Dream interpretation about Ex, Rape, Partner, Guilt, Marry, Love, Running away, Leaving, Sad, Following, School, Make up, House, Letter, Past, Children, Girl, Legs, Name, Reason, Running, Boy, Side, Tree, Type, Duck, Flower, my-ex, My Job
I can't remember all of the details, but I know that is involved my ex-boyfriends, some of which have raped me in the past, but the dream wasn't about them, yet just seeing them brought back those negative feelings. It was a weird scenario where they were Ron Stoppable from the show Kim Possible and I was Kim, but every time I interacted it was a different partner but I knew that they were that character. Then when it got to my current partner he was very sad kept giving me random things I flipped through a book and it had a lot of love letters but I didn't read I just know they were addressed to me. We made up and then we were in a big country house where somebody was getting married but there was no bride or groom just a lot of people in formal wear and we were expected to be the same. There was a cherry blossom tree and it was very nice. Then I dreamt that I was doing my normal job, which is working in a special needs school, but I was working with children I'd never seen before and girls, where my school is a boys-only school. I was the only person that noticed a very small girl trying to leave. Her name was very long and sounded a bit like hyperbole. Anyway, I was the only person who saw her trying to leave, so I went after her. She started running towards a very, very busy road. I followed, I was very stressed trying to dodge and duck. I didn't get hit and neither did she, but we got to the other side which was full of flowers. I, doing my job, tried to get her. She of course resisted and ran away back into the road, this time she got hit and run over, especially on her legs, there was a lot of screaming and I was very distraught because that was not what I wanted to happen. She then started blaming me, saying I was the reason that she got run over, but she wouldn't have got run over if she was in a safe place to begin with. There was a lot of guilt at the end of the dream.
Dream date:
29 Dec 2023
Emotional tone:
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