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Dream Interpretation: Duck 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Duck? Discover the significance of seeing a Duck in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Duck appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

A duck in a dream symbolizes adaptability, flexibility, and resourcefulness. It may also represent your ability to navigate through different emotions and situations with ease. Alternatively, it may indicate that you are avoiding a situation or emotion, and need to face it head-on.

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🧭 Direction


Think about the context of the dream and how the duck was behaving. Are you the duck, or is it someone else? Consider how the duck's characteristics may relate to your current situation. If you are avoiding something, try to confront it and be more adaptable in your approach. If you are already adaptable, continue to use your resourcefulness to navigate through any challenges that come your way.

❤️ Feelings

The dream about a duck may evoke feelings of curiosity and playfulness. It could symbolize adaptability and the ability to navigate through different emotions or situations. The presence of a duck in a dream may also bring a sense of freedom and tranquility, as ducks are often associated with water and nature. Overall, this dream may leave you with a sense of lightness and a reminder to embrace change and go with the flow.





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Dreams of users containing the word Duck

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1 Jul 2024

Dark Room
Dead Relative
I Love You


I was attempting to free family members that were captured in a prison getting brain washed. The prison was high in the sky and were guarded by ducks that flying around the rectangular prison. No one was able to sneak in and break my family members out prison. The members of my family that were in prison was my Brazilian grandpa and my Brazilian godmother‘s son Saulo. The dream had occurring at night time when I saw my grandpa and Saulo in the dream there in a dark room and didn’t recognize me. My grandpa who had already passed away, looked older and weaker. when he looked at me he didn’t recognize me, which was heartbreaking. I remember looking into his eyes, hugging him and saying I love you. I know you’re there. I love you and I felt he noticed deep inside. The last scene of the dream was a group of four brave toy dolls that were getting ready to free the prisoners inside, but unfortunately, I knew that they weren’t going to make it alive and they somewhat knew that as well. all of them had a red light on the top of their head that would go off as an alarm every certain time. And they would reset it. The dream ended

24 May 2024



I saved little ducks from being attacked by a hawk. I was living in a house by a boat dock and I ran out and stood over the nest. Then a little woman who was blind and old came up to me and it was like I knew who she was and that she was a good sign and I had seen her before. I brought the nest inside and tried to make it comfortable. Tried to figure out how the mom duck would get out and get food for the chicks. Then I heard the woman whispering through something that the ducks would grow up with me and I would have them on a peach chair.

28 Apr 2024



I dreamt about a beautifully colored duck who made a nest in my yard. It was so magikal. And we became friends. I took care of it and it had eggs and ducklings.

