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Dream Interpretation: Marry ๐Ÿ˜ด - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Marry? Discover the significance of seeing a Marry in your dream ๐Ÿ’ค - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Marry appears in your dream โœ…

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๐Ÿ’กPossible meaning

Dreaming of getting married symbolizes a new beginning, commitment, and partnership. It can also represent a desire for security and stability in your life. It may indicate a need for emotional fulfillment and a longing for a deeper connection with someone.

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๐Ÿงญ Direction


Think about your current relationships and whether you are ready for a commitment. If you are already in a committed relationship, this dream may indicate a desire to take the next step. If you are single, it may be a sign that you are ready to find a partner. Consider your feelings towards marriage and what it means to you.

โค๏ธ Feelings

The dream of getting married often evokes feelings of joy, happiness, and excitement. It symbolizes a union, commitment, and the start of a new chapter in life. It can bring a sense of fulfillment, love, and companionship. This dream may also evoke feelings of anticipation, hope, and a desire for stability and security. It represents a significant milestone and can generate feelings of contentment, bliss, and optimism for the future.





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Dreams of users containing the word Marry

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7 Apr 2024

My crush


I was attending a womanโ€™s wedding that was my friend in the dream, but someone Iโ€™ve never met in real life. I was very encouraging to her and offered my help with enthusiasm. Underneath my desperation to help her was a deep headache. She was marrying someone I had been crushing on at work who I had met in real life. The next thing I remember is the wedding being called off. The groom that I found myself smitten with was boarding the carriage alone. I was running after him determined to confess my infatuation. I had taken the brides bouquet to present to him, but it was only stems. There were no roses attached. Still he accepted the stems. Then with an expression of regret, told me he wished he had accepted my affection from the beginning. With my gift he left.

5 Apr 2024



I had a dream about my dog Dusha that I don't have anymore. It was a nightmare and it started with me being at this big wedding thing. And I was supposed to marry my friend Nina, a girl, because of some conspiracy. But it was not today that I was supposed to marry here. My family has just asked me to fix this and marry her and it had to be a girl because it had to be a gay wedding for some reason. And I was walking through the hole and thinking about that and I said I don't want to do that. and Nina was walking in front of me and then somebody booked a flight and it was happening already the next morning But they didn't give me any information. I just had one email. It didn't say where it was supposed to be or how it worked or check-in information, nothing. So I was angry, I thought it was my brother or some man that booked this flight that was close to me. I don't remember who it was, but I think it was my brother. And I haven't talked to Nina about the conspiracy to marry. She would probably agree to it. And I thought, oh my God, she's a drunk and she can be really mean. I don't think that this is a good idea. I don't want to be married to this person. and then it turned out that I would have to But I don't remember the reasons why in the dream. And then I was walking around, I don't remember how the dream moved in this direction, but Tusha, my dog that I had to give away a long time ago, she was in the dream too, but she was my dog in the dream. She was walking around being cute and I took her and then she was coming up to another dog. My mom was holding her on the leash. but she let her get close to the dog and Tusha has aggression problems. so she was biting at the other dog but she didn't bite them because my mom pulled her leash back But the other dog bit her, or we didn't see that it did, but it looked like it did. And then she was hurt and she came back and came to me and then I was like, Mom, what are you doing? And I took the leash from her and I unleashed her and I took her with me. And she was so scared that she was starting to bite at me, too. But she didn't manage, and she was just doing it to scare me, and I didn't think anything of it. Because I trusted her that she wouldn't attack me. And then I let her lay for a little while. She was bleeding from her leg and there was a lot of blood coming. and then I came back to her and I tried to touch her a little bit and I said Tusha come on let me lift you we need to take you okay we need to take care of this And when I saw her hurt, I was so close to tears. I was so sad and emotional. This was my doggie, and she was hurt. And then I went and picked her up and I put her in my dad's room. I was in my dad's room in my family home, my childhood home. And then I took a pillow and I put it under her and I also took paper wipes and I put them under her as well so that she doesn't dirty the pillow. There was a lot of blood and I thought I need to take care of this, I need to take her to a doctor. But first I wanted to disinfect the wound. I knew it would hurt, but that's what we needed to do as fast as possible. So just looking for disinfection and some bandages so I could bandage it up for now that it's not bleeding as much.

