to talk to her about. The two of us then got up and took our seats in the front row, with an empty chair between us. Her and her roommate were celebrating. My mmm some of my friends were disappointed, and some of them were happy for me. I told my ex that we had some things to talk about. I wondered when she was going to leave me again.

7 Jun 2024



I was with my mom and we were in this shop. I was struggling to sleep and we were in there to try and find something that would help me sleep. So we asked this shop lady if she had anything for me and she walked over to get something from the other side of the shop. She came back with this feather, and it immediately made sense to me that I would use this feather to stroke myself to sleep. And so my face lit up. She didn’t have to say anything. She said we have these in different colors over here and me and my mom went over there to find one. This feather the lady was holding was a blue and orange feather. So I brought one of them home I think this one was a purple feather.

31 May 2024



It was at night. I heard from some girl that once every few years the sky will turn beautiful orange with stars Shining bright. By chance it was happening right that day and I saw the beautiful sky change to orange. I tried to take pictures of the sky filled with stars but was barely successful as the orange sky turned black again quite fast. But then while looking at the sky I see a giant ball that looks like the planet Saturn I hurried to take pictures as it seems to be moving. As I successfully took the pictures of the strange orb in the sky it turns around and starts scanning the ground with its giant red machine eye. It was a giant machine. Somehow I knew right away on what it wanted to do, it was trying to destroy evidence of its existence. The evidence that I had, the pictures. As it stopped scanning, lasers began to shoot out of its eye destroying everything in its way. I ran straight to my mother’s room to my mum and big brother out of the house as the laser starts blowing at our house. I successfully managed to get my family out to the garden to safety with few seconds before the lasers comes close to us. With few seconds I had I deleted the pictures as fast as I can which made the giant machine stop. It was safe again for us

29 May 2024

Black Hole


In my dream, it was the end of the world- which it often is. I’m constantly having dreams about alien invasions and the apocalypse. Aliens were killing majority of the people/kidnapping to take to there ship. The sky was red and you could hear people screaming all the time. No one ever returned once they found themselves on a ship. After awhile of being on the run I was finally captured like a lot of others. Oh btw I have orange hair in this dream. At first they made us slaves on the ship. (While it was still harbored on earth that is) I was forced to work in a tiny soup kitchen with other kids/young adults. Didn’t see many old people. Actually can’t remember seeing anyone that was graying. It at least resembled a soup kitchen. I peeled potato’s and such. It was real hot and steamy in there. No one was happy but we made do. The ship was larger then several continents combined. After the ship took off into space, (to return to there home planet ig) Humans were slowly intergrated into normal citizens amongst the aliens. Some even getting married or starting families with them. Not me though I was super hateful and angry. Refused to befriend or trust anybody. I was still trying to find an escape (as one does) And found myself in one of the oxegyn tank bubbles. They’re aloud to leave the ship within a certain perimeter. I feel it should also be mentioned I’m natoriously known as a runner so there’s always a bodyguard with me. No one trusts me but it’s chill cause I don’t trust them either. 2 bodyguards. Also for some reason a lot of the alien guys are super protective of the human women 🤷‍♀️ can’t remember what I was talking about with the guards but I was prolly complaining about how horny I was and no on having sex with me- stupid guard said “Your body is so ugly… but your eyes…” I had whipped my head around to see they weren’t looking at me but starring at a black jump portal in the distance. (Jump portals are always BLUE!) my stomach lurched as they hurled us over to the black abyss. They seemed completely entranced by it. It took me a minute to catch my bearings till I was screaming bloody murder, begging them to turn back. I was convinced we were about to run smack dab into a black hole that would immediately crush us completely. Moments before we hit it, just a breath away, they finally heard my shouting and stopped the pod. Like a spell had finally worn off and they flinged us back to the ship. We had to tell the Prince Alien about the broken jump portal. We might all die because of it. When we made it to the “Thrown room” I wasn’t aloud inside. Probably cause I’m the runner human 💀 at least I can make a name for myself. Right as the doors were closing (the two guards went in to explain the situation) I turned my back as the Prince entered the room. I didn’t seem him, but just before the doors closed he glanced at me and I could vividly feel his eyes on my retreating form. I think he might be my “mate” or something. I didn’t realize but I think he did just as the doors clicked shut. But before he could do anything about that knowledge the dream ended. Here’s my thoughts: the slaughter on earth was a cleansing of all the dark and twisted manipulators using todays youth. I think the ship might be my current reality. What if one of the guards is my spirit guide and the other is a self limiting belief. They referred to the portal as my eyes so what if it wasn’t a black hole but a gateway to the soul? Nah it was prolly a black hole but I think they were trying to say I got a pretty soul or something. Alien bastards lol. So many questions so little time

21 May 2024



I’m in a large clothing store that seems fimilar. I’m shopping alone but everyone knows me. I look around the endless rooms at all the clothes and a girl points out a fluffy dark purple coat on the highest rack. I want it so bad. No one is around to help. I grab one of the hooks that reaches the ceiling, I am too afraid to look up. I ask for help and no one can. I face my fear and look up even though it hurts I reach for the coat with the gaint hook and snag one down. I try it on, other girls gather around and I ask how it looks. Everyone loves it but it feels too small. The coat is now orange and purple and I’m wearing an orange shirt. Too much orange, I take off the orange shirt and I’m wearing a white tank top. My body is perfect in the mirror. I want to try on the larger size coat but I have to use a hook that is 10 times harder to get it. I can’t reach the bigger size it’s impossible. I settle for the small coat but I can’t afford it. I start looking around for my mom to ask her to buy it because I know I can convince her easy. Then I start looking at everything I’m wearing, a lot of it is from the store. How can I buy it all? I think I could probably steal the belt. I’m wearing white tights I begin to take off and they rip to shreds like paper. The scene changes and I’m in a grocery store, I have to buy something. I look at the kids chocolate milk. Then I look for my mom.

9 May 2024



I kept getting bitten by a snake. I was in somebodies grandmothers house, and there was a orange and white python that i kept trying to pick up, but it would not stop biting me. it didnt hurt, and i wasnt afraid, i was just frustrated. Eventually, i decided to just throw it outside where snakes belong, but it put up a fight and kept hiding from me. It never attacked anyone else, it just wanted to be left alone. i dont know why i kept grabbing it.

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