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Dream Interpretation: Garbage ๐Ÿ˜ด - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Garbage? Discover the significance of seeing a Garbage in your dream ๐Ÿ’ค - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Garbage appears in your dream โœ…

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๐Ÿ’กPossible meaning

This is a symbol of value, resources, and waste. Your unconscious mind is communicating to you something about your values and perhaps that you are wasting resources. It also signifies that you may feel overburdened by the unwanted things, emotions, and resources in your life.

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๐Ÿงญ Direction

Daily events

This is a time of re-examination. Re-evaluate the value of what you have thrown away or what you have held on to. Release the burden and pressure you have in your life. Let go of the things you don't need and make way for new resources.

โค๏ธ Feelings

The dream about garbage may evoke feelings of disgust, repulsion, and a sense of being overwhelmed. It signifies a need to cleanse and rid oneself of negative emotions or situations. This dream may also reflect feelings of being burdened or overwhelmed by unresolved issues or past experiences. It suggests the need to let go of emotional baggage and focus on creating a cleaner and more positive environment.





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Dreams of users containing the word Garbage

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28 Mar 2024



I woke up as my child self and went to the bathroom to brush my teeth, there was a cockroach on the sink on its back showing a female face. I used water to guide the cockroach to the trash can. A version of my mom and aunt from my childhood walked in and told me I had to go to work. 2 girls got transported an abandoned building and were dismembered but still alive, so 3 men went to the woods around the building and also dismembered but still alive.

7 Mar 2024



I was at a woman's house. She had severe ocd. There was a big white cart with blue towels, clean white cups, garbage bags, and cleaning supplies. She told me that before I came in the house I had to take off my shoes and wipe my hands with a blue towel. I saw a girl hiding under the piano. I asked her what she was doing and she said "I'm not allowed in the rest of the house, only here. She doesn't want me making the house dirty". I felt sorry for her so I sat and talked to her for a while. I then went out to talk to the other guests. I passed by one man who was bottle feeding an orange kitten. I went out to the dining room and the woman with ocd came back and told me I need to wipe myself down with the blue towel before I come into the dining room so I don't spread germs. After wiping myself down, I sat and talked to 3 older women about the woman with ocd. One of the ladies told me "she has always been like this. Always wants her house to be clean and won't let anyone dirty it up". I asked her about the girl under the piano and she told me "oh thats her daughter. She thinks her own kid is dirty so she won't let her in the rest of the house". I asked the lady what to do to make the daughter feel better and she said "excuse yourself to the bathroom and take her with you. Drop a cup to distract her mom". So I dropped the clean white cup on the floor. I was in the other room before the woman with ocd could see it. I took the daughter upstairs to the bathroom. We both looked out the window and saw the night sky. There were teal and pink swirls. The sky looked like a child drew it and it was beautiful. I had the ability to zoom into the sky and look at all the stars.

6 Mar 2024



Hailey and I were about to leave the school until we saw that there was a small car that looked like Aydenโ€™s parked in the middle of the parking lot, so we couldnโ€™t pass. We then found out that it was Hunterโ€™s momโ€™s car. She was stopped there because Hunter was badly injured, Hunters mom asked us if we had any crutches in our car that he could borrow. I told her that I have both crutches and two wheel chairs. The one black and yellow wheel chair was for my grandpa, while I just had a spare silver and blue. Hunters mom said that they will use the crutches, but Hunter asked for the wheel chair instead. We both then pulled into a parking spot to get the wheel chair out. When Hunter got into the wheel chair his mom told him that she would take him home, but then he asked if he could go hang out with us. Hailey, Hunter, and I then go to my house, as soon as we get there my car turns into the blue Toyota Rav 4, ness and all. The crutches and wheel chairs are gone now and Hunter doesnโ€™t need one anymore. We all were about to get back in my car and drive somewhere but then I realized that my car is a mess in the back. As Hunter was about to open the door and open I grab the door and pushed it closed, then squatted down in between Hunter and the door and told him that I wanted to clean it before he got in. Hailey and I then rushed to clean my back seat and remove all of the trash. Before we let Hunter in we buckled up Bella in the far right seat. Then as Hunter was about to get in his mom came up my driveway in a big SUV raging at Hunter because he has been keeping a secret from her.

7 Feb 2024



I entered an apartment building with strangers. They had suitcases and large garbage bags filled with clothing. A scary man was following me, but the others were unbothered. We all entered the same unit. It looked like a normal apartment. All of a sudden, I was in a cafeteria eating broccoli with one of the women in our group. Then I reappeared in the apartment alone. It was dark. For some reason, I dialed numbers on a keypad that was on the wall. I think I was trying to enter some sort of password. I donโ€™t know why. I started to feel anxious. Thatโ€™s when I heard a loud banging sound in my dream. I woke up

4 Feb 2024



I remember I was at my aunt and uncles house for thanksgiving I think and I went outside for some reason. It was dark out, and I think I was taking out the trash. I put the black trash bag in the silver trash bin and put the lid on when I saw a huge ass snake. I froze. It reared up and swollowed me whole, but I had on a stun gun ring, so I somehow moved my arm up and zapped him from the inside with it and he exploded all around me so I was free- but I knew they traveled in packs of 5. So I ran inside to tell my family what just happened and that we needed to get some help because more snakes were out there, but no body would believe me. They all started to go out there, which is exactly what they shouldnโ€™t have done, but no one would listen to me. Then somehow I was at Walmart buying plants and flowers with a friend and then I woke up.

