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Dream Interpretation: Foreign 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Foreign? Discover the significance of seeing a Foreign in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Foreign appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

Dreaming of foreign places or people can represent a sense of unfamiliarity or discomfort in your waking life. It may also indicate a desire for adventure or a need to break free from routine.

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🧭 Direction


Consider if there are any areas of your life where you feel out of place or uncomfortable. If so, try to identify the root cause and take steps to address it. If you are feeling stagnant or bored, consider trying new experiences or exploring different cultures. Embrace the unknown and challenge yourself to step outside of your comfort zone.

❤️ Feelings

This dream of being in a foreign place may evoke feelings of curiosity, excitement, and a sense of adventure. It could also bring about a sense of uncertainty or unease as you navigate unfamiliar surroundings. The dream may symbolize a desire for new experiences or a need to break free from routine. It could also reflect feelings of being out of place or disconnected in your waking life. Overall, this dream may leave you with a mix of emotions, ranging from intrigue to apprehension, as you explore the unknown.





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Dreams of users containing the word Foreign

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24 Jun 2024



In my dream I was saving these babies from some foreign people I overheard banging on the door saying if you have babies were coming to take them so I opened the door and looked at my aunt trying to put clothes on them I told her that it isn’t anytime for that they have to go now so I grabbed the babies myself and broke my window down and put the babies out and said do you remember where aunt niecey live they said yes I told them to run until they get there don’t stop for nobody and stay together and my Annie comes in and say and she already be getting touched on I don’t know why she hadn’t told us earlier and I was like who she was like tinky and tinky wasn’t even there but the people told her I kidnapped them by letting them go and I asked my aunt do you feel I just kidnapped them or let them free and saved their lives she said saved them the Foreigners said we missed out on them because we don’t know where they’re going in we were only supposed to do this building of taking peoples kids

24 Jun 2024

Dark Room


I have a lot of apocalyptic dreams foreign countries and being in a dark place with lots of women and children watch TV but also an scary presence that moves around but you can see it

30 May 2024

Time Travel


In my dream last night my mom and I went on a trip in time. Honestly, not sure if we were in Mexico California or some other foreign country. And we weren’t supposed to be there, but we going to the shop saying get lost in there a little bit find this child and reserve bringing the child with us. And then we go to leave the building with the child and we have to play this type of game that we fail epically at have to apologize for my mom not knowing the rules or something and then we leave and we’re in her jeep and we think there’s something wrong with the battery but were able to take off. I’m a try to find a place to get the battery fixed but we can’t understand the language and there’s almost too much going on everywhere. At some point or another, we turn into a mermaid and almost to all the same stuff.

29 May 2024



I was a artist painter living in a foreign country. I was sent there by my home country to observe and paint. I resonated most with the children. The children seem neglected, and the adults seem to look down upon them. The children are usually alone with other children with no parents around them. There was once when a child stood in front of a moving bus that I was in. There was a scene where children danced and screamed around a bonfire. And another scene where children spaced around on a barren land seemed exhausted and hungry as if they were remnants of what's left at the end of a war. In all the scenes, I would unfold a chair and set my materials in the middle of it all, and start to paint. My method of painting was to start directly with paint without prior sketch or drawing. I also noticed that noone spoke in this dream, it was all incomprehensible sounds and facial expressions with a sense of gloom.

27 May 2024



I was on a train traveling with a handful of girls that felt like close friends in a foreign country and we were all trying to travel without getting caught by the government employees. Most people on the train didn’t say anything to us but we mostly communicated through our phones by texting. I’m not sure which country it was but English wasn’t the primary language spoken, but there were a few things in English. We had a plan to meet up after we got off the train and left the car but I didn’t feel confident everything would go according to plan. I made it to the end of my trip and right as I was tossing a few belongings over a high fence to an associate (she was a family me member of someone who lived there) and get my things sent home, a young black man caught me by the fence trying to go back down a hill to the car for my last piece of luggage and used his radio to call in that I was trying to run. I took off running in between the trees but felt scared because I didn’t know where the group of girls I knew went and I was in an unfamiliar foreign country for the first time. I knew getting captured wouldn’t end well so I fled leaving all my belongings behind.

