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Dream Interpretation: Cookies 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Cookies? Discover the significance of seeing a Cookies in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Cookies appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

This is a positive symbol for reward and life stages. Notice how you interact with this symbol in your dream, as it will represent how you will achieve your rewards and how you will enjoy them. This also means a connection with yourself and your surroundings.

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🧭 Direction

Good fortune

Enjoy your rewards, but make sure that you are positively achieving your goals. You should also pay attention to what you are connected with and access those connections. They will bring you the benefit and pleasure you have always wanted.

❤️ Feelings

The dream about cookies may evoke feelings of comfort, indulgence, and satisfaction. It could symbolize a desire for sweetness and pleasure in life. The sight and smell of cookies may bring about a sense of nostalgia and warmth, reminding one of happy memories or a sense of home. This dream may also represent a need for self-care and relaxation, as cookies are often associated with treating oneself. Overall, the dream about cookies may leave one feeling content and fulfilled.





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16 Jul 2024



my father brought my brother and i to work with him (hes a firefighter). we were out on this rig in the ocean where a lot of his firecrew were stationed. my brother and i talked and got to know everyone, some of them knew us when we were younger and some of them were new people we had never met. the rig had giant hole in this middle with this elevator thing that would bring people up to the rig from the ocean. it brought up a couple people throughout the dream but not many. one of my dads crewmates fell down the hole and nearly died, but he barely grabbed onto the edge, saving himself. when it turned to night the rig suddenly transformed into my grandparents house with my grandparents now present. my grandmother offered my dad, brother, and grandfather cookies. everyone else that was there before had vanished.

12 Jul 2024

Parking Lot


I went to Crumbl to try their new line of flavors. I got a box of cookies but they didn’t look all the great (I didn’t realize until after I left the door). There was a family leaving behind me but they couldn’t make it out the door so I held the door open for them. After I was out of the door, I realized my car wasn’t where I left it. I searched around the parking lot hoping I could find it, but I couldn’t find it. I did, however, find my bag left behind in the parking lot but idk if my things were still in it. I sat in the parking lot to try my cookies while they’re still warm and that’s when I noticed many of them didn’t look right as they were missing frosting but they still tasted good. Eventually a crowd of people were also eating in the parking lot. I took a moment to try calling the police for help after trying to locate my car using its tracking GPS. Unfortunately the crowd was so loud I couldn’t really hear the people on the phone and I tried yelling at the crowd to shut up. I initially just called the emergency number and then couldn’t decide if my car was an emergency or not. I hung up after getting so frustrated with not being able to hear them. I went back to my spot after hanging up just to realize my cookies were stolen too. I tried to get it back from the people who stole them after chasing them to their van only to then be told that my cookies were already eaten.

