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Dream Interpretation: Orange 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Orange? Discover the significance of seeing a Orange in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Orange appears in your dream ✅

Orange symbol
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💡Possible meaning

Orange in a dream symbolizes creativity, energy, and vitality. It may also represent a sense of warmth, comfort, and happiness. Alternatively, it may indicate a need for balance and harmony in your life.

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🧭 Direction


Think about the context in which the orange appeared in your dream. Was it a bright and vibrant color or a dull and faded one? This may give you insight into your current emotional state. If the orange was bright, it may be a sign to embrace your creativity and pursue your passions. If it was dull, it may be a warning to take a step back and find balance in your life.

❤️ Feelings

The dream of an orange can evoke feelings of warmth, joy, and vitality. It symbolizes creativity, abundance, and positive energy. This dream may bring a sense of optimism and happiness, as the vibrant color and delicious taste of an orange represent a zest for life. It may also signify a period of growth and new opportunities. Overall, dreaming of an orange can leave one feeling uplifted and inspired.





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2 Sep 2024



In my dream, I was at my old secondary school and my close friend, Flick, was wearing orange leg warmers and an orange vest alongside other prefects. I was a prefect as well but I didn’t have to wear Flick’s outfit. I began laughing hysterically as everyone in my year group had to walk into one of our old PE halls and we all had to sit on benches together. Suddenly someone began playing the Rhianna song ‘SOS’ and some people were humming along to it while I began fully singing the song and then other people joined it. Then I woke up from the dream.

23 Aug 2024

High School


I had a dream I was I. High school and I was trying to befriend a girl and she was acting weird with me like she didn’t like me. I was waiting at a store to finish getting my Polaroid printed out but the cops had to cop and it was a whole thing. We later met up and she was was talking to her gf they made me feel left out like they weren’t including me in their convo. Then I told them if they weren’t interested in being friends with me to let me know so I could not try anymore. Then more girls came and started trying to intimidate me saying no one wants to be friends with you because of you telling that girl you wish she would die and I said I apologized profusely and she got me so angry that those were the words I chose. They didn’t care so I tried running from them throughout the high school. I escaped from them and lost them and fled the property and got away from them. I also ate some oranges and was with another friend we went to McDonald’s to get my French fries that they forgot to place in to the bag from the other McDonald’s I had the receipt so the worker gave them to me. Then I saw my boss at a school and he was explaining how none liked him so he could relate to how I was feeling. And I saw a train and fire in my dream also on the tracks.

7 Jul 2024



So basically what happened was I was waiting outside this house with about 3 other people and 4 or 5 other people came out to us and started talking and then me one of the girls and two of the boys started walking together down to our lodge cabin when we got there we opened the cupboard and a note flew out that said your having a party it’s got to be successful but you can’t make a mess or get any clothes out or anything so we all started stressing about this party I went upstairs with one of the other girls I was here with and we started getting clothes ready but making a mess so we had to clear it up and we were talking about how we want people to be honest with us always so I asked her if my face looked orange and a different colour to the rest of me and she said I’m sorry but yeah a bit orange and I said I knew it. Then down stairs they all started shouting saying there here there here so we looked out and saw a bunch of robot looking people and we both said oh that’s in and we burst out laughing the whole group of about 8 of us left the lodge cabin and walked over to the robots and said there’s your party pointing to the cabin and we all walked off the two boys were walking quite far infront and one of the girls called Connie who goes to my school in real life asked the group which off the boys we all thought was fitter she said the one with brown hair and I said the one with the curly hair then I woke up

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