1 Feb 2024



I was at work and I went to take out the trash behind the store by one stop and there were a bunch of guys outside but I don't know what they were doing they were creepy though and then when I was inside I was cleaning the make line with some other girl and there was some guy that walked up to the door and he had a gun he shot his way into the store and the girl and I just dropped to the floor and raised our hands and he told us not to move then he went back and looked for Eddie. then all of a sudden it was me mom and my bitch aunt and all four cats and two dogs and we are all in the car and we were trying not to get killed by the guy because he was still holding us hostage but we were driving trying to go through Texas or something and I stopped to get gas but I had taken all my clothes off and I left my keys in my car so I was outside trying to pump gas naked in front of everyone and I had to have Brandi come get me my keys. And then somehow we were inside a house and I was giving one of the dogs a Bath.

30 Jan 2024



The dream had started prior to this but I donโ€™t remember what had occurred before. I was downtown with my group of friends from high school (Jessi may, Hilary, and Jessica T) and we were just walking/goofing around. We used to go around downtown dressed up and take pictures just for fun, and it kinda had that vibe. I was waiting for the light to turn so we could cross the street, but there wasnโ€™t anyone coming, so I just started running across the street. They reluctantly followed after calling my name in a hushed whisper, trying and failing to shame me into backing down. We continued on our quest for fun and opened the glass door to an an underground labrynth of closed down stores. We were standing in the stone lobby. It was actually a really cool place to find. The scene changed to it being night time and I was laying down in the back of the car, Hilary was driving and Jessi may was in the passenger seat. I felt like I was drunk and didnโ€™t feel good, and it was kinda tense in the car like Hilary and Jessi were fighting about getting me drunk or something. Jessica was at the house we were staying at watching marvel (my dog). We pulled up on the street and it was a big party scene: there were college age kids everywhere in costumes (it must have been Halloween because I was also in a costume) and I could hear how loud the music was on the block through the car. It was also hard to drive through the crowd of people and the cars lined up on either side of the street, let alone find a place to park. Thankfully we noticed that someone was getting in their car about to leave not too far from the house, so we waited for them to leave so we could park there. Once we got inside, the room changed to be a college dormatory. There were 4 of them in the room (I was visiting from out of town) and it was a total MESS- pizza boxes everywhere, 4 trash bins overflowing, cups and balled up papers and trash just everywhere. I was horrified. They put on a movie and I couldnโ€™t help myself- I instinctually started cleaning. They protested and said I didnโ€™t have to, but I assured them that I WANTED to, and they just kinda shrugged and kept watching. Then I woke up.

19 Jan 2024



I was on a house and I was moving o was moving alone but didn't see the people I was with. Was walking though this mostly empty house trying to decide out of the stiff left what we was taking and what was going f ro have to be thrown away cause there was not a lot of room on the trailer we were loading things onto. The stuff that was let was a mix of stuff scattered around. Some good stuff and some stuff that looked like trash.

21 Dec 2023



I had a dream we went o the same school and we met this lady that invited evry single girl to pageant school but our ticket in was a present with Christmas wrapping paper and they were about to get here and a girl named merari asked me if I could help her find a gift for her friend or to give her mine and I said yes to helping her. When the (car name) that was gonna take us to the pageant school arrived everyone was excited and running to the main hall to see them enter then, the dream transitioned to me getting a guy with no hand and then I was missing a hand and we were doing a handshake after he picked up my trash I was throwing outside of my car.

3 Dec 2023

Make Out


There was a small trash can made out of mesh. There was an eggshell inside that still had the egg in it. The egg white and egg yolk were running out of the egg through the mesh trash can and onto the floor.

25 Nov 2023



I was visiting a monastery and I had to sign some waiver to get in. I remember seeing something about the monk supervising that rubbed me the wrong way but I canโ€™t figure out why. But I still wanted to visit the temple and meet the monks, look around at all the architecture and feel the energy of the place. I did see a few of monks walking around and going in the opposite direction of where I was going. They went right, I went left. I didnโ€™t get a chance to go to the temple, I was there with a group of people and one of them freaked out and ran off. We had to run after him and chase him. After running through this field of tall, dry, straw like plants, sorta like the kind we see on tv. We ran into a fenced in area like a baseball outfield and then caught him there. When we did catch him I told him I was mad at him, I canโ€™t remember exactly why but I think it was that he made us take the time to chase after him when he couldโ€™ve just talked to us. After that we talked about getting food and we saw a noodle restaurant. We went in, the tables were all full and some trash on the ground, but it was empty. It looked like a very outdated building and I remember thinking that it must be good if people still come here regardless of the interior. I think I woke up somewhere around this point.

5 Nov 2023



I Had a dream we had tons and tons of garbage in our house, we kept cleaning it and putting it in big #trash_cans that are entitled to mass garbage collecting, we started after that celebrating my birthday, some a lot of people were walking down the streets, searching for their essentials, they found our garbage and kept using it and giving it as gifts to each other, I felt a great pain in my heart.

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