29 Mar 2024

Dead body


There I was. Impaled through my stomach and out by back by one of the needles that was sitting at the bottom of this abyss I was knocked into that now has my blood dripping on it covering it in my blood. My limbs are twitching as I'm stuck around the needle point as my body is unable to go further down towards the bottom. My eyes pour blood the same time my mouth is throwing it up. I saw from a different perspective this time. This time I'm looking up at myself. But as bad as it is it couldn't possibly get any worse. That was a lie. Sooner than later I see a train falling right above me. And at the right moment, I woke up. I rose up quickly dripping in sweat and tears looking like I just been baptized. I found myself clenching my pajama shirt in between my stomach and my chest where there was excruciating pain. But it was only a nightmare. So why am I having this pain? This feeling was familiar to me… could this be another one of my prophetic dreams? If it was than I need to figure out what it means. Quickly. I laid back down questioning myself. How did I end up in that situation? Well let me tell you. I'm standing in front of an abyss. In between this large rigid train track that goes across this petrifying hole that leads to another side. I tried to run to the other side of this abyss but I gave up to the thought that it wasn't going to end. I closed my eyes and I somehow ended up in the same spot to begin with. “this place seems scarcely familiar..” I whispered to myself afraid that I would attract unwanted attention. I examine the place trying to look for certain things that could possibly ring a bell so that I can remember where I am and how to escape. And this is what I see. I looked in front of me and there is a train track that has no support holding it up above or below. I looked down and I saw a corpse lying on the train track where its ‘used to be’ head was. When I looked over to where the rest of its rotted head has been scattered to, I get startled to the sight and jerked backwards falling having tripped on the boards of the track. My hands start to shake like they were having a seizure and my heart was already starting to beat up against my ribs trying to escape and leave me making my breathing pattern irregular. Soon I get up and back away quickly from it and turn around ready to run away from this place like a headless chicken. But alas I am stopped by a brick wall that was infinity high. I immediately run to get around it but the deeper I got thee more ominous that place got. I started to feel my tear ducks fill with salty water as I become frustrated and terrified I was with this place. I close my eyes to release the tears and found myself right back in the middle of the train tracks. I continued to keep looking around and I eventually see an old abandoned gas station with one street light flickering and shining over a figure that would sometimes appear under the light and a sign written in blood, ‘Only the true special ones make it home this way’. I tensed up at the sign as another dead corpse lying on the side of the sign. I felt offended by the sign saying ‘only the special ones’ due to my narcissistic side. It was like it was taunting me saying I wasn't. But I am special! “What makes me different from the people that survived?” the next thing I knew, I see a train coming right for me on the tracks right when I began to start hoping on the boards. Still on land I watch as the train speeds my way as I stood there as numb as a block of wood. But right as it seemed it was about to hit me, I stupidly cross my arms in front my face and lower myself into a stance ready to accept my fate. My eyes teared at the thought, ‘Maybe I'm not special…?’. I closed my eyes tight enough it felt like my eyes were being pushed in by the lids of them. I stood there and opened my eyes hesitantly expecting a harsh impact, I felt nothing but strong wind. I stayed in that position for another half a second before fully opening my eyes with confusion. I could see the train around me as I went through it. “ghost train..?” I asked quietly before falling to my knees as the winds stopped holding me up. After another second I stand up again from my knees regaining my confidence despite this ungodly place and ignoring the fact that something was waiting for me on the other side. I begin hoping on the boards risking my life with each hop. It wasn't until I get to the middle of the huge abyss where I missed a step and fell in between the boards. I immediate reflex was to hold on to something so I don't fall in. I grasped onto one of the boards that was thankfully not far away. I couldn't bring myself back up due to the many trains that were passing by and possibly knocking me off the track, so I had to reach to the next board like I was playing on monkey bars. Once I finally reached the end of the abyss, I climbed up onto the land and unlike the other side I felt grass in the ground so I knew I was making ok progress. Still being the darkest, gloomiest and most ominous place I've ever seen in my life, I am still cautious to this new sight. I stood up facing a forest with very tall thin grayish brown trees with dull grass. As I stood up as silent as a white rabbit hiding from its prey, I observed the forest regretting having gone over here. Until I heard a faint whisper and rustling leaves behind me. I ran. I ran as fast as I could. I tuned around to see if I've gotten far from whatever that was, but it turned out I didn't get far at all. I stopped trying to run and stood looking behind me. Nothing. I figured I could continue finding my way through this forest but as soon as I turned around I meet this thing with a safe for a head wrapped in thorns and an apron covered in dirt and blood along with its hammer covered in mud blood and other disgusting fluids you could ever think of. It already had its weapon held up high as I stood there and before I could process the moment, he swung his hammer and I fell in the abyss. I'm falling and paralyzed and afraid. This is where I've met my wits end. Even though I can not move or scream and cry bloody murder for help, I can still feel this pain that has impacted me. It felt like someone dropped a wreaking ball wrapped in sharp wires cutting open my skin while releasing its disease through my sore body. It felt like someone injected a poison in me that also had small crystals inside of the killing substance just to tear me apart on the inside as much as it is on the outside. As I'm falling the river of tears, blood, and a black tar like substance flow out of my eyes, nose and mouth. I see all the lost souls, dead bodies, blood, and organs spread out everywhere. My perspective changed in this dream changed so that I could see myself falling from a distance. I see that as I fall I managed to turn over facing the ground. The perspective changed again and now I see that my face has gone pale and I could feel my heart giving up and my eyes changing to a cloudy gray. And there I was. Impaled through my stomach and out by back by one of the sharpest infectious needles that was sitting at the bottom of this abyss I was knocked into. My limbs are twitching as I'm stuck around the needle point as my body is unable to go further down towards the bottom. My eyes pour blood the same time my mouth is throwing it up. I could still see from a different perspective this time. This time I'm looking up at myself and the train falling right over me behind me. The fastest second went by and the train finally fell on me. Scattering my insides out. Squirting all the fluids out my body. And splitting me in half due to the pressure put on my body while still on the needle like a kebab.

14 Mar 2024



A tornado went straight through my backyard, sucking up everything and flinging it, like my dogs, pool, duck coop, everything!

