Dream interpretation about Falling, Zombie, Friend, Friends, Following, Life, Sister, Twins, Girl, Mall, Reason, Hair, Ice, Looking, Point, Climb, Bunch, Eating, Food, Confused, Crazy, Watched
I was at the mall with my friends I but we had split up and I decided I would look for some hair dye but I decided I would go to hot topic and then all of a sudden food started making people go crazy and turn into zombies sort of, I was running from one for a minute but I wasn’t totally scared more confused if anything, and there was the big poles a bunch of people who were there we all just climbed on and stayed there and watched as chaos ensued and my friend jugo was with me at this point and we were on the poles, some people started slipping from sweat, I was aswell but I held on. Jugo for whatever reason had some ice and tossed it to this girl which turned out to be his twin sister. He does not have a twin in real life. Jugo tossed her some ice and she ate it. But then on an announcement thing they told us food was causing it and she freaked out and then turned a few moments later and then jugo looked at me and I knew he was gonna fall, on purpose to join them. I fell to follow suit as I wasn’t gonna gonna be on the poles without him, and then as I started turning I work up.
Dream date:
12 Feb 2024
Emotional tone:
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