24 May 2024



I was walking alone in a foreign country on a dirt road that just had small little huts and I could hear someone shouting that a lion was loose and roaming around. Then suddenly i see the lion and it starts coming towards me so i quickly go into one of the huts and i climb up on a landing that’s above the lion where it can’t get to me and I can see the lion below me wandering around

18 May 2024

Living Room


I dreamed that I was to wait to do something specific or something specific will happen on the right timing such as 3:44, 5:22, any numbers that has double digit. Then I dreamed I was with my family. We were out on vacation. Then we were at a restaurant and my siblings were paired up and it was me and my youngest brother. He asked if we could split sushi or look at the menu. He handed me a red rice sushi plate too. We were in foreign country. Half of my siblings were somewhere. Half of us were in China. Then we got home, I was transformed into a babysitter role and one parent came up to me to ask where was the children. I explained the truth. She was disappointed, but happy they were safe and a couple of her children will arrive from china tomorrow. I invited her to a restaurant to talk further, despite she wouldn't hire me again. She smiled and said sure. Then we were in a living room. There was one old woman there playing solitaire card game waiting for her daughter. Then I was like a camera transported to a car. I saw a older girl and a younger girl. The older girl was taking care. The younger girl said that this was it was like to have a family, parents, etc. She confessed she is an alien and she doesn't have a mother like we do. The older girl was surprised. Then the dream changed to a man, he looked like Leneerado Capri. He is fighting the demons inside by not causing bar fight or drinks. He did well then one night, he was at a place because he wanted to wait somewhere. The bartender wouldn't let him leave until he take one drink. Leo decided a sip and had to go. Then the bartender and another man wouldn't let him leave. So Leo felt he had no choice but to cause a fight because he felt he was in danger. So he did.

6 May 2024



I had a Dream I had a dream that I was in a hotel in a foreign country and there were lots of garden tables of chairs and parasols. It was night and I remember that I was urinating under one of the tables, I was then spraying disinfectant onto the urine and scrubbing it away, my next door neighbors were suddenly there and they could see what I was doing. I became aware that what I was doing was a rule of Alcoholics anonymous and all of the tables had different rules to do with it. My neighbor asked me what rule I was doing and I said all of them. I was then holding a parasol and it was windy and the wind made the parasol lift me ever so slightly off the ground. I remember feeling good about this and waited for more wind. More wind came and it lifted me higher into the sky. I remember I was not afraid one bit and eventually I went as high as a house and each time I gently floated back down. I remember I had a feeling that I had designed a flying machine and that I could sell my idea. Although I didn’t see them my sister anna and my mum were there.

3 May 2024



My dad sister and I were out drinking at night which we never do and after a drink we decided to walk back home to our Airbnb. It had rained a little earlier so we were laughing as we were jumping around puddles as we walked past trees. On the way a big delivery truck stopped as we were walking by, and it was one of my friend's parents. It was great to see him again, and he was reading A Course in Miracles, a book that I'm currently reading, and he mentioned how much he loved it. as we were leaving this girl and her brother who I've never met before started talking to me she said that she was from Argentina the city Cordoba and wanted to hang out more but my dad and sister said that we gotta go and that you shouldn't be talking to her because she’s got bad intentions. After that, we finally got back to our Airbnb. When we got back to the AirBnB, we had some trouble with the key, but eventually we were able to get in. The door lock ended up coming out, and I had to work to put the lock back together and open the door.

2 May 2024



I found myself alone in a foreign land. It was a beautiful day with green rolling pastures. There was a huge concrete wall with a steep pitch that was approximately 12 feet wide. I went to the wall and started climbing it. I was frightened but kept going. I reached an area that I was forced to stop at as the wall became blocked. I turned around and because I'm afraid of heights was very nervous about looking down. I did and saw the beautiful rolling pastures. I realized I now had to descend the wall and was very nervous about how I was going to do that. I reached behind me and found a black rope that when I grabbed it, it released and I was able to descend the wall very quickly and safely. I was amazed. I got to the bottom safely and was grateful.

24 Apr 2024



I have a dream where I am in strange foreign country. I walk through the country and see many animals such as strange looking birds and monkeys with funny hats. I encounter a African American man who is feeding the animals. He informs me that I will inherit this country. I disagree but he insists I will and disappears. Then I am president of the country. Then I wake up

29 Mar 2024

Running away


I had a dream where there was a group of people with me. We were in a foreign country like the Middle East or Egypt. And we were walking around looking at the carpets. Then we were in the basement of a building running away from something and punching and bumping into cushions.

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