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Dream Interpretation: Prison 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Prison? Discover the significance of seeing a Prison in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Prison appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

Dreaming of being in prison symbolizes feeling trapped, restricted, or limited in some aspect of your life. It may also represent feelings of guilt or shame. This dream may be a reflection of your current situation or a warning to avoid making choices that could lead to negative consequences.

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🧭 Direction


Reflect on your current situation and identify any areas where you feel trapped or limited. Consider making changes to improve your circumstances. If you feel guilty or ashamed, try to make amends and move forward. Avoid making choices that could lead to negative consequences and seek help if needed.

❤️ Feelings

The dream of being in a prison can evoke feelings of confinement, restriction, and powerlessness. It may symbolize a sense of being trapped in a situation or relationship, or a fear of losing one's freedom and autonomy. This dream can also elicit emotions of frustration, anxiety, and a desire for escape. It may reflect a need for self-reflection and a search for inner freedom.





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Dreams of users containing the word Prison

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16 Jul 2024

Best Friend
High School


My best friend from high school and I were placed in this huge warehouse with hundreds of conveyor belts, that turned out to be a prison. You had to choose which “conveyor” to use and depending upon which one you chose, had its own “obstacle course” in which meant having to physically fight one another to make it to the next conveyor that had its own theme. Some included dealing with fire. He and I would choose the same path in this warehouse/prison because we only knew each other. The strange part is, it was as if I became him and was viewing what he was experiencing. For some reason in the far back of this warehouse was a private section that was a Christmas holiday conveyor belt for children to have a fun and entertaining path. I watched my best friend sneak over to the private section where the kids were, knowing that if he got caught it could mean death. He went thru several checkpoints on this conveyor without being caught so he tried to see if he could do this again. While on one section of this path I was elevated about 10 feet above the ground as if riding a sky lift made for only 1 person and remembering having a piece of chewing gum that was stuck to my tooth and the more I pulled, the more that kept coming. I could occasionally break it off but there would always be a piece dangling from my tooth. It’s as if it we’re never ending. At the last checkpoint before being able to exit, someone noticed that we were attempting to sneak out and called security. Security stops the conveyor belt and tells me to smile because all the prisoners had to wear a mouth guard like boxers use. Know that we were busted, I smiled and immediately spit out the mouth hard and started running knowing we were about to be caught.

6 Jul 2024



Basically family hunger games, where one whole family has to fight a bunch of other families to the death… the setting was a three story prison. I mostly stayed inside as a sniper, while the rest of my family went out at fought. Until there was just my family and one other family left. There was a speaker that told us that children were the first targets. My younger brother hid inside our cell with me, basically me sitting on him as I stay there. I hear a bunch of fighting and eventually my brother falls asleep, I take off my favorite windbreaker and put it onto him to his him better. As soon as I do my uncle runs in telling me the other family has moved from guns to grenades, and that they’ve gone deaf and can’t fight no more, so I sent him to guard my brother as I got out where I saw the other family cowering in fear aside from the father walking over to our side throwing grenades, I use a pipe to hit them away like a bat w/ a baseball. The bald man came up to me and start fighting me, I threw a grenade of my own into their family’s cell as a guy dropped one at my feet, I panicked and threw the man off the edge of the balcony, making him fall two stories and then I kicked the grenade as far as I could before it exploded then I looked over at my brother worriedly, noticing my uncle wasn’t in there with him, I woke up just before the grande exploded.

4 Jul 2024



I dreamed about being at a youth camp but it was also like my recent visit on a phyciatric ward in the hospital for 3 days for suicidal thoughts and psychosis. It was more like a prison. In the dream we were not allowed to have anything and some kids had hidden candy in their bunks. The counselor discovered the hidden candy and called the parents of the kids that did it. When the parents came there was a military father and he was so angry at his son. I could tell he was going to beat his son whenever they got home and I felt fear and sadness at realizing this was going to happen over something as simple as candy. I had an overwhelming sense of powerlessness that I couldn't do anything about it because I was just a kid myself.

