Dream interpretation about Fire, Fighting, Mother, Leaving, Screaming, Aunt, Car, Woman, World, Breaking, Jungle, Bike, Boat, Boyfriend, Space, Flying, Town, Bag, Door, Face, Head, Rock, Looking, Color, Fish, Ground, Climbing, Pretty, Rooftop, Statue, Temple, Dark Room, Little Brother, outside
First I was with my aunt Katka and with some other people I don't remember. We were on bikes, I had a blue one, but we were also with a car, a black one. We were in some sort of mountains/ jungle snd we were looking from some rock tample to another one, much more detailed and beautiful with statues and pillars that looked like a women's holding the temple, it was really pretty. Next i remember being on that other temple we were looking at, we were at it's rooftop i think, and because it was broken we were climbing through it's ruins to get inside. Inside I know there was some room with many shelves that lead to another much smaller, darker room. I know that we looked around and the next thing i remember is that our car was at the rooftop and we had to bring our bikes in so we wouldn't leave them behind and I don't know why but i had such a big dilemma about if I should bring my bike into the car or leave it in the temple. And the second thing (i dont know if it's another dream i had this night or not) i was alone in some kind of place and i had to choose something, like i had to choose which 2 creatures i want to take to help me, it's like everyone had one or two. I think I picked some kind of fish and a something i don't remember, I also got some phone but it looked really futuristic. Next I was with my mom, her boyfriend and my little brother in a car that looked and acted like a space ship. I know that I has to pick a color and i picked green but that little helper fish shoved me that on some planets are just neon colors so there wasn't the green I wanted. And then we were flighting in our spaceship/car around the Earth which looked like the land was burned and we flew around france and spain until we landed in a park in my town, it was dark here. We landed and my brother got out and went outside to my door to open it for me and i noticed that there were some people who somehow didn't looked like people, there was something different I think they had a bag over their heads but i saw their face. And they were coming to us so i dragged my brother inside and scream at my mum to start the spaceship. Then we flew away and that's it, my little brother woke me up.
Dream date:
29 Dec 2023
Emotional tone:
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