Dream interpretation about Fire, Giants, Partner, Shit, Police, Yelling, Husband, Screaming, Alarm, Car, Family, Breaking, Front, Shopping, Attention, Door, Thought, Walking, Food, Crazy, Going, Grocery, Employee, Manager, Smell
My dream Last night started like a normal dream. My husband and I were running errands and on the phone with our partner Noah and he said something funny when we got to smith's but it was not a normal smith's grocery store it was like giant. So we go to park and this crazy lady starts running at our car saying we were going to hit her car and shit. We weren't anywhere near it but she was convinced that we had scratched it and was yelling incoherently at Alex. So I'm filling in Noah when Alex says OK lady I'm going inside to get food for my family and we start walking away, it then skipped after we walked inside to us being done grocery shopping and the crazy lady was screaming at a police officer at the front door but we didn't really pay attention because there was a check stand on fire. So we are walking around trying to find one that's not on fire and it keeps they keep going up in electrical fires, it smelled so bad. So we finally get checked out of the store and we are just watching a few of the cashier's trying to put out the fires and all the manager does is un plug it and they stop sparking and they were able to put out the fires. One of the checks tends was being really stubborn and didn't want to be put out so one of the employees un plugged it herself and broke the prongs off of the plug. And it finally stopped, then we saw this screen near the exit that kept telling the customers what check stands were on fire and I thought that was the weirdest thing and I said something to Noah on the phone and woke up to my alarms going off.
Dream date:
2 Feb 2024
Emotional tone:
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