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Dream Interpretation: University 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a University? Discover the significance of seeing a University in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a University appears in your dream ✅

University symbol
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💡Possible meaning

Dreaming of a university symbolizes a desire for knowledge, growth, and self-improvement. It may also represent a need for guidance and direction in your life. This dream may indicate that you are ready to take on new challenges and expand your horizons.

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🧭 Direction


Consider what areas of your life you feel you need to improve or learn more about. This dream may be a sign that you should pursue further education or seek out a mentor or advisor. Take advantage of opportunities for personal and professional growth.

❤️ Feelings

The dream of being in a university may evoke feelings of excitement, curiosity, and ambition. It symbolizes a thirst for knowledge, personal growth, and the desire to achieve academic success. This dream may also bring about a sense of anticipation for new experiences, friendships, and opportunities for intellectual stimulation. It signifies a period of learning and self-discovery, where one is motivated to expand their horizons and broaden their perspectives. Overall, the dream of a university instills a sense of enthusiasm and eagerness to embark on a journey of education and personal development.





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25 Aug 2024



The university where i work, they were doing a comparison between me and another woman because of the hours we teach and i felt sad because they called my attention telling me that i don't teach enough hours

12 Aug 2024

New Friend


I'm at the back of a university class barely paying attention to the teacher. I recieve a cal from an old friend of mine trying to reconnect with me. It cuts tothe next day & the teachers are giving me strange looks before I bump into someone who is also academically challenged. The scene is a classic school hallway eoth multi colored doors either side of the hallway. As I'm entering my dorm, ready to collapse onto my childish messybed, I hear a knock on the door. The the person I bumped into earlier is also now in my dorm room as we talk about our childhoods and previous academic years before exchanging phone numbers. Several hours after she's left the dorm, my old friend tries to contact me while I'm messaging my new friend. But something feels off, I get a bad gut feeling before the door slowly opens. My old friend stares at me for a bit smiling before walking up to me and laying in my bed inviting me on. Next morning u wake up and their deep asleep as I walk to my next class and someone sets off fire crackers in the hallway. I'm suddenly called into the head office and blamed for the firecracker going off as I start getting agitated but decide to stay calm as I pack my bags. I'm being kicked out while my new friend waves me off telling me to keep in contact

11 Aug 2024



I dreamt I was applying to join some sort of modelling agency, and there was a written exam to get in. The exam was being held in my own house, which was very old and in need of repair, and very sparsely furnished. The person giving the test was a lawyer, and the other three applicants were a Hollywood actress and two university graduates (I have never completed any studies after highschool, other than a handful of community college or online courses). So I was feeling exposed in that they were all successful and seeing my shabby house, my obvious lack of material success; and apprehensive that I was about to be exposed futher as less educated. And then the first question on the exam was nonsensical, barely-formed phrases that gave no instruction whatsoever. There were computer monitors in front of the other three applicants at their desks, but I didnt have a desk or computer, i had to perch on stool behind the actress and read her monitor over her shoulder. The lawyer in charge spoke confusingly, indicated that this was a creative writing task, then told us to begin. He started a timer, and words started flashing by on the monitors. So I just copied down as many words from the monitor as I could, knowing that I was doing the incorrect thing but angry that the instructions were so bad, plus anxious because the other three seemed to understand the task. The timer went off and the lawyer asked each person to show or read aloud their answers. They had all creatively answered the written (nonsensical) question, using the words on the monitors. The actress boasted that the written question was just how movie directors communicated, so of course she understood it easiy. I was getting increasingly angry, and by the time it was my turn to reveal my answer, i was furious. I reprimanded the lawyer for this unfair and unclear test. They all argued with me and that only made me angrier. I stood up and waved my paper at them, shouting about how I had done the only logical thing, how unfair and restrictive this test was, if only crrtain groups could even understand the task. I felt proud of myself for making a good point and showing them their unfairness, but frustrated that they didn't care and had no ability to empathise, to see another point of view.

7 Aug 2024

Looking for Something


I’m at a university looking for my class and I don’t see any signs telling me which building I need to get to. I see someone familiar and they ask me if I know where this class is. I tell them I’m looking for the same building. She goes one way and I go another and we bump into each other still with no luck of finding the class. We see an older lady who notices that we look lost, and she tells us where we need to go. The oath to our building is narrow and not marked. I realize that we are very late and don’t want to go to class because I’m so late. The girl with me says that it’s ok, she is with me and that it’s only the first day and that the teacher will understand what happened. When we get into class there are a lot of people in the room and everyone looks at us when we enter. I apologize to the yea her and the girl who is with me tells her that we could not find the building. I feel embarrassed and find a seat

