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Dream Interpretation: Strangers 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Strangers? Discover the significance of seeing a Strangers in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Strangers appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

Dreaming of strangers can represent the unknown or unfamiliar aspects of yourself. It may also indicate a fear of the unknown or a need for new experiences. Alternatively, it may symbolize a feeling of isolation or disconnection from others.

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🧭 Direction


Consider if there are any new people or situations in your life that you are hesitant to approach. It may be time to step out of your comfort zone and embrace new experiences. Alternatively, if you are feeling disconnected from others, try reaching out and making new connections. Remember that everyone starts as a stranger, and sometimes the best relationships come from taking a chance on someone new.

❤️ Feelings

The dream of encountering strangers can evoke a mix of emotions. It may bring feelings of curiosity, uncertainty, and even a sense of vulnerability. The presence of strangers in a dream can symbolize the unknown aspects of our lives or represent new opportunities. It may also reflect a desire for connection or a fear of the unfamiliar. Overall, this dream can leave us with a sense of intrigue and a range of emotions as we navigate the complexities of the unknown.





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Dreams of users containing the word Strangers

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29 Jun 2024

Parking Lot


I was at an event of some type with my mom but I was leaving. There were a few strangers along the way out too. For some reason I had a chair with me to my new car so I end up putting it back after realizing I already have a chair in my car. I find a place to put it at like a computer desk area in the parking lot that had a couple other different chairs there. I get in the car but then realize I’m on the wrong side (passenger instead of driver’s seat) when my mom gets in the car. Before my mom enters, I clean off a car door. She thought about driving until we leave the parking area but I decline as my insurance only recognizes me as the driver for the car, and we switch seats. That’s all I remember

27 Jun 2024



I am driving a car into a private camp. As I hop out of the car, not allowed to be there, I start hiding. Finding out the secrets of this camp. Distracted, I talk to some strangers in blue T-shirts they tell me to hide amongst the bunkbeds while the big boss is around.

26 Jun 2024

Ship sinking


i was on an island learning about something, then all of a sudden alarms went off and it said the island was gonna sink and fall apart. i ran inside and i saw my favorite person and i ran to her and she held me and took me to her room. i asked her if the ship was gonna sink, she said maybe. the flights were taking time so i was just waiting and then random strangers started coming in and then my mother came in. me and my mother don’t have a good relationship. and then i woke up.

22 Jun 2024

Phone call


I was grocery shopping with my grandmother. It was one refrigerated section that was strictly hers. Everything was organized with picture labels on it. We were talking and checking out. Then we started walking to her home from the grocery store and we had to walk through a park. Then I noticed that she started slowing down and talking strange. So we stopped and sat in the grass. I held her in my arms because I knew what was happening, she was ready to pass away. She was saying she was tired, and worried we weren’t going to be ok. I told her we will be ok and she can rest. Then I tried to call my dad and tell him but he didn’t answer the phone so I left a message saying to come meet us as soon as possible because it was grandmas time. I called my dad because it’s his mom. She was slowly passing away in my arms as we were waiting for family to come say good bye in the grass in the middle of this random park. Strangers were walking past us and looking with empathy but were respectfully not interrupting this deeply personal moment. My grandma passed in my arms quietly. Then I woke up.

19 Jun 2024



Signs, Dreams, and reminders A Cosmic Apple picked from the tree, but it’s “bruised” in multiple spots despite being picked straight off the branch. A school hallway. And a sidewalk pathway to school with apple trees alongside… Boat. A speedboat 🚤 is significant. Pumpkins and Oranges…both growing on the same tree…in various sizes and sometimes breeded together to make new fruit. Mydayis and Zoloft pills…not taken but forgotten to be taken.. (seems significant) Persephone (Goddess) Apollo (two confirmations in waking life) A pink incense stick with cherry blossom 🌸 patterned wrapping? Strangers…folks I haven’t seen. Moths (significant nocturnal insect in waking life) The folks I care about and I throwing backs out…. I’m guessing the weight of everything is throwing us to pieces… The back…the spine seems significant.

17 Jun 2024



Some friends and I were at a cabin for the weekend and some strangers came in and tortured us . I was wrapped in barb wire all over my body and when I tried to move it would cut deep into my skin

8 Jun 2024



Some guy tried to rape me and he beat me up. I ran and got away and ended up at a high area I had to jump off of to keep gettin away and once I landed all the cops were there. I was surrounded around random strangers with severe injuries needing the hospital and before the cops made it over to me. The random guys gang came over and shot a lot of liquid heroin into my mouth to kill me. I was in so much pain that I willlingly drank the heroin. Then I felt like I stopped breathing and woke up.

4 Jun 2024



it was a re occurrence kindoff dream where for continuous 3 days after sleep i dream about a place of foreign village where i am running from someone who it seems they are trying to kill me, there were people who were fighting for me and in everytime i dream that one person was always helping me to run away from them but they were getting killed and i continue the run while crying and scared, after few seconds i woke up and didn't remember the faces or the reason i was running for, even i dont remember the reasoj the fight got started. The people who were trying to kill me were strangers in my dream but felt close relation with them and i felt confused, even the people who were helping me to run nd getting killed or lost were also felt someone close but i don't know any of them

3 Jun 2024



Dream of traveling with Mom and sister. Viewed beautiful mountains and water bodies while on the train. Conversed with strangers guys from Kerala while I accidentally shot their video. We were worried about where to depart as we didn't have a ticket and railway police were with us. After departing, I saw my 12th classmate Aiswarya traveling solo. Surprisingly, while it was about night, I saw my roomies. I hugged them tightly and introduced my family to them

29 May 2024



Finding an antique sword on the ground. The sword have black and white stripes all over it. Some strangers got electrocuted by the sword when they tried to pick it up from the ground

19 May 2024

Teeth falling out


My first ex-husband came to my home with two other men to show off his new charter bus. My first ex sees my second ex husband and instantly gets upset. I reassure ex #1 that ex #2 will be leaving shortly. I walk ex #2 to the door, and he leaves. Once that happens, I am shown this huge grey charter bus. Then, ex #1 and I are in something that looks like a tree house. He is looking at me, and takes my ankle and starts licking it. He says don't stop him, while I ask him to stop and remind him that he is a married man. He stopped, but the dream then showed me in my living room and strangers come from nowhere to do a makeover. After the makeover, I go to the mirror and look at myself. I start to check myself out and notice that I am missing one of my front teeth, with the second one breaking off after I touched it.

16 May 2024



I had a dream that I came out of an event in a large building. There were people everywhere. I saw my old boss who I do not like. He is hard to be around. I said hello, how are you and told him I missed him. He is bald. He has appeared in my dreams before. Now I am in a new area. It looks like a large wooden house, like my first home. I am next to a large bed, a two person bed. It is my childhood home but I am next to my dads bed. My family is not here. Lots of people are here but they feel like they could be strangers. The tv is on. I poplar twitch streamer named Annita is on the tv. I watch her videos sometimes but she is not my favorite. She has appeared in my dream once before at least. I am next to the bed deciding if I want to masturbate. Now I am outside and a small girl child runs out into the woods. Her mother calls out to her “Maria” that might have been it, her name might have been Maria but I don’t remember. But instead of Maria coming bad, the mother accidentally summoned the ghost of a girl who was also named Maria

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