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Dream Interpretation: Future 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Future? Discover the significance of seeing a Future in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Future appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

Dreaming about the future symbolizes your hopes, aspirations, and goals. It may also represent your fears and anxieties about what lies ahead. This dream may be a reminder to focus on the present and take steps towards achieving your desired future.

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🧭 Direction


Reflect on your current goals and aspirations. Are you taking steps towards achieving them? If not, what is holding you back? Use this dream as motivation to take action towards your desired future. Remember to also enjoy the present moment and not get too caught up in the future.

❤️ Feelings

The dream of the future evokes a sense of anticipation and excitement. It brings forth feelings of hope, curiosity, and wonder about what lies ahead. This dream may also elicit a sense of anxiety or uncertainty, as the future is often unknown and unpredictable. Overall, the dream of the future stirs up a mix of emotions, ranging from optimism to apprehension, as one contemplates the possibilities and potential outcomes that await them.





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Dreams of users containing the word Future

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13 Jul 2024

Rumah terbengkalai
Masa Depan


Death of Nasfi I was exploring with Danish and nasfi, my best friends, we were exploring a few abandoned buildings, In a high building on a certain floor we saw a corpse, we then quickly run downstairs, we didn't cancel our exploration though, In fact, I and nasfi is separating with Danish, Danish goes to the building and Nasfi, Me are going to the abandoned office, in the office we found yet another obese corpse, it is still fresh though, which means it was killed recently, then I saw it, a goth girl killed my bestfriend nasfi with knife, she stabs him a lot of times, Apparently I was scared so I ran out side the office, and then I saw my aunt HikHik who saw everything call the police, when the police came, I told them everything I know, I went home weight hearted with danish. Then I visited nasfi's funeral, I met nasfi's grandma, she is briefing, and her parents are sobbing too. Nasfi's grandma called down and told me a lot about nasfi and nasfi's past, she also showed me his weird scribbles that were actually depictions of a country or place called golania or Russia, Nasfi really wants to go to Russia Siberia. The fact is that nasfi and his grandma actually came from russia. Then in the future I met nasfi's killer, "Celicia gothica", with the leader of the butter chameleon kingdom, Queen " Aellysa", Me and Aellysa defeated celicia, Celicia did horrible stuff and killed a lot of people, but we decided to forgive her.

25 Jun 2024



I was in a dream where futuristic military people were rushing all around me, and someone saw me and there was a person next to them that looked like me, and they were talking about how she wanted to switch lives with me, and after they were finished talking, the person that wasn’t me had a balloon in her hand, and start slowly approaching me, making eye contact the whole time and I got scared, and because I got scared she said, “then you know what I am!” And she started chasing after me and I had to run across water on steppingstones and jump over obstacles that weren’t visible, but I knew were there and jump over a hole in the ground that was pure fire and I tried to climb onto a building, and as I was reaching the top, the girl caught up to me and bit my hand, and I could kind of feel pain, but hardly and she said that because I couldn’t feel pain that I was from the future and the version of me she was talking to, before chasing me, was the past me, and that nothing can be changed, and that we wouldn’t switch lives. And then I woke up.

25 Jun 2024



Dreamed of my future son and husband on my birthday

21 Jun 2024



I had a dream that I went back into the past where I was in the mountains with snow and a village.. I realized I was dreaming so I thought about going into the future. When I did I ended up floating in space where earth was.. then I woke up.

18 Jun 2024

Tarot cards


I dreamt I was a kid and I found a scooter that would send me around in time randomly. I ended up befriending my future self and my future bully. I formed a sort of group of kids who would ride around with me and we would do whatever we wanted. But the other kids got worried about me time traveling and it turned into a big mess. The kids thought that it was messing with their futures and that they had to destroy the scooter. Somehow I grew up in the dream so I was an adult still trying to avoid kids who wanted to destroy my scooter. I was worried I might be pregnant because time traveling had messed with my birth control system. But I knew it was too early to test so I just had to wait. I ended up going to my dads house and he agreed to take care of my 2 kids while I tried to use my tarot cards to divine the right path. But we all ended up taking a nap. I woke up because my baby had gotten out of his bed and had fallen down the stairs. He was okay but I was mad at my dad for not closing the door so he couldn’t get out. Then I woke up.