5 Mar 2024

New Job


My online friend Sarishka from Russia had come up to Shetland to meet me and to stay for a little bit. Me and her went to our new school, which was in the Lerwick Health Centre building now for some reason. We got dropped off and were about to go into the school, until Sarishka stopped me and told me that we need to have a talk first. So we stood outside the school doors where other people were coming in, and she whispered to me that she was part of this weird gang at the school and she warned me about these 2 teachers who were not going to be very nice to us, but if I stuck by her then I should be fine. I said okay in a wary and confused tone of voice, since I didn't really know what she was talking about since I'd never been to this school before. We walked in the door and just had our classes as normal until lunch time came. I was in the line to get lunch, which was at the reception bit of the health centre building, and I was counting my money whilst wondering where Sarishka was. Then this teacher with straight dark brown hair in a ponytail and glasses came up to me and started talking to me, wearing a dark green blazer. She seemed really nice and we chatted for a bit in the lunch line. I think she was that teacher from Bulgaria that I had in the online school at school thing in 2021. She then went back to her place in the lunch line and I went back to mine. Then this other teacher with slightly curly, light brown hair in a ponytail and glasses came stomping up to me wearing a long floral dress. She started talking to me rudely and I didn't understand why, and then she started screaming at me, took a hold of me and threw me out the lunch line. She then started beating me up whilst strangling me and trying to chop my hand and head off. But no one in the lunch line seemed to notice even though I was screaming at the top of my lungs for someone to come and help me. She eventually stopped beating me up and left me. I then went to the school nurse to see about my injuries. I had large scars on my neck and my hand. The nurse gasped when she seen it and asked how I managed it. I then told her about the teacher that had been beating me up and she was absolutely shocked and said she will report it immediately. She gave me a bunch of bandages and I thanked her, and then I was annoyed because I had missed lunch. School ended and me and Sarishka met up with each other again outside the door as the sun was setting. She said that she will stay here to hang out with her group of friends, and I could go home if I wanted to. I said okay and went on the bus to go home and looked out the bus window at the sunset. The next day at school, I was really hoping to not bump into the horrible teacher again in the lunch line. I seen the nice teacher and I was releaved, but then I seen the horrible teacher and was like 'Oh, no, not again'. But gladly she didn't pay attention to me this time and just left me alone, but I could feel her glaring at me. I was confused because I didn't know why she hated me so much when she didnt even know me. School ended and me and Sarishka had our usual conversations outside the door. Then, I suddenly ended up in this weird, mysterious world. I was standing on a tree lined platform looking at these floating and moving tiles that were going along all these different places. Me and Sarishka were both on the platform, and we jumped onto the tiles. The first tile was of the street in Lerwick, in the side where the bookshop is, we walked up it, then slipped through all the tiles until we got to the end. The world at the end tile was of some weird place with a view of a forest/some trees and some buildings. There seemed to be a bunch of wooden carts and stalls and shops around as well, all painted in beige and pale pink, and the sky was a duck egg blue colour with clouds. We played around happily in this world for a while, wondering how we managed to get here. Then we decided to jump back to the beginning of the tiles where we started, and as we were jumping, I teleported to this weird scene when I was in Sandveien/Sandwick, and the sun was setting. I was sitting on the steps of this random person's house whilst sighing with my head in my hands. I also went into the house of that doctor and I also saw my cousins whilst I was wandering/ running/ floating through the different lanes and houses. Then I went back to the scene where me and Sarishka had reached the street again on the tiles, and then the tiles disappeared and we just ended up standing in the middle of the street at the bookshop/old post office bit, and it was snowing lightly now. Me and her were now walking along the street going towards the direction of Don Leslie's and my house

3 Mar 2024



I was in a car and I open door and saw a tiny baby duck the size of a quarter. Then my dead Wennie dogs can and were so happy to see me and I was petting them then I lost the little duck and I think one of the dogs ate it but I wasn’t mad then I thought hey these dogs are dead . Why are the in the care with me .

3 Mar 2024



I used to have this recurring dream. I was in a car with my brother, aunt, and grandmother. My grandmother was driving and started driving in the wrong lane. I yelled at her because we almost got hit by a car, so we started arguing. When we get to our destination, it's a Books-A-Million. I try to get out the car, but a truck pulls up and traps me between the door and the truck. My grandmother yells at me to come over to her, but I can't. The truck driver gets mad at me because I'm in his way and won't listen to my grandmother. We enter the Books-A-Million, but it's a museum of tiny models. I walk over to one, and my perspective changes. I am now a drone view separate from the events happening. Sort of like a camera on a line. The view is going through an amusement park where all of the rides end with some variation of a noose that would cause the occupant to be hanged if they were on it. The park is empty except for two people. A boy and a girl are going through this maze puzzle where if you click a button, bars in the maze lift and fall. The boy and girl are competing to get through the maze. The boy presses a button and disappears. The girl keeps going through the maze, but she hits a button and the boy reappears. To win the race, the girl cheats and ducks under a bar to finish. Instead of winning, she disappears. I am now put into the perspective of the girl. She was transported to a large upside down pyramid like structure with 100 layers of the maze puzzle that she has to beat to leave.

