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Dream Interpretation: Zombie 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Zombie? Discover the significance of seeing a Zombie in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Zombie appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

This symbolizes your past horrors, fears, anxiety, and overwhelming stress. It reflects some undealt problems, guilt, or pain of the past that are now coming back to haunt you. Other than this, they also indicate that something big in your life will soon come to an end, and that makes you unsure about your future.

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🧭 Direction

Bad omen

You can never always avoid the situation. Your nightmares may end up catching up to you in the worst possible manner. So face your past and conquer these monsters. Be prepared for anything that life throws at you. You may end up being forced into certain situations, but as long as you have hope, you will get out of the troubling situations.

❤️ Feelings

The dream of encountering zombies may evoke feelings of fear, panic, and unease. It symbolizes a sense of being overwhelmed or threatened by a situation or person in your waking life. This dream may also reflect feelings of powerlessness or being unable to escape from a difficult or challenging circumstance. It serves as a reminder to confront and overcome your fears and anxieties, as well as to find ways to regain control and protect yourself from potential harm.





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Dreams of users containing the word Zombie

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6 Jul 2024

Airplane Crash


. So, I just woke up from, I just woke up from a dream where I was, it was winter time and it was in somewhere like Siberia or Russia or something like that, and I was in the military and we were doing jumps from a plane, from this tiny little grey like maybe 5 seater plane, but there was tons of people jumping out of it, and the theme of the dream was very somber and very kind of camaraderie where everybody's giving each other a hard time but really getting along at the same time, like really there for each other, and so fast forward, the plane ends up crashing, the captain ends up dying, like the pilot who was running the whole thing ends up dying, and we end up having to go, me and like two other people survive, and we end up having to go to this compound that apparently was part of our organization but I'd never been to before, neither had they, and we had no idea what it was going to be like. So we show up, and it's very small, it's very light, it's very sterile, and there's black barbed wire everywhere, and so we show up, and we hit the buzzer to talk to somebody in there, and we hear somebody laughing, and all of a sudden the gate opens super fast and the barbed wire cuts the person standing next to the person next to me up into a bunch of pieces, and we hear a voice on the intercom say, come in, to me and the remaining person, so we're like oh shit, so we go inside, and there's this crazy guy in there that I guess was in the military at one point, but in his isolation has gone completely insane, and he was taking the cadavers of people that had passed away around him and making new people out of them, and somehow was animating them, so there were all these zombies, and one of the zombies had pinkish purple hair and was a girl, and she had a pet mouse, kitten thing that the guy had made for her that she used to carry around in a shoe that used to fit on her foot that she no longer had, so instead of having a foot, she had this Mary Jane shoe that had this mouse kitten hybrid thing living in it, and that was like at the bottom of her foot, like her leg, and yeah, her eyes weren't there anymore, they were just empty holes, but they had been painted neon green, and the two of them, her and the crazy guy, took me downstairs with the other person that had survived the plane crash, and showed me that there was a giant open crag in the earth below the military base, just huge, with like lava bubbling up in it, and they said that that was hell, and that they had been working with the things in there, and they showed me by dragging one of the random zombies, they just grabbed one of them, and dragged him over the autopsy table, and they said they were going to check around in the back, and they stuck this rod in the back of the dude's head, and all of a sudden you could see all of his thoughts, all of his memories, but there was like satanic glyphs all over all of them, and that's about the time that I woke up, and it was really crazy.

5 Jul 2024



A zombie hoard attacked our house, killing my mom who was outside.