4 Jul 2024



In this dream I am a male I am an anomaly, some kind of a merfolk-immortal hybrid and I need to die apparently Or people think I need to So I run away, across cities and ports and all sorts of locations, hiding my identity First I’m jn the Pacific ocean Then I am somehow swimming by the Isle of Scots; I see fogs, trees, jagged steep cliffs of limestones and everything Then I get to the Great Britain, have an escapade across London and get to the Iberian peninsula by swimming and everything I have the ability to sling threads across and swing on it like Spider-man I’m then climbing across old cathedrals, in Paris I’m caught but then there’s skyscrapers like the ones in Singapore and then suddenly I’m in Spain again, I’m taken to the airport with other prisoners to be transported but we trick the guards and the warden into thinking we’re following And then we scatter in different directions I for one am chased through tunnels cutting through a small hill in the city, through the cathedral’s steeples and around the glass futuristic skyscrapers built like a Klein bottle There’s vegetations everywhere and the city itself is build amidst the forests and stuff so that makes sense And then by and IN the sea I am taught the truth of my origins A lot of stuff happens and now I’m back on land, disguising myself as human again I’m in this school made from a villa by the sea of Andalusia There’s scarcely any women I’m hiding in the shared shower space because it’s like the only place aside from the ocean where they have proper water supply and I need water to not dry out and die One of the males I’m infatuated with and every time I’m in some sort of a heat he comes to me and fucks my guts(literally, I take out just my gut somehow and feel him Bluetooth-fuck it) I’d suck his cock and make love and stuff but homosexuality is apparently forbidden in this school/place His girlfriend finds this out and joins in(I’m still the bottom, she’s getting eaten out by me while the guy pistons me from the hind) It’s a quickie so before long the school’s warden and stuff comes in and I have to run I climb the veneer boards and patched high walls of the room and make it outside as the police comes in to track me down I can hear the wardens’ voices in my head so I know what they’re trying to do or where they’re at(telepathy?) I use the web-slinging and my atheticism to get across the villa and back to the ocean I sling across the villa’s terracotta walls and vine balconies and for some fucking reason I appear female to the onlookers so people think I’m some sort of a fairy-maniac they’re hallucinating Finally I’m on the ground so I grovel and crawl through the parking lot made of pebbles and the shoreline’s rocks gathering unscathed pretty seashells(mostly clams, mussels, scallops, respective colors gradient of red-orange-pink or green-blue-purple, purple, terra-cotta orange and pink) Thw warden’s car comes in so I run and dive into the ocean

2 Jul 2024



I was sent to a place where I saw a lot of people in it looked like they were in a mall I later found out it was a prison. I later inherited a scythe that I used to rescue the people from their prison. I came back and told them to grab everyone here and when I come back I would set them all free. They were scared a bit as they told me that the person in charge won’t let that happen. I reaffirmed them that I would take care of him. When I came back, I started by tapping the scythe and a door appeared and I hearded the people into the door to free them the first batch went smoothly but we then ran out of time and I told them that I would be back tomorrow to free more people. When I came back I opened the door and started guideing people into the door when the person in charge tried to stop me. I started fighting him for a while while the other people were escaping thru my door. I defeated him just as time ran out and told everyone that make sure they close all the stores and put down the gates. When I came back they did it and looked like I was almost done just as the person in charge was trying to disguise him self as a prisoner but I figured it out and stopped him as he was trying to escape thru the door. I told him I have a special place for him and as soon as the last person left and I closed the door to get another for the person in charge I woke up

1 Jul 2024

Dark Room
Dead Relative
I Love You


I was attempting to free family members that were captured in a prison getting brain washed. The prison was high in the sky and were guarded by ducks that flying around the rectangular prison. No one was able to sneak in and break my family members out prison. The members of my family that were in prison was my Brazilian grandpa and my Brazilian godmother‘s son Saulo. The dream had occurring at night time when I saw my grandpa and Saulo in the dream there in a dark room and didn’t recognize me. My grandpa who had already passed away, looked older and weaker. when he looked at me he didn’t recognize me, which was heartbreaking. I remember looking into his eyes, hugging him and saying I love you. I know you’re there. I love you and I felt he noticed deep inside. The last scene of the dream was a group of four brave toy dolls that were getting ready to free the prisoners inside, but unfortunately, I knew that they weren’t going to make it alive and they somewhat knew that as well. all of them had a red light on the top of their head that would go off as an alarm every certain time. And they would reset it. The dream ended