3 Aug 2024



我到了一所大學要開始新的學習,對此我感到很興奮、很期待。 這所大學有著紅色磚頭、拱門的復古外觀,我很喜歡這樣的建築。 在新的環境當中,我尋找一家可以日常負擔的價格又好吃的早餐店,我也的確找到一間很不錯的早餐店,位於學校地下室附設的食堂。 我每天都會去吃,感到穩定且滿足,我成為店裡的常客。 有一天,老闆娘突然說要請我吃餐點不用付錢,我感到受寵若驚!我覺得老闆娘特別照顧我,很令人感動。那是一份去邊的吐司裡面夾著烤肉,和一根熱狗!完全是我喜歡吃的!實在太幸運了! 我開心的將食物帶回去與朋友分享這個好消息和我的好心情。

22 Jul 2024

Black women


The first dream I had was me in the city walking back to my hotel at night. I was walking down a empty road with lots of black African women selling things or attempting to sell things on the side of the road there were also some black African men who were selling what looked like umbrellas, made out of tree branches and leaves to the women who were staying outside selling all day. The dream transitioned to me visiting my cousin at his university of Carnegie Mellon after class, I walked to a patch of grass where him, his friends, my sister, and a bunch of other students were sitting and hanging out. It was great to see my cousin and my sister, but when I introduced myself to his friends, his friend wasn’t able to remember his name when I asked because he was so high on some sort of drug. I thought it was a little strange but I laughed at him and patted him on the back, telling him not to worry as I’ve been there before. at the campus there was a big roller coaster that was a drop Tower. I was waiting in line to go on the drop tower taking the stairs and all of a sudden, then entire drop tower fell with everyone on the stairs and killed everyone. I wasn’t scared of the fall but more nervous about the impact. the dream transitioned to me being in a castle with four winged lions that seem to be based on the Eragon book series because they were the color of the dragons in the book. One was gold one was red one was blue one was green. I thought it was pretty cool. The final dream took place in an Airbnb where me and some family friends had planned to rent a house for vacation with everyone however, unfortunately, many of the families with kids had to cancel last minute. There was one Asian family that had kids who were the youngest one of the boys was for the other one looked to be six. The father was a little disappointed that almost everyone else had to cancel last minute, we acknowledge that it was a bummer but what can you do it was beyond our control. later that day, when the Asian dad and his two sons were at the Pool, his older son began to become depressed and cry, and asked to go home. the father of the son and agreed that it would be best for them to go home meet the family friend call for a private bus to bring them home.

20 Jul 2024



Ok so last night I had a dream that I was going to a university sort of place for a visit or something. I can’t remember much but I do remember sitting in a dorm room with current students,I remember a slight feeling of both fun happiness and anxiety all at once. I don’t remember much after that cuz at some point me and some friends (who I have no clue who they are in real life) had been appeared and I had to take this futuristic lift Yk find them I did then find them but when we got back on the lift something happened and I had a massive feeling of fear . I think that I had an argument with somebody but I don’t really know. The lift then began to malfunction with me and my mates in there . I had hit my head on the floor and then the lift stopped on the floor we wanted to be on . I got myself up holding my arm not cuz it was hurt but cuz I was scared . Then some students and friends helped get me off the lift. I then woke up, I still have no clue why I was originally scared to be on that lift but I have a feeling that someone was out to get me.

12 Jul 2024



In this dream i was looking in the mirror and saw my face to be youthful and balanced. But for some reason i felt the need to get surgery on right side of my face, near my nose. After the surgey it healed nicely but then my face when i looked up close was unbalanced. The are icwas trying to fix ended up making one nostril smaller than the other. As well as one side of my lip smaller than the other. I wanted to go back to fix it, i don’t know what could be done, but i needed to go back to the surgeon. Then my dream jumps to me being at a university on the top of a snowy cold mountain. When i arrived at the top i see a large train station and a large cafeteria. I go inside and find my students from 2016. They are in their senior year of college and graduating in a few days. I see mostly my Muslim female students sadia and nadia. Im also sitting next to my high school friend Michael cantillo. They explain that there is only one train for the night to leave campus. I say my goodbyes and head for the station. I have to go througg many old style coridoors and hallways to get to the station. When i get to the plaform it’s packed with students all wanting to take the last train off the mountain. I run through crowd and get to the front of the heard and secure my place on the train

9 Jul 2024



I dreamt I had an interview at a university to become a professor. In my waking life, I was a professor of English for twenty years. I drove to the university, which was in Ohio, where I grew up. In my waking life, I’ve been contemplating both teaching and moving to Ohio. The interview was just a casual discussion while the professor who interviewed me taught her class. I then had to go to another meeting with someone and when I arrived that lady wanted me to participate in a ménage a trois. I declined. I went back to my first interview, and noticed it was dark and foggy out. I asked my first interview professor, if she had parked behind the area where we were and she said she did and I asked if we could walk out together. In my dream this was at the University of Findlay. It seemed, however, that this professor who interviewed me was from the University of Toledo, where I attended school for my BA and MA. The professor who interviewed me seems familiar and bright a sense of peace to me. She was comfortable. I don’t know her though.

3 Jul 2024



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