3 Jul 2024

Waking up


I dream of I'm a movie character actor with another character actor . It was dark and zombie apocalypse happened.i was with that character I was helping him from hiding from zombie . I helped him to hide and protect him but when my chance came to hide I saw one of the zombie coming through the door. I can see the shadow. I was very scared and tried to climb the table but couldn't so I hide beside it . I saw it coming towards me I was very scared so scared and waiting for my death that I end up waking. I also saw a white dusty ceiling fan

2 Jul 2024



I was either climbing into another room or climbing out of a room through a window with the old school blinds hanging down. Rather than walking through the door or raising the blinds up, I went straight through not really thinking. I sat down on a seat waiting for my friends. I saw this girl on the right and she was going to talk to me but I kind of ignored her and just minded my own business as more of my friends started to enter the room. When there was at least five people, a mother figure starts walking in and telling my friend an embarrassing story. When the story was finished, I followed the mom figure, tried to confront her, but decided to close the door because I couldn't see her. In the mean time, while we waiting for other friends to arrive, one of the friends in the room suggested we try out this new game. We loaded into this virtual reality world but we all were babies. We could fast travel in this virtual world and do whatever we want. However, there was this one friend who thought it was funny to pull a prank on me and a sort of initiation. Another person thought this was outright mean and prevented it. I shook the man's hand and thanked him in real life. We loaded back into another virtual game but this time there was many world. I decided to try a fairly easy zombie world. I immediately got overrunned and killed inside the game. The game was over for everyone apparently. Then at the door, we noticed that our last two friends have arrived. We started packing up our gear and heading out the door for dinner I think.

30 Jun 2024

Abandoned home


This is how I remember my dream in order I was at mcdonalds and for some reason In my dream I remembered arguing with someone about how American mcdonalds is better then the one in the UK so I ordered breakfest from the American one and then all of a sudden I am now In the UK mcdonalds and I ordered breakfest to and it’s the same except instead of butter and syrup they also give you jam and there accent where different and then after that I was with someone and we where sitting down and there was a very attractive lady with us and she was into me and I was into her so she said we should go back to her hotel and we did but when we started taking our cloths off to have sex she turned out to be transgender and for some reason it kept replaying us taking our cloths off and her relieving she’s transgender and I was disgusted and then after this somehow I returned home and me and my brothers where getting ready to go do special forces training for the military but it was hard for me to find good cloths and tools but eventually I found it and I went to get my brothers but they weren’t ready and one of them said to me “you have no responsibility your nothing” but I just said “ok I’m 16 I don’t need to” and then I left all of a sudden I am now in this huge area with broken and abandon buildings but it’s all over grown with nature and we are caged in this huge area and it’s the apocalypse plus there’s a zombie outbreak but I was with my friends we all had guns and where ready to take them on so we started looking for a place to go eventually we split up and then I was alone but then I found a new group of people and they where all my age I introduced my self to everyone and so did they and I stayed with them we had a camp fire and everyone was around it snd people also was guarding it with guns just in case, some kid saw my gun and said “ what the hell is wrong with your gun” apparently I built it wrong so he took the peices apart and but then back together and now it was a good sniper rifle, so I aimed down the scope cuz I heard something and it’s a kid and his mom arguing the kid said he wants to go with grandma and runs away but then the grandma pops out of the corner and I accidentally shoot the grandma cuz my finger was on the trigger, then we saw 2 people getting sick they where our friends we knew that they had the zombie virus, we didn’t wanna waste bullets so I stomped on there heads but one of them wasn’t dying or hurting he was just chilling, after this somehow we where escorted out of this caged apocalypse area and we where told we won, we where taken back to our schools as champions to celebrate we jumped into the school pool and then got out and listened to what our coach had to say, the whole school was there at the pool to celebrate our win it was awsome, after that the school day was over and I started to walk to where I get picked up but along the way I somehow got into a candy shop and they gave me this 2 huge empty chocolate eggs just because and then I left and as I was walking back everyone was being really friendly to me eventually I got to where people park and was walking past cars and everyone was playing the same song and 1 car before mine there was a naked lady in the car and I was confused but I walked to my car and when I got in there was fast food and that’s when my dream ended. No where in this dream though was I worried or had anxiety which is really weird