5 Jun 2024



I had a dream where I was at a baseball game at T-MOBILE Park in Seattle Washington. It was the last game in the world series and my favorite team, the Mariners were winning. However the game wasn't taking place in present day. It was taking place about 10 years from now. Also I was on the second deck of the stadium which is my favorite floor. While I am up there I browse the many stores. Oddly enough while I am up there everyone I run into seems to know my name. The roof was also over the stadium because it was raining outside. To end the dream, the Mariners hit a walk off grand slam to win the world series.

22 May 2024



I had a dream I was walking down a street with a man I cannot recall who I knew as a friend but did not recognise, I sensed we were in Ireland. I stopped a table and was asked to sign a petition. For some reason it felt like I was lying when signing. I wrote the signature and the date and although the writing came out the pen didn’t work properly. I walked away from the table and to my right was an entrance to a hospital. I Walked in because I was looking for someone but can’t remember who. Inside the hospital I remember there was a teenage girl who was standing and being resuscitated by a doctor. She was not breathing and she died while I watched. Another person was in danger and died but I can’t remember how. I left the hospital to find someone and returned. When I returned I saw a doctor crying in front of the girls mother because the girl had died. I was then up close with a doctor telling him it wasn’t his fault. I was then out of the hospital and on an hill with a friend and we were having a grass fight that lasted for quite some time and was fun. After the grass fight which was in my hometown on the estate I grew up in we decided to go home. I was on roller skates and my friend asked me to go and fetch his black jumper. I remember I rollerskated past it to pick it up however I missed and skated past so had to go back. I got it the second time but my friend had gone. I remember that the laces on my skates had come undone so I stopped to tie them. I then skated fast down the hill and stopped at an old friends house. I knocked on the door and his mum opened. Many people came out of the house and stood on the doorstep talking. I made plans to meet up with some of them at a later date and went back to my childhood house, on the way home I found my original friend and we were then walking in a massive group like a demonstration. I was then in his family home and the house was empty and dirty. I remember people were cleaning it. They were talking about the future and I remember thinking to myself that I would like to live there and I was somehow my friends half brother. I remember that one of the people decorating was Chinese but spoke English

19 May 2024



Prehistoric and creatures from the future came out of a portal and most people get attacked by them

19 May 2024



I dreamed that me and my ex live in the same village and we started meeting and kissing all the time and we talk about the future

7 May 2024



I find myself in the city of the future, where technology has been developed to unimaginable limits. I visit high-rise skyscrapers resting on clouds and travel in flying cars over the city. Here I meet inventors and scientists who reveal to me the secrets of a new world.

4 May 2024



had a dream i was in a house, i had my dad over and a think my mum and dad (my mum is dead) and my old school friend, Larissa and her mum (i do not talk to Larissa anymore) we were just having talks together and there became a little heated topic between my dad & Larissa (very minor) about girls acting up but wanted to still get married - larissa defended herself but that’s about it. In the end my dad tried apologising but she couldn’t hear him. Then anyways, i felt bad so i asked larissa to come into another room with me i confronted her about the thing with my dad saying he was trying to apologise, in the end she said ok and it’s alright. Long story short, they ended up leaving and my dad went to the bathroom, it gets blurry but there was other ppl there like other black people but they all left and then there was like a gun shooting but not really, like i don’t know how to explain it. Anyways it was just me, my mum & my dad however my dad had been in the bathroom for a long time, so i went to check up on him and i only saw his legs and i asked if he was okay but no response so i automatically screamed, saying he’s dead. I ran down crying to my mum saying he’s dead, she starts crying too. I tried calling 999 but apparently it was changed by the government! it was now a long number, it said the year was 2098 too by the way. I’m crying, both me & my mum were trying to find the emergency services number but it wasn’t coming up. We then called my sister Frankee and she was on facetime with someone else, but answered anyways! We told her the situation and we was like you need to call Dads wife for us and let her know! after that, i was just sobbing. Crying, i was thinking of everything my Dad was going to miss, all my milestones - then realised that i am officially an Orphan, with now no mum and no dad. even though i was with my mum in the dream. Then i woke up,

3 May 2024



The time is now 3.07am, for the past 2 weeks I've been having nice sleeps where I don't remember my dream so I think I've jus had the worse of them all, the planet was dieing, animals were suffering, people being thrown all over the place, me and my family found somewhere to hide well at least I thought we did, the floor beneath us was slowly sinking and then it jus gave way and we was sinking and sinking and sinking and instead of waking myself up I thought I'm going to see where this goes and it was a very dark and moist pit full of people trying to escape what jus happened, I feel this is the gods telling me is of what's to come in the future with our planet, we've killed such a beautiful place and we must face the consequences as a race

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