29 Feb 2024

Running away
New Job


Going through tall grass, a boy walked through to meet two paths. One that lead to a small cottage and another that lead to a tree house. Behind those were a trail I’ve explored in a previous dream. The little boy followed the trail and soon was caught by a big golden dog. The dogs said “You can’t go to the tree house young boy, now hurry back.” The boy replied back, “I’m not here for the tree house. I’m going over to the cottage.” The dog replied “Okay then, hurry along.” Then moved out of the boys way. When the boy got to the small cottage, there were three creatures inside, all resembling cartoon characters. Mouse, duck, and bunny, all dressed up in fancy clothes. The mouse was quite polite and took care of the little boy but the little boy was more interested in talking to the duck. The mouse ordered the boy to look out the window and tell him to look at the old phone on the stool. The little boy couldn’t see what was on the stool and the mouse said if he couldn’t see the stool, it meant something was seriously wrong with him. Soon the room went dark and everything glitched. It seemed like the boy’s presence alone messed everything up and tore everything apart. The mouse went to hug the boy and protect him but he was nowhere in sight. The boy was looking for the duck. While the room was dark, the boy began to get flashbacks to his past. The boy had a serious mental illness and would have terrible hallucinations regularly. He lived with his parents who were kind and loving. One day, the boy had an episode that caused him to hurt his parents and he ran away from home. He ran from Wisconsin to Michigan. There, he found his new family. Unfortunately, unlike his original family, his new family was horrible and abusive. The mother and father would yell and hit the boy for his illness. During the boy’s birthday, he went to a family restaurant party. During the party, he would roam around the establishment. During his search, he saw other young kids getting murdered in the back rooms and hidden areas. He would get many flashbacks to the blood and creepy machines/robots he saw. At school, he was walking to his classroom. He saw writing on the walls in red. He began to hyperventilate as the writing became more intense. It wrote “kill” repeatedly until the boy reached his classroom and collapsed onto the floor.

25 Feb 2024

Make Out


I was being spied on I felt it. The house was familiar like another one with floors. Like an apartment but more of a town house. But it would morph on different floors. When I was at a floor (that was kinda like a house like one I stayed at on vacation with my ex best friend in Orlando) I felt really off. I felt like I shouldn’t open the door. The lights were off it was kinda dark. I saw a bird, I couldn’t really make out if it was a duck or pigeon. So I automatically was like let me let it out. And right when I opened the door I saw a tall man with a white mask and screamed then the duck bit my heel of the foot. (When I woke up I felt the bite on my foot. )

24 Feb 2024



Came to spend time with the kids. I remember seeing their dad he left and I was introduced to a lady, brown skin with short pixie haircut. Her name was April I think in the beginning she was introduced to me as ducks girlfriend, but at some point in the dream , it came out that she was Coreys girlfriend that’s not an issue but we were just spending time together me and her with the kids and going to different stores another different places. We were even a grocery store looked like food world in Troy from the 90s.There was a show we were seeing and I remember seeing some chairs setup like in an auditorium and everybody having a seat I sat down in a seat, and Junior sat down right behind me in a different seat on a different row, but it was directly behind me, And he started complaining about he just can’t see and I’m in his way and just being extra but I’m like you chose to sit directly behind me there other seats available but it’s like he chose that seat just so he could have something to say and then Junior just started to act out really bad and Started being disrespectful and saying all these things to me and she kind of jumped in and she knew exactly what he was doing and understood what was going on at some point in the dream he even began to say I was the ugliest person he had ever seen that he hates me, and that he hates that I’m his mother he wishes that April was his mother. I was in literal shocked over the things he was saying I even responded with you look just like me dude, you are my literal twin you look like the light skin male version of me. Used to think that he hates that he looks like me so he tries harder to act like his dad to spite the fact that he looks like me a woman, a girl, his mother. I think at some point April and Chanel tried to comfort me and this setting looked like it looked familiar like a family members house or somebody’s house that I had seen on a picture when I was really young this environment look like it was from the 90s as well but we in the dream was definitely present time it was just the places were what I known from what I remember them from being in the 90s or my childhood in general. I’m starting to think that April represents a guardian angel maybe version of me/ higher self or even it could have been my brother that passed on but in the dream appearing as a female/feminine energy-April somebody who was there to try to comfort me and understood exactly what I was going through with my son at the moment.

19 Feb 2024



I was on a beach and me and 2 others a older black guy and a younger black guy got warning that a tornado was coming and I saw a lot of people running to the top above the houses that was connected to this big mountain the older guy couldn’t go that fast but then he passed me up and ran into a house that was on the side of the mountain above the river I know that was not a good place but I went anyway so we in the basement of the house looking out the windows the tornado hit us and the whole basement of the house got put into the river floating and started to sink I see all these people Standing on the side of the river I’m all along the older guy and the younger black guy was gone I jumped out of the basement as it sinks and land on land with the other people the the top of the house was sinking too I had to duck while on land until it passed me by and the opening of the house went down the lake or river I looked around and the older black guy and the younger black guy where there I heard people saying yes she made it and then I woke up on the side of the mountain is how it ended.

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