29 Jun 2024

Car Crash
Abandoned home


Is this one dream that I keep having every four years in the same time? Dream is very chaotic. It starts with me being a fan of a car race, which I'm at. There one car, I think it's number was 13, crashed. Oh, it crashed into a tree. It was going down from hell on a very skinny road. Underneath it, it was a river or it was on some kind of hill, I'm not sure. The racer who crashed was an old man. The whole car was lighted up and the man in the car was yelling for help. On the man, the tree he crash in the fall and he was stuck under the tree. Other fans who were watching it were yelling at me to run there and save the man. So I run to the road and try to save the man, but when I took off his helmet, I saw a skull of a man and he had a really disgusting face, he was like a zombie or something like that I was really scared and the man bit me and then the whole dream got blacked out. Then I was in my house and there were people around yelling that there are zombies trying to get into our house, that we should block it and go hide. My family was there, my mom, my dad, my grandma and her dog. Where I tried to hide, but everyone except me was eaten by the zombies. I end up hiding under my bed. Where I watched them being eaten alive, they were screaming and yelling for help. When the zombies left my room, I hid up on top of my wardrobe. Where I watched all the zombies being surrounded by the wardrobes around it, they were waiting for me to fall down and trying to get me. went over me. They... I somehow fell And they got to me and started eating me alive. It felt real alive. I really had a feeling that something was eating me up. They were biting off my muscles to the bone It was scary. It really hurt. I believe I was crying. I was yelling for help They turned me apart. They ate me, sucked my blood, and once they were done they left my body. I remember turning into a zombie because of them. I couldn't take it mentally. So, after a while, I saw if everything was devastated. Everything was abandoned. No one was alive left. Everyone who I knew was dead. It was just scary. I couldn't take it, so I took a knife and killed myself. I ended my life just like that. I couldn't live with how disgusting I was and what am I.

24 Jun 2024



I was in a zombie apocalypse with two acquaintances and my mom. The acquaintances wanted to leave my mom for dead, but I refused. A stranger came in that was a zombie. I killed it with a fork and disposed of it. I couldn't be out for long because of spores in the air.

24 Jun 2024



I was stuck in this encampment, and all types of people were imprisoned there. They fed us and gave us places to sleep, but we can't ever leave the encampment. I remember, as a woman, they were forcing us to have children and tracking our menstrual cycle. But I haven't been impregnated yet. At some point, they were transported some of us in these trains. Something was different that day. It was quieter, and something was off. They got us to the next stop, and this group of people came to free us. I reunited with my mom, dad, auntie, and one of my sisters, and I got them out of the train and told them to leave. A bunch of people ran out and were heading to flee. I told them to go, but for some reason, I felt the need to go back to the encampment to get something. I don't know what. When I got back to the encampment, I saw this other black girl who went back to make a phone call to someone. But this was the 2nd time she was freed from the encampment, and she came back; I got this feeling that she had no other place to go. She was making a phone call the last I saw her, and I knew she was trying to reach out to someone, but it also was like she didn't know how to be free. I remember feeling pity for her. The Black male monitor that got back from the train raid saw her. He was holding a part of his face because he got injured from the raid and mocked the black girl for coming back. He didn't mock me, though; for some reason, I'm not sure why maybe he didn't see me. I also didn't have the same feeling of pity for myself going back like I had for the black girl. I didn't go back because I felt like I didn't have anywhere to go. I went back, knowing I was going to free myself. I already felt free, but at the same time, I felt like I needed to go back to get something. I didn't know what it was I was getting. Also, initially getting back to the encampment, I had this feeling that I'd get what I needed and just leave. Later on, I realized I would have to plot my way out. I strategized again about how I would get out. The encampment monitors were everywhere, watching us. I started to feel the dread that it would be hard again to get out. I was still determined and knew I would escape, but I also felt the dread that now it would be more complicated than if I never came back in the first place. But I was still determined and plotting my way out. The dream ended with them feeding us these different types of food. They were all pretty decent food. There was a pasta dish, sweet potatoes and regular fries, and hamburgers. I think other people were raving about the burgers, and I wanted the burger. I looked for it on the table inside and outside, but there was none, just the pasta dish and fries left. I decided to eat the fries. I can't remember which fries I ate or if I ate both, but I know I was eyeing those sweet potato fries. The folks in charge of monitoring us were different types of people, but I remembered a shorter white guy; a taller Black guy got back to the encampment from the raid at the train, and this Hispanic-looking guy was riding the train. For some reason, whenever they were in public, they always hid their face when another person in public was around, and I think we couldn't bring any attention to ourselves. It was like they knew what they were doing was wrong. I also remember one of the chores they made me do in the encampment: sweep the shower drains to collect DNA. I remembered some of the imprisoned people would be kind of zombie-like, eating like this weird bone with barely any meat on it, just bits of fat. I remember when I came back to the encampment at some point, I picked up one of the bones and was pacing like one of those people to not bring attention to myself while I checked out the different places I could get myself out there cause I was plotting on my escape. I never got to see if I escaped the encampment, but I had this feeling of determination and was constantly plotting, and for some reason, I knew I would escape and be reunited with my family again.

