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Dream Interpretation: Temple 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Temple? Discover the significance of seeing a Temple in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Temple appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

Dreaming of a temple symbolizes spiritual growth, inner peace, and enlightenment. It may also represent a need for guidance or a desire to connect with a higher power. Alternatively, it may indicate a need for solitude and reflection.

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🧭 Direction


Reflect on your current spiritual beliefs and practices. Are you satisfied with them or do you feel like something is missing? Consider exploring new spiritual practices or seeking guidance from a spiritual leader. Alternatively, take some time for yourself to meditate and reflect on your inner thoughts and emotions.

❤️ Feelings

The dream of a temple evokes a sense of spirituality and reverence. It brings feelings of peace, tranquility, and a connection to something greater than oneself. It may also symbolize a need for guidance, seeking answers, or finding solace in times of uncertainty. The temple represents a sacred space where one can find inner harmony and a sense of purpose. It inspires feelings of awe and wonder, reminding us of the beauty and mystery of life. This dream may also signify a desire for personal growth, self-reflection, and a deeper understanding of one's beliefs and values.





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Dreams of users containing the word Temple

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29 Jun 2024

Parking Lot


I was parking in a parking garage with a friend and two men came up to us to rob us with stun guns. It was a groundhog day situation where ut kept happening and I had to figure out ways to defeat them. I lost everytimw until we finally grabbed their weapon and fought them. The next level of my dream was like a video game. A different friend was now in a wheel chair and I wheeled her out of the garage into an elevator. We end up in some temple run style obstacle course where we had to jump the wheelchair over a gap in a bridge.

20 Jun 2024

High School


January 26-27th ⁃ Train I bonded with? ⁃ Was happy to help celebrate my birthday ⁃ This train took me magically to this temple. To deliver a gift box. It was labeled with “Chicago” on the letter/gift box. ⁃ Was claimed to be lost and found to be delivered to clothe someone. ⁃ Arrived safely. This train spirit seemed to receive trouble and was arrested (?). ⁃ There was a tiny house I arrived in, inside was bookshelves with dolls. Possessed dolls but had no interest in harming me. I went to grab them to set them free. As they seemed to be sitting abandoned for years. ⁃ Upon going outside I encountered overgrowth of the temple and came upon cat food and then Cats in a cage/coop In a temple-like setting. ⁃ I was trying to feed the cats as they seemed very hungry ⁃ One of them managed to break free. A cream colored cat with orange tabby stripes ⁃ This cat was so eager and happy to see me ⁃ I picked this poor baby (cat) up and she clung to me. She was in rough shape. But I protected and held her and gave her love. ⁃ Was about to release the other cats to bring them with me ⁃ But an elderly man yelled at me to stop me which scared me ⁃ I knew then I had to , so I rushed down the stairs of this temple. Trees were growing and flourishing more…had I passed a test of sorts? ⁃ Made it to an airport or court like setting. ⁃ Two blue haired twins that matched 2 of the possessed dolls I was carrying. I knew the twins were malevolent when they grinned evilly at me. “Prove it. You won’t.” ⁃ I ensured they knew I knew. ⁃ Right after that I encountered a woman at the check out that matched another of the dolls. Even down to the ghostly purple will-o-wisp dancing in her head but also was seen through it. ⁃ I had to find a way to restore them. ⁃ By this time the cat that was clinging to me must’ve died or disappeared. As I looked to my cradled arm and noticed she was missing. ⁃ I grieved for her but no ill will came. In fact only love and care blessed me. A boon of sorts? ⁃ Looked over, hadn’t realized I was hungry, seeing a buffet of food. ⁃ Urged to go over and nourish myself. I did so, encountering my tall as fuck older brother, Shariff, and soon after my dad. ⁃ My hair was very well done curly free. From me doing it earlier. It was dark brown and not dyed red irl. ⁃ Was called over by my dad and as if I was a child again sat me down. ⁃ I was vibing as he did my hair. Braids…twist at the end…form afro puffs at the end of these….then tied it into a high ponytail position. ⁃ He let me go. ⁃ By the time I did, the food I was going to grab was gone. ⁃ I expressed my sadness but someone noticed me. Adult man, black hair and beard and mustache. White. He had 3 of the brownies. He offered to give me one once he was finished and told me to grab a tray. ⁃ I did and waited. He gave me his phone and all I saw was him and his girlfriend naked in erotic positions? Cool tattoo jobs tho. ⁃ He gently took the phone back and gave me a brownie in thanks ⁃ This brownie was a vanilla cookie and chocolate brownie combo. A Brookie! It was absolutely delicious. And I thanked him. ⁃ Full, I went back on my self-imposed mission. Saw a vision of the old man, the woman and the twin talking at the temple stairs. The woman was crying like “What happened to the stairs?!” ⁃ At some point I remember telling my youngest sister to grab the dolls from the temple. She did and bright them to me. ⁃ Snapped out the vision, Heard the ghostly woman and one of the dark blue haired twins arguing. Screaming match. ⁃ Fed up, I marched over and barked “OI!” Which got them both to shut up and look at me. ⁃ “You’re both screaming and not getting anywhere. You’re grown adults and not children. Communicate like it or I’m pinching nipples. God.” (Paraphrased) ⁃ The woman noticed and listened. The twin would try to elevate his voice and only pipe down when I followed through and pinched his nipple (even with his shirt on) ⁃ This would happen a few times before I realized the possessed dolls I was carrying were missing again even after retrieval. ⁃ I sought out the stairs. Found them. Covered in pink petals and prospering trees. Even the cats from before were doing better and free. Loved. ⁃ I went up those temple stairs. No sign of the coops the cats were locked in. ⁃ I found one of the people I sought out to save. The purple haired ghostly woman who was in the doll. She was free. As the Will-o-wisp was no longer there. The dark blue twins were gone. ⁃ I found myself tearful and crying joyfully from the relief. “You were a doll…I’m so happy you’re okay!” (Paraphrased) ⁃ She smiled and sat me down next to my old friend. Erica from high school. We hugged sitting together gazing at the view. I woke up after that.