21 Jun 2024



April 18-19, 2024 ⁃ There was a lot of people…in a pink room? It felt like a prison resembling Boiling Rock from Avatar the Last Airbender ⁃ This was familiar as it’s a continuation of an older dream. ⁃ I remember…breaking out of the tomb and getting caught. ⁃ Then I got enough videos to chance the jungle (which was in India). ⁃ I got out, everyone else started to riot as I grabbed my lil brother Anaje to break out together (he was 8 here) ⁃ We ran through so many miles ⁃ Garikayi chased after us the whole time ⁃ We ran out of the jungle, through farmland with white goats, down the road past a nodding white older woman. ⁃ We made it to a hospital with Garyikayi got on our tail in hot pursuit; as I’ve fought him off several times. ⁃ We made it to the Emergency Room and we asked “which floor to go that connects to Highway 2-70.” ⁃ He told us, an older man. Long wispy white silvery hair in a nurse’s uniform, “1st floor.” ⁃ I thanked him and the elevator stopped on the way down. ⁃ Just above the entrance of the hospital ⁃ We booked it. Garikayi having found us after losing us. ⁃ I ran through the backstage of the kids theater from another dream. Jumped down to the first floor through the stairs. My abusive mother found me and started pursuing me as well. ⁃ We made it out and we continued to run. Through Suburban neighborhoods and all. ⁃ We passed by shops— a woman in a blue maxi gown complimented how beautiful I was. I politely thanked her and kept moving. ⁃ I remember passing by the shop where you get braids and hair extensions- ⁃ Where I passed through a story of mob setting? There was someone…in their 50s who started rioting and torturing the rest of the gang which was slaughtered afterwards. ⁃ He got caught by his boss after killing a woman with a hair pick/comb and he was then murdered by his boss. ⁃ I shakingly and falsely awakened - I found myself in the backseat of Garikayi’s car. ⁃ I asked where Anaje was and he said somewhere in a different city. ⁃ I was going with a foster parent. (I was 21 in this dream apparently) ⁃ The car stops and I see through the window that it’s my psychological and religiously abusive maternal grandmother. She was my new foster. ⁃ I ran out of the door in desperate fear. Through the urban apartment complex neighborhood from another dream. The Black high school girls were getting off the bus and saw me. ⁃ They saw my panicked breathing and hysterical tears. They took me in out of sight to their house which I’d been in before. ⁃ One girl sat me down, while the other grabbed the blueberries from the sink (presumably in a strainer or sieve) ⁃ And I hysterically sobbed the rest of the dream while being held by the first Black girl.

21 Jun 2024



I went to the prison and the people teased me. As if they could build a better prison without my help When I wanted to get angry, my brother came and told me not to get angry, instead of getting angry you should help others who know better.

21 Jun 2024



At first I arrived at a kind of island with a big boat like the titanic. The sky was grey and it looked and felt like it was about to rain any moment. We , my family and I , went trough a big garden door into a kind of Funpark on this island. There my family left or disappeared, I don’t know anymore . Anyway , I went to a waterslide . There was Emilia waiting for me . The whole park was very creepy and dark . Everything was in kind of grey shades . It looked like it was about to rain any moment . Suddenly I was at the big garden door again with my family and we left the park , but we were still on the island . We were on the beginning of the island next to dark , dark water . There stood every where big black book shelf’s with books , a lot of books in it . We were told , that we can take anything we want out of the shelf’s for free and keep it . I took a lot of books . My family stayed at the first few shelf’s but I wanted to look out for even more books so I went over to the shelf’s which were pretty far away . The sky turned even greyer then possible . There , suddenly , I saw that the funpark wasn’t a funpark . It was a Prisint . And while I stood between those big black bookshelf’s all of the criminals there Manegent to escape . The run against me and one of them pushed me into the black black water . I started drowning and suddenly I felt from the sky in a completely new scenery . I felt from the sky in a kind of a big doll house . The scene changed completely. The sky was pretty blue and the big dool house was in orange and pink colors . But strangely I was very small . Smaller than just small . Out of nowhere came a boy ( he was very hot btw ) and a nice looking blond girl . I knew them from somewhere but I don’t remember from where anymore . I trusted them and we tried to escape from the „doll-world“ . All around us where no one . No birds , no people , no dolls but somehow I didn’t feel alone with them . We started jumping down from one doll house roof to a big rock . And from the rock to another big big rock . The rocks were also in orange pink colors . After time I stood at a very big rock . The boy and girl waited for me on the other rock . The rocks were very high and I was to scared to jump . Finally I was brave enough to jump . And then I woke up .

20 Jun 2024



There were several messages that came to my mobile phone But there was one number I didn't recognise And the sender's name is ONEGAI He sent me pictures of his activities in prison

18 Jun 2024



I had a dream that I was in a prison and a friend came to visit at the window I don’t really remember the conversation after that I was still in a prison and sitting at a table with an ex girlfriend I use to date

16 Jun 2024

Sexual Assault


I was in a prison. My 6 year old son was with me. We were both inmates. Grown men were in the bathroom hanging up on a smaller teen boy sexually. They wouldn’t let my son out of the room they were all in because he’d talk about what happened. They tried to threaten me when I came and got him. There were women there who were all my biological sisters, but separated at birth. We all managed to become inmates. I was in the West prison, one was in the North and one in the East. They were both transferred to the West where I was and we bumped into one another. The sister who transferred from the North was friendly and stayed with me. The sister from the East was a little more sketchy and distant. I managed to get a tablet from [East sister] and tried to fix it for her. The language was strange and I couldn’t read it, but I still worked through to fix it. Overall, the tension was steadily high. I had [North sister] at least to keep me company.

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