22 Jun 2024

Running away


Another zombie apocalypse dream. Terror, running for our lives. Watching people die or get eaten alive

21 Jun 2024



I was in a forest with another family. I’m not sure if it was like a zombie apocalypse kind of thing. I didn’t have a family other than that group. Along the way with being with them, I got a cat that I got close to. We were all outside having a good time. One of the people I was with’s husband wanted to try fishing. All of a sudden I heard a noise that sounded like a sharp scream. They didn’t hear it at first but then they did. They heard it after I said “hear that?” And the they shushed me. One of the people tried to get me to get 1ml of a vaccine prepped but I didn’t know how. They did it for me. Immediately after that, a group of armed forces showed up on the ground and in helicopters. They took one of their animals but I was clinging to my cat and hoping they wouldn’t take her. They uttered something to one of the people I was with then left. The person who had their dog taken then got a weapon just in time as they returned and stood among the crowd of us holding a knife. I woke up before anything else happened

21 Jun 2024



Dream August 4th, There was a school I kept going in and out the basement of.. There was people, she felt like a Sophia or a Garcia. There was Pokémon and magic staff themed things. I remember jumping high and feeling like flying, before going back down to help others. A “Toto” calling me and unable to reach me via Pokemon or a similar device is.. apparent 3 times. I believe at another point, I was adopting a pet…a chinchilla with big adorable eyes. The rest is a blur but I know the person at the register behind the counter was a Black teen/young adult with a sweet and pretty smile. More school and parking lot shenanigans, glad I wasn’t Naked this time. Corvid and Grayhawk were in the dream Corvid and Grayhawk were talking about my art, there was a drastic bad turn of events, I feel like I was insulted over what I created desire burnout. I got angry. Then I remember lunging towards Corvid, and the counter and the realization of what’s going on stopped me, then Grayhawk warned me about getting angry and. I’m sure that’s not what was said, I believe I was going to get kicked out if I got angry enough to retaliate again. Then…our scenery changed drastically, I remember we were running. It gave off Marvel Vibes but something was different. It felt like a scene of the Last of Us, but the zombie-like creatures were slow and blackened with soot and char? They piled over each over trying to get to something. I could see who was around me…a formerly canine black furred humanoid(?) being kept looking around but stayed close to me. Grayhawk was best again also looking around trying to help. We were in the middle of trench like forest hills.. in the distance there were…3-4 gigantic humanoids. One with blonde hair, pale skin, and a red and blue latex suit was clear enough to notice. She may have seen me and she started to fight to get to me. Then I found myself panicked and on top of a grassy hill, where I saw a couple other big forest supernatural beings hiding in shelter the best I could. I remember trying to summon a Black Gemmed Toxic Staff from a previous dream, but was unable to call it forth. Then I tried to call my White Vernacular Magic Staff and I was having a bit more success when… I awoke to my own hand twitching against me.

18 Jun 2024



I had a dream I call a zombie gameshow It starts off with you and a lot of other contestants fighting off zombies on the first floor You drop to the second floor and it's a fight you against everyone else and the zombies I got a chain saw and ended up winning I was also a man for some reason But I dropped to the last floor and they didn't want me to win So it was an all white room No weapons just me and my bear hands against the zombies I ended up escaping through a vent and that was it

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