15 Jun 2024



I cannot remember exactly hoe the dream start but I remeber I was in what I thought was a kitchen. I was making cookies and my mom and my youngest sister was there. I reached for the flour on the top shelf and was worried I didn't have enough. I remember there was 2 cups of flour in the receipe. The the scene changed and I was in a restaurant sitting at a table. The table, walls, and floor were made if dark brown wood. A waiter walks to me and gives me a large strawberry. A white woman I was unfamiliar with that was sitting next to me was also given a strawberry. The strawberries were very sweet. The restaurant was interesting. Some of the patrons were riding mini horses around inside. Soon the male waiter and female waitress approached the table across from me. The woman sitting at the table complained that the waitress' short was see-through. The waitress tried to explain that the shirt was not that see-through. I could see from my table that the waitress had another shirt on under the see-through one. The waitress bad a goth or alternativw appeaerance. The woman still complained about the waitress wearing the shirt and remarked that she was too old to dress like that. I thought it was odd since the waitress and the woman looked very similar, they both looked older, were white, and also over weight. The woman at the table looked over and loudly complained about the types of customers in the restaurant. She mispronounced a word I can't remember and I corrected her. She said the customers at the restaurant were uneducated. I assumed she was being racist ans referring to me. I sarcastically agreed with her. As she got up with her family to leave, I sais she should be ashamed of herself. The scene changed again but I was still in the restaurant. I was standing next to a table text to two brothers. I dropped something I was holding. I apologize to the brother sitting on the right because I thought it fell on feet. He said it did not. I looked around for what I dropped but cpild not find it. I walked away and saw a young man with my phone. The young man was Jorje Sanchez, a classmate I had in elementary school. For some reason the restaurant was not filled with water waist deep. Jorje was sitting on a surf board. I asked him to put my phone down so I could retrieve it. Instead of putting my phone down on the surfboard, he puts it in the water. I got to my phone as fast as I could. The phone was in a case, so I was hoping that it hadn't gotten damaged. However, when I turned my phone on, the screen was glitching. The was upset. Jorje didn't understand why because I told him to put the phone down. I said "I am not upset about the phone, I'm upset you keep doing this" I would repeat thar phrase several times throughout the rest of the dream. I suddenly had memories of jorje breaking my phones. These memories were fake, as I never had a phone in elementary school when I knew jorje. A girl remarked that it would be expensive but I responded that I had insurance so it shouldn't be that much. Some people in the restaurant supported me, while others thought I was being dramatic. We all left the restaurant and I will still upset about my phones. As I was leaving there was guy that keep telling me I had no right to be upset. He said he was not beholden to me for some reason. A female that I think was a female relative of mine, agreed with him and put her finger on my head. This upset me and told her not to touch me. She apologized and said she did it to everyone. I walked away. I would take the train home. To get a ticket there was a electionc booth with many buttons. Each button had the name of a route but I could not find the route that would bring me home from Philadelphia. Then Abigail, a girl I was friends with in middle school appeared. She reassured me and I pulled out a second phone from my pocket. It was an old flip phone I used as a backup. One the flip phone were some videos. One was of my youngest sister in the restaurant. It was completely filled with water and the was swimming through the restaurant while other customers looked on with smile. The second was of me and Abigail as kindergartens. We were presenting a project and it involved singing. We looked very cute. I show the video to Abigail

9 Jun 2024



I was going to school during Christmas and I wanted to ride the bus alone, but my mom insisted on going with me, and she made me mad, but I forgot about it. And then I made cookies and icing and cupcakes while I was at school, and I talked to my friends and hung out with them, and we were having a lot of fun.

2 Jun 2024



I remembered a nightmare from when I was 4. I had just moved from California to Georgia in a house with my moms step sister and her family. There son was mean he bit me a lot. So in this dream there were a bunch of muppets running into the house we moved into it was a lot bigger in the dream it had two stories in this dream and only one in real life. These muppets were looking for shelter and they were scared it was night time and it was raining outside so they were cold. Me and my mom were rushing them inside. My dad was trying to get them dry and give them food and then a horn went off and we locked the doors and made everyone get up the stairs as we got upstairs my dad brought a big tub of cookies up and half way up the stairs this giant hand dragged down this window that wa near the ceiling and didn’t exist in real life. The we all hid in my bedroom that had the windows completely covered and looked accurate to real life

19 May 2024



My ex made cookies that didn't turn out good, so I helped him identify that the problem was that he beat the eggs too much. He was greatful that I helped him and my friends throught I was nice for helping him

23 Apr 2024



My dad ad mom have separated and dad is evil. He's trying to kill us, so we can't even go outside much. But Isaac (my little brother) really wants to play outside. I go with him to keep watch and the whole time I feel extremely terrified and paranoid. Isaac finds a plate of cookies from dad on the back porch, and I keep having visions of him watching us from the woods behind our house. Mom takes th cookies a throws them away before Isaac eats them. We lock all the doors and windows and we're all super scared bc we don't know if he's going to hurt us

