Dream interpretation about Naked, Chasing, Leaving, Stranger, Friend, Lottery, College, Group, Life, World, Meeting, Beach, Dog, Shower, Water, Couple, Girl, Taking a shower, Door, Side, Walking, Clothes, Conversation, Going, Guy, Clean, outside, Towel
I was sitting on a crowded beach with my college friend Aiden. We were sitting by the coast line talking about non-trivial things and how life was going for each of us. I would have these flashbacks of me under the water scuba-diving, even though in my reality I have never been scuba-diving before. Anytime the flashback would happen I could remember how warm and comforting the water was around me while admiring the vast ocean. Suddenly, a golden retriever walks up to us. Then out of no where a pink-ish green frisbee appeared next to me and I was holding a leash already attached to the dog. I then started tossing the frisbee around and the dog started chasing it. While this was going on o was still talking with Aiden though we were admiring how cute the golden retriever was. It was interesting because I would throw the frisbee in random directions, and it never hit one person at all. Then when I tossed the frisbee one last time the golden retriever picked up the frisbee and stood there. I noticed the golden retriever was standing there so I walked over to it. As me and my friend Aiden reached the dog I started talking to this stranger who had walked up to the dog. I felt comfortable with the stranger and started talking with them about random things. Then I turned to Aiden and I decided on taking a shower to clean myself up before we met back up later for other activities. Then it transitioned into me being in this grand show. It had windows on both sides, but were tinted very dark on the outside of it so no one was able to see in to the showers. I started cleaning myself up, and when I finished I grabbed a towel and was about to get dressed. However, a guy entered the shower and saw me and was about to pick a spot, though I said “hey, I’m still naked, I still need to get dressed.” The guy apologized and walked out and sat on the benches outside of the showers to wait. However, as I was about to get dressed a girl walked in, and I said the same thing. Then not even a couple of seconds later I saw a group of people walk up to the door and open the shower. They were in mid conversation talking about how they needed to get cleaned up and showered so they can go and get a ticket for the lottery that was apparently happening that night. I was intrigued by their conversation, but still said the same thing. They all apologized and left the showers and waited outside. Finally I was able to get fully dressed. Though, my dream ended once I exited out of the showers.
Dream date:
1 Feb 2024
Emotional tone:
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