Dream interpretation about Falling, Bully, Happy, Jealous, Friend, School, Group, Help, Issue, Sister, Teacher, Woman, Girl, Guy, Floor, Foot, Hand, Step, Time, Way, Looking, See, TV, Clothes, Conversation
I had a dream I was in the tv show shameless. In the show/dream Debbie had a friend that wasn’t as popular just like her. Her friend started wearing skimpy clothes to become popular and everyone started liking her because of those outfits the guys mainly. Then Debbie had a teacher that always gave her a hard time and practically bullied her but her sister Fiona stepped in and out a stop to it. Ian also had issues with the teacher when he grew up and gave her a dirty look when he saw her again. I also had another dream that I was in school and I had another dream before that I fell and I held onto this woman’s foot and kinda squeezed it. After that we joked about it and went out separate ways. In this dream I was with my sister and noticed my friend Kenzie and we were stared talking. Wouldn’t you believe if I told you I fell again and the same girl from before came and talked to me again and said “you didn’t squeeze my foot this time” she noticed me and she hoped out of a line she was in and we just talked for a few minutes and hit it off. I was still on the floor so she offered me her hand and helped me up. I think I noticed my friend Kenzie was jealous then she joined in on the conversation. The other girl invited me to her friend group so we could get to know each other better. Then I woke up happy.
Dream date:
4 Nov 2023
Emotional tone:
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