17 Jun 2024



I was exploring a mountain when I came across a village tucked away at the top. There was a beautiful wooden temple with orange white woodworking on the roof designed like lace and it moved with the breeze. An older woman in white was there and greeted me warmly. I then found an elevator that took me down to a meadow that was in a crevice at the base of the mountain. There was a sea of tall grass encircling a pretty stone fountain that was wrapped in vines with white flowers. I felt I needed to get the water flowing again but I wasn't sure how. The concept of "as above so below" crossed my mind. I was then inside the mountain where there was a large royal chamber, a giant stone throne shaped like an open book with an androgynous ruler carved from bronze seemingly sleeping upon the throne. A congregation of shadows loomed behind me, watching, waiting, but then a companion randomly appeared and said we had to run, the person chasing us was close and we had to keep moving. We went down a path that led to a secret airplane hanger with large airship. Then I woke up

18 May 2024



In a game/novel/anime world Me transforming into a dancer-fighter/dancing warrior/deity(a gracious one) Meeting my classmates also turning into characters@broken down temple that’s in like Ghost of Tsushima Ghost of Tsushima vines but in like, China instead of Japan Stung by bees but doesn’t die Rings and metal clanking decorations everywhere on the robes Finds a vine-covered, moss-covered old pavilion

18 May 2024

Time Travel


Time travel/loop story basically Naruto and Sasuke Basically it’s the big battle part but make it merge with some modern melodrama I also get fucked i think Idk It was all abt preventing this one massacre that might’ve led up to the occurrence of the event We all go around Japan sleeping in hotel rooms and such i think Cut scene to…. Similar thing but this time it’s That one kid, me and one another adult(Japanese, a bit cowardly but composed; think Satsuki and May’s dad) There’s this scroll of 鬼神 that’s basically like an invocation talisman of said entity that the kid has to return to a certain modern-looking small temple in Tokyo or do smth abt We do the attempts like three times with only the first one(that we remember of; apparently there has been many more attempts before but it wasn’t noteworthy enough/we didn’t get to the important parts before we messed) being successful by the nick of time and spark of luck(small factors adding up) Other two we either rushed(i did) and lacked a material that needed to be there(some golden resin of sorts; frankincense but make it magical? Or were they just gold pellets) or we just straight up got locked out and reality became blurry and a mush before we could do anything abt it

25 Mar 2024

Light (Not Dark)


I was in a temple and I had just been initiated as an Egyptian goddess by the goddess Isis and Bastet themselves. There was Egyptian ceremonial music playing in the background, smells of different oils and herbs. Dimly lit with Torches along the wall. The men served us and worshipped us. Day and night they stood guard with those torches. We never slept and neither did they. There was magical auras and energies floating everywhere. It was beautiful. I was there to learn but no words were spoken , I looked deeply into Bastets Green eyes and began energetically absorbing the knowledge. I can’t wait to dream again. It feels like just the beginning