3 Apr 2024



I was in the middle of a dispute with some family members. One of my uncles was threaten by his sister with a weapon to kill him. I tried to intervene by defending him, but I was too late, I saw my aunt stabbing my uncle with a scissor to his back, I saw blood and I run to hold my uncle who was falling to the ground. I held him in my arms and I scream for somebody to call 911. My other family members didnโ€™t want to call 911 because of fear of prosecution but I told them that it was an accident. As I was holding my uncle in my arms, I saw him closing his eyes as he was dying, but I also heard his heart beating. I stared crying and ask virgen marry to save him.

31 Mar 2024



I remember being at a place that reminded me of my moms house. There were a bunch of people that I didnโ€™t know except for two guys. I remember telling a mystic that I wanted the gifts of healing and to be a see-er. I was outside in the back of the house and next door was a church that had a burial site of the preacher. I was concerned that the burial site would get flooded. I remember always looking for this one guy that I really liked. I went into the house in a room that looked like my moms kitchen but it was a bedroom with several young women in it. I was naked. I saw wet stuff on the floor. Some of it was sticky and some I knew were bodily fluids from the young women. I cleaned up most of it while the women helped moved their things out of the way. I then went into a big living room with lots of people. The guy I liked came in with another guy that I was friends with. The guys I was friends with said he was going to marry me. I was confused about that.

29 Mar 2024

New Job
High School


I was trying to get a job nearby for the summer and everything kept being taken. All the jobs were in these really nice office buildings and Luke was helping me to find one. He also kept offering me rides to our churchโ€™s institute but then he wouldnโ€™t come with me and would go to play pickleball instead. (He plays lots of pickleball in real life). My friend Taylor from high school is getting married this summer but in my dream she was already married and brought her kid to visit. His name was Ollie.

29 Mar 2024



I went to live with a foster family in England at the age of 10, happy and hopeful that my life would change for the better. They deceived me, and carried out a coup d'รฉtat luke the handmaids tale, and forced a puritanical society where it was acceptable for 15 year old girls to marry their fathers if their mothers died, only church and oppression were accepted. They banned clothes, books, technological devices, cartoons, comics, music, movies, cosplay, nana, EVERYTHING. 5 years passed and I still lived in the basement I thought would be my room. it was still decorated the way it was before the society was implemented, but they threw away all electronic devices they could find. but they didnโ€™t know i hid my phone and books and charger. they didnโ€™t know i still had everything. I discovered that I could use my things hidden. my mother was a bit unstable and I was accused of killing my foster sister's husband (which I did because he tried to hurt me, and then I kept his hair in a box in my room). I started watching YouTube videos and reading a book about nana and listening to music in secret. Once, I tried to escape, but they found me and beat me. Another, my foster mother had music playing loud and accidentally shot something. I found a gun too, and started shooting knowing she wouldn't hear it. I just wanted to feel something. when my foster father arrived, he smelled the gunpowder and found out. The mother gets sick. The father starts to show interest in marrying me. I go out with the foster mom and three of her friends, and they all talk about how amazing it is that he wants to marry me. I was 15 years old. "that's disgusting!" I scream, but they don't want to know. โ€œItโ€™s natural,โ€ they say. The wedding day arrives. I almost vomit. In the end, instead of leaving with him, I hit his head against a wall and ran home. There, I see my foster mother in a state of shock and despair. I don't think she was so cool with the idea of him marrying me. She looks into my eyes and screams โ€œelectrify my heart!โ€. She was an executioner; At home, we had machines to take the lives of people who were sentenced to death. Without thinking twice, I connected her to the wire and pressed the electric chair button. she was immediately electrified. When she died, I cut her hair and put it in the box with the other one โ€“ but she had so much hair that the box didn't close. it was a big mix of blonde from her and black from my foster sisterโ€™s husband that took up more space than it should have. I pack my bags as quickly as possible and leave the house, heading to the house of an old friend who would help me escape before my foster father and now husband could find me.

