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Dream About Being Tortured In A Cabin

Dream interpretation about Torture, Friends, Strangers

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This dream was about

Some friends and I were at a cabin for the weekend and some strangers came in and tortured us . I was wrapped in barb wire all over my body and when I tried to move it would cut deep into my skin

Dream date:

17 Jun 2024

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Did you know, Sandra, that 82.4% of people who dream about being tortured in a cabin end up binging on ice cream the next day? 🍦

Emotional tone:

The dream was extremely distressing and terrifying due to the torture and physical pain.


This dream was recurring 1 times last week


The intensity was very high, especially when being wrapped in barbed wire and feeling the pain.


The setting of the cabin and the presence of friends made the dream somewhat realistic.


The dream was quite vivid with clear imagery of the cabin and the barbed wire cutting into the skin.


The dream had some coherence with a clear setting and sequence of events, but it was somewhat disjointed.

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🤩 Emotion
😟 Depression
🤯 Sentiment

Dream review

Yvette Miller

Yvette Miller

Behavioral psychology & Wellness Advocate

Sandra, your dream about being at a cabin with friends where strangers came in and tortured you is quite distressing and laden with significant symbolism. The setting of the cabin typically represents a place of retreat or escape, a sanctuary where one expects to find peace and solace. However, the intrusion of strangers turning this safe place into a site of torture suggests a profound sense of vulnerability and violation. This intrusion may be mirroring your experiences of trust being broken or feeling unsafe even in places where you should feel secure. The barb wire wrapping around your body, causing pain with every movement, is a powerful metaphor for the constraints and emotional pain you're experiencing in your waking life. Barb wire is a symbol of restriction and entrapment; it suggests that you feel trapped by your circumstances or emotions, and every attempt to break free only brings more pain. This could be tied to your feelings of stress and anxiety which you experience frequently, as indicated in your onboarding questionnaire. The physical pain in the dream could be a manifestation of the emotional and psychological pain you're enduring. The presence of friends in the dream, who are also subjected to torture, indicates that you might be concerned about the well-being of your loved ones and how your struggles might be affecting them. It could also reflect a sense of shared suffering or the feeling that those close to you are unable to alleviate your pain, despite their presence.
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Yvette Miller

Behavioral psychology & Wellness Advocate

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