23 Apr 2024



I started my dream with being in like in a senior apartment, or like a senior duplex or something. And I was there with my kids, and my grandma and my granddad was in one room. My mom and I guess whoever she was with was in another. And me and my kids were in another room. We were sharing a big apartment or something. And I recall going outside and looking through these like, it was like a, like, it looks like a court, like a, I don't know how to explain it. It's like, like a garden, but it wasn't a garden. It was like a cemented walkway that you can walk around. Anyway, it was Easter. And I had an Easter basket out there. And I had crayons, you know, big box of different types of crayons. And I got my Easter basket from one of my coworkers the day before. And when I brought it home, I put it in there, you know. And I, the next day, the next morning, I went out and I got it. And me and then it went from that to me bringing my stuff in the house. People were trying to talk to me. Oh, you're so little, you know. And I was just rejecting them. It's okay, you know, I'm already with somebody. And then I went inside the house. Then I saw them setting up in like this gazebo looking area. I don't know what they were doing. I don't know if they were at a church or something. But they were all sitting there just, you know, kind of like it was a wedding or something. That's what it seemed like, you know, like, like a ceremony or something. And then after they had it, they were putting the chairs up. And I remember having my youngest son and my daughter, my oldest daughter, with me. And we got into a Uber. And I don't know where we went. But I just recall us coming back home. And I thought I was scratching my daughter's back. But the whole time I was scratching the driver's back, which was weird. And I was like, Oh, my bad. He's like, Oh, you're fine. It's okay. He's like a young kid, you know. So we'll get back home. And, you know, he's like, okay, so what did you have for dinner? What are you going to eat? Whatever. And I told him that we had, you know, I think we had, I forgot what I made. But last night, I made jambalaya. So I think maybe I made that. And everybody already ate. And I was like, Oh, I'm gonna make dessert. So when I got back in the house, I talked to my, you know, my grandma, and I'm like, like, Grandma, do you want to have some, you want some cookies? And my granddad was like, you know, he's, you know, she can't have any sugar. And I was like, Oh, shoot, I, I almost forgot. She couldn't have any sugar. And he was like, you know, I can't have any sugar either. I said, Oh, but you know, you could probably have sugar free cookies. He was like, yeah. But it's okay. I don't want that. It's okay. He's like, okay. And on TV, it was like, a Christmas musical. And I'm like, Oh, she's like, Oh, which one is that key? And I'm like, and she starts singing. And I was like, just standing there just listening to her sing and recording her because I knew that I would miss it. And I knew I would want recordings of her singing. So I saved it in my phone as music. And because I felt like I had to hurry up and make the food. I told her, Grandma, it's okay. You know, then I asked her about the cookies. And then, you know, and I was like, no, it's okay. And then my grandma asked me if I got everything situated. As far as my bills, money. And I said, No, grandma, it didn't hit my account yet, which is my week in life. I'm waiting. I was waiting for my money to hit my account. And I said, No, grandma, it didn't hit my account yet. She said, Well, I'll help you key. And I said, No, I'm just gonna wait until I get it. And then if I don't, then I'll definitely ask. And she said, Okay. I appreciate it. But she will help. And I know she always will. But so I left out of there. And then I went to my mom and her friend's room and asked her if they want cookies. And she said, Yeah, okay. So I told her while I let the cookies bake, then I would go run and get ice cream. And the kid that was the Uber driver, he asked, Can I stay and have some cookies, too? And I'm like, Yeah, you know, sure. I don't mind. And at first when we were driving in the Uber, originally, I was looking I saw this cute guy. He's so handsome. And then I thought let's stop looking at other people. You got the one you love. You got your man. You have the man of your dreams. You don't need to look any further. And I was like, I'm not looking any further. I'm not looking for him to be mine. I'm just looking because I'm just admiring his handsomeness. But I know I don't need to look anymore because I got who I want. I was so sure in my dream, like, I know who I want. But I was so happy to see my grandma.

12 Apr 2024



I was at a hotel like place on some type of vacation and every room at this hotel had sliding glass doors that somehow I could open just by standing in front of the doors. Each door I opened there seemed to be much sexual energy. Somehow at this hotel, I befriended Donald Trump and he admired my enthusiasm and wisdom and paid me with cash with a casual handshake. Onlookers couldn’t understand how I had this connection with Trump. Even I don’t know. Trump asked for his favorite cookies and I knew exactly what kind they were and where they were located so I delivered them to him and he gave me a $20 bill folded and wrapped perfectly in a wrapper as if it were a pice of candy. What does this mean

9 Apr 2024



my friend who goes to a different school was in my class and said she was going to make me cookies

6 Apr 2024



My first dream: I was laying in bed snuggling jesse when my neighbor called, panicked. She told me, someone spray painted "it's gone" on a cookie and put it in my driveway. I told jesse and all he said was yeah I saw it. My second dream: I was upstairs, jesse was in the garage and he sent me 3 text messages. "I'm home now", "I went and hung out with Amanda by myself", and "I love you". I lost my shit because Amanda is the girl he cheated on me with in real life.

27 Mar 2024



I went to my friends workplace where they were handing our cookies but later in the dream the cookies were inedible as they turned into hand soap.

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