26 Mar 2024



I had a dream about It was my wedding day and me and my girlfriend Emie weโ€™re getting married and after we kissed, and they said I now pronounce your wife and wife. My mother came up and directly said I will not allow this to happen and held up a loaded gun. I stepped in front of my wife and I got shot in the head.

13 Mar 2024



Marrying someone else but wanting my actual husband in real life, so cheating on my dream husband with him

3 Mar 2024



My dream wa that instead of my parents renewing their wedding vows this spring like they planned for their 50th wedding anniversary, instead at the ceremony I come to find out that my dad had divorced my mom and was getting married to a horrible woman in her 20s. She had short platinum blonde hair, very skinny but conventionally attractive and she was a complete tyrant. Stamping her feet, screaming at everyone and even demanded that my dad moved her and himself into a mansion. It was a gorgeous house but it was so sad to see my mom still taking care of my dad while he gave attention to this horrible girl. She had traps all over the property and everyone seemed to adore or fear her. She destroyed my and my mothers clothes and would add salt to the wounds so to speak by saying nasty things to us on the side out of earshot of my elderly dad. The ceremony was al blue and white. I decided to stay outside with the cats instead of watch. It was heartbreaking.

3 Mar 2024



I dreamt of marrying my uncle and I was so sad. In the dream I was heavily pregnant, filled with regrets

28 Feb 2024

New Job


We were living in a small village,the place where we used to live when we were just got married. My husband is a doctor so he need to go to a remote place before he started his carreer. The remote island where some earth quake are often happened. But it's kinda different than what happened in my waking life, the place was so different. There were a new mining place that was quite been objected by the villagers there because it's dangerous and could trigger a higher scale of earth quake, but the mining still going. The mining company also do some city developments, but the building they made seems fragile. Every body knows it but just keep the mining going becouse they needed the city development. I remembered walking arround the whole village and met my aunt's family. They're poor and in bad financian situation in my waking life, but not here. They even had 2 pharmacies and 1 bakery shop. That's impressed me oddly. I was having a terrible headache, that my husband bring me to the ER. The ER room were so narrow, they said it's just on a renovation. They located near a place looking like a mosque, but it connected to a villager's house which had a pharmacy. They said the villager's pharmacy were a strong building since the mining company didn't build them. Since the hospital's door were connected there, some of the employee often pass through there when they go home. Back to my own headache at the ER. When I recovered already, I thanked all the nurses and doctors, which is all my husband's friend there. They're about to close the ER for a while. I'm heading home with my husband, we went by the villager's pharmacy place I've mentioned before. Suddenly a great earth quake occurs. The ER and hospital building were shook so hard that all the people go out side, while the villager's pharmacy didn't shook at all. The ER employees went there to see us, we suggested them to just close the hospital immediately and just go pass the villager's pharmacy becouse it's saver. They insisted to go again inside the hospital building. We finnaly left the villager's pharmacy, the owner were so kind and friendly. When we just left that place, suddenly the hospital and the ER building collapsed. My husband shocked, then suddenly the villager's pharmacy were collapsed also. We cried immediately, remembering our friends are trapped there. Then we go as far as we can, we didn't find any vehicles to use so we went quickly, walking. We passed through some new avenues, builded by the mining company. There were some shops and a lot more, a business and trading center. They seem still operating even a terrible earth quake had collased half of the city. My husband then said he need to come inside one of the shop, andI just wait outside. Then suddenly another earth quake hitting again. I yelled at my husband to hurry up and get away from the building. But the building suddenly collapsed before my husband even came out. I shocked and cried a lot. I run everywhere looking for help. But even all my friends there are missing. I cried so hard. Then I wake up.

27 Feb 2024



I had a dream that my aunt was my daughter's mom, and she was a lesbian, and she sat with my, this lady in a dress, wedding dress, and I was shocked because I didn't know she was getting married. She didn't tell me. Then all of a sudden she tells me that I have a niece and nephew that she's not going to tell about me to them and keep me a secret from them and it really upset me and made me want to punch her in the face and I don't know why I'd ever punch my aunt in the face. I love her so it was a really weird dream, nightmare, very intense, I woke up crying.

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