15 Mar 2024



Around mid December 2023, I had a dream where me and my father went to my cousin Arunothini’s house to do a ceremony to celebrate the one year death anniversary of my aunt Thayanithi. In my waking life, my uncle Sriram didn’t come to attend it. However in my dream life he did. In the dream, Me, my father, my uncle Sriram, my other cousin Aruljothy (Arunothini’s brother), his wife Vathini, his three sons, Arunothini, her two daughters, her husband Rameshkanna, Aruljothy and Arunothini’s father Arulsubramaniam were all at the house together. Arunothini hired a priest whom she knows to perform the ceremony. As the the priest conducts the ceremony, he asks us to sing any thevarams we know. Most of us have sung a few that we know. However for me, I didn’t want to sing due to the humiliation I went through at a temple by another priest a few years back that has left me regretful and ashamed of ever wanting singing any songs associated with the Hindu deities and for any auspicious Hindu holidays my family and I would celebrate every year. When the priest asked me to sing along with the rest of my family members, I told him I didn’t want to. Arunothini then tells the priest what happened and why I am reluctant to sing. Prior to this in my waking life, Arunothini already knows about that incident since I opened up to her and everyone else about it through a story I had written for a story writing class her father Arulsubramaniam is teaching. In my dream life after Arunothini told that incident to the priest, he became very understanding about it and tried to encourage me to sing as he wanted me to sing for my aunt Thayanithi’s sake to make her happy. I still was reluctant and didn’t want to sing still. This made my uncle Sriram get mad and impatient and demands me to sing and not keep everyone waiting. I told my uncle that I didn’t want to sing which the escalated to the both of us having a heated argument. At the heat of the argument, I call my uncle Sriram “Chithappa” (The term to call your mom or dad’s younger brother in Tamil.) for the first time as I wasn’t that close with him before to call him that. Overall, the heated argument between me and my uncle Sriram left us angry and frustrated. It made me crying a little bit, but Arunothini and the priest were able to calm me down and comfort me. They still tried to encourage me to sing a Puranam to which I reluctantly gave in. They were glad that I was able to sing and the ceremony continued until it was over. Then everyone eat the food we have cooked. Eventhough, I begin to feel a little better, I still couldn’t get over with the argument I had with my uncle Sriram a moment ago and was still shaken about it. In my dream life, I feel like our relationship as uncle and niece will be strained and I doubt that it will not get any better. However, in my waking life, I am glad that the argument between us never happened. Despite me not being that close with my uncle Sriram, I still think he is a good person from the many times he has helped my parents before when they were getting ready to settle in to have me and my siblings.

22 Feb 2024



I dreamed about my whole family going to the temple and I started to separate to explore. I went up the stairs and was teleported to another place. But in my dream I didn't find this strange, the place I was transported to was the narrow hallway of a temple decorated in a classic European style. This temple is built very high and surrounded by very long and steep stone stairs. Because it is very high, there is fog all around. Next to me was my best friend, I told her: look, this decoration is so beautiful. and we went around the corridors of that temple.

16 Feb 2024



A dream I’ve had consistently my entire life is that I’m at my childhood home playing outside with my dog and from around the fence comes a squirrel, which my dog starts to chase in circles. And I’m chasing my dog,Then comes a fox, which chases me and my dog and the squirrel, then comes a coyote, then a wolf, then a lion, then an unknown larger creature, each chasing the one before it. This goes on until we reach my front door and I catch my dog and get inside quickly. The next thing is I’m laying in bed about to go to sleep and there is a deep voice that comes from the top of my closet, which is facing me as I lay in bed. I try to ignore it and my mother insists there’s nothing there. Then I wake up strapped to a big metal chair in a mug laboratory type room with lots of switchboard type controls along one wall. There’s equipment hanging from the ceiling above me. The same voice is asking me questions I don’t know the answers to. Then to try and coerce some answers out of me, my family is presented in front of me also strapped to chairs like mine. With equipment above them. I’m told that if I do not answer correctly I will watch a laser and subsequently a drill type thing be driven into each of my family’s heads at the temple for each incorrect response the drill goes further into their heads slowly and agonizingly killing them infront of me. But I do not know the answers to the questions.

12 Jan 2024



I was in a plane with a group of friends we were flying over snowy mountains when we came across a field with a small airport so we landed in the field and got out we started walking through the deep snow when we came across tire marks in the snow we decided to follow them in the distance we noticed red in the tire marks when we got closer we realized it was blood I looked farther ahead and noticed an army truck on the other side of a bridge that went over a ditch but before the bridge and to the left was more blood and bodies in the snow me and my friends ran to the battle field to see if we could help but all of them were dead except two soldiers who told us to get out of there and to run the soldiers got up but before we could do anything a grenade was thrown at our feet we all ran towards the army truck but while everyone else jumped over the ditch me and one of the soldiers hide in it and when the bomb went off the blast was big me and the soldier ducked and I felt a pressure on my back then my friends and the other soldier came back to the ditch to help us out they then took us to the airport building that looked like a warehouse my friends then left me with the soldiers because I got hurt and the people there could help but I was upset and didn’t want to be left behind my friends then got back into our plane and flew away I watched them leave through a window trying to sleep but not being able to I watched the plane get farther away thinking about how the tail of it looked weird I was then suddenly in a different airplane I was flying it with another person there was a narrator talking about how the plane had to be flown by two people to fly we were then landing and when we finally did land we were surrounded by a big group of people the narrator then said that this was a sad story and didn’t have a happy ending I then got out of the plane but my arm got stuck in the propeller I was going to die slowly and painfully and was scared and panicked I told the group around the plane to shoot me as it would be a fast way to die I started crying a little as no one wanted to I begged some one to shoot me and someone finally walked forward with a pistol they were shorter then me so they had to reach up to put it against my head but when they pulled the trigger the bullet flew over my head grazing the top of it this happened again and again and again none of the bullets hit me all of them flying over my head I was so upset that I took the gun from them and put it to my temple and pulled the trigger it hurt but it didn’t kill me I was confused, scared and upset that it didn’t work I didn’t want to die slow and painfully so I begged the people to kill me and they tried but nothing worked my face and body were riddled with bullet holes I was covered in blood but I still wasn’t dead then my parents showed up and I asked them to kill me and they were reluctant and didn’t want to but I begged them and they agreed they sat me in a chair and I started crying thanking them for doing this for me I could tell they were still sad about having to kill me though but I was too relieved that I wouldn’t die from the propeller I then felt an uncomfortable pressure and slight pain in my temple where I shot myself I reached up and felt a bump it was a bullet I then squeezed it out and held the round bullet in my hand it was small and bloody my mom then came up to me and grabbed my head that’s when I realized that my face was falling off from all the damage done to it my mom then took my face saying that she’d keep it for memories I saw my face in her hands and almost laughed my face was so weird looking it looked flat and smushed I was then hit with self hatred and sadness I was ugly now I didn’t have a face just a bloody mess of meat and bone and my body was covered in blood and holes I probably looked like a monster I started sobbing covering where my face used to be and crying my dad then approached me with a rifle he had a sad look on his face I then thanked him and my mom profusely because they were going to finally kill me and then I told them that I loved them then my dad shot me in the head I then opened my eyes to find myself in a room with a table and chairs at the table were two girls one of them was smaller than me with black hair and wearing a dress the other was around my height but I couldn’t see her face I could tell that I was friends with the two girls but didn’t know who they were the table was littered with pieces of paper and pencils and there was a single computer I then sat down in one of the empty chair to wait until I would die

29 Dec 2023



First I was with my aunt Katka and with some other people I don't remember. We were on bikes, I had a blue one, but we were also with a car, a black one. We were in some sort of mountains/ jungle snd we were looking from some rock tample to another one, much more detailed and beautiful with statues and pillars that looked like a women's holding the temple, it was really pretty. Next i remember being on that other temple we were looking at, we were at it's rooftop i think, and because it was broken we were climbing through it's ruins to get inside. Inside I know there was some room with many shelves that lead to another much smaller, darker room. I know that we looked around and the next thing i remember is that our car was at the rooftop and we had to bring our bikes in so we wouldn't leave them behind and I don't know why but i had such a big dilemma about if I should bring my bike into the car or leave it in the temple. And the second thing (i dont know if it's another dream i had this night or not) i was alone in some kind of place and i had to choose something, like i had to choose which 2 creatures i want to take to help me, it's like everyone had one or two. I think I picked some kind of fish and a something i don't remember, I also got some phone but it looked really futuristic. Next I was with my mom, her boyfriend and my little brother in a car that looked and acted like a space ship. I know that I has to pick a color and i picked green but that little helper fish shoved me that on some planets are just neon colors so there wasn't the green I wanted. And then we were flighting in our spaceship/car around the Earth which looked like the land was burned and we flew around france and spain until we landed in a park in my town, it was dark here. We landed and my brother got out and went outside to my door to open it for me and i noticed that there were some people who somehow didn't looked like people, there was something different I think they had a bag over their heads but i saw their face. And they were coming to us so i dragged my brother inside and scream at my mum to start the spaceship. Then we flew away and that's it, my little brother woke me up.

5 Dec 2023



I had a dream about recently released Indian movie. I was neither interested to watch that movie nor did discuss about the movie with anyone, only read about the reviews in social media and seen people reaction in news channels. I dream that the movie main character and lead female character getting down from a car in top of a hill, the male character got down from the car, open the door for the female character, help her in putting shoes in her feet and both walk towards a small temple got married as per Hindu ritual and kiss her.

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