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Dream Interpretation: Cockroach 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Cockroach? Discover the significance of seeing a Cockroach in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Cockroach appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

These symbolizes longevity, feminine energy, and adaptability. They also represent your persistent and resilient nature. They are a good omen and often suggest whatever challenging situation you are in; you will make it out of there just fine; trust your instincts and resilient nature.

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🧭 Direction


It's time to let of go of the things and relationships that are dead. Instead, find new connections that will help you prosper in life. Adapt to the changes occurring around you, and give your life a chance it deserves.

❤️ Feelings

The dream of a cockroach may evoke feelings of disgust, fear, and unease. This symbol often represents a sense of vulnerability or a fear of the unknown. It may also suggest feelings of dirtiness or contamination. The presence of a cockroach in a dream can leave a lingering sense of discomfort and a desire to rid oneself of negative influences or situations.





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14 Jul 2024



I was walking around a zoo and I walked into an open panther pen and walk out and quickly close it so the panther can’t get out I walk a little further and walk to the bug zone and quickly get out of it before a bunch of bugs get attached to me and then walk to the Bambi zone where we take care of the orphaned animals and injured animals when suddenly 4 animals come rushing in because 2 tigers are chasing them and attacking them the guard dogs come barking and scare the tigers off and we examine the animals and fix all the pens the belong in especially the tigers

10 Jul 2024



Hello I wanted to say hi today and this is my waking life I had probably the best week and the best month of my whole year. My parents are gone for one more day and then comeback for a month and then go back to the Carolina’s. I had a good visit with my doctor and everything was pure class and happy. Had some crying spells 🪄 when I was thinking of Briggs my Neighborhood Dog that was so sweet. 🥹 I could just cuddle him right now like Pei Pei I feel emotionally charged happy excited and more full of energy and life as I’m off the Melatonin I can function better. Took my meds a bit late but it’s ok I’m ok. I had this thing I wanted to say… I was crying today after the day was over bc I’m home alone but I keep myself busy, I saw 👀 a cockroach 🪳 scurrying or climbing the wall, I usually smash 💥 em I got so excited in a sad 😭 way so melancholic I cried like a baby. I said to the cockroach 🪳 it’s ok 👍lil buddy I know what it’s like to be alone, and climbing the very obstacles in life but yet still alone sad 😭 and I’m crying now I’ve made it this far and I’m strong 💪🏻 and I feel the same for cockroaches as I’m spiritually awakened like a monk in a monastery. I feel so bad for those little bugs I’m alone and so is that thing I could use some company bc I miss my ancestors and so do they. They climb the walls like in the movie the mummy or Indiana Jones raiders of the lost ark. Same lighting and ceiling height. I’m so sad for those looking for their loved ones I feel the same maybe their happy or sad looking down on me. I sure hope they can see my overall achieved beliefs.

9 Jul 2024



I’m in Mack’s and Darcee’s abode again. I’m going through flashes of chest pain (located under the breast on the left side); I’m checking on the kids in one room, discovering 3 cockroaches on the corner table scattering, I recoil as well. But then I am suddenly in the ER for said chest pain, they’re worried as I’m locked and on my knees from the chest pain. Talking to each other frantically as they don’t understand what could be causing this pain—EKG was normal, ribs are fine—and while the whole time prior, I was caring for a white chunky infant. When I finally collapsed, the infant was gone. I went out the back trail and escaped into the woods— Then I woke up.

6 Jul 2024

My Room


There were bugs flying around my room but they were saying nice things about me?

4 Jun 2024



I had a dream where I would record bird chirping into an app and get paid $15 for each animal. Then I showed my half sister kendall how to record the sounds to make money. We were at a petting zoo in the backyard of their new house and she recorded the sound of a goat. Then I took the goat with me trough some outdoor area and up a hill and into some mansion where there was a lot of powerful people. They saw me with the goat and I showed their kids how to use the recording app. Then the goat turned into the devil and I carried it out of the mansion and slid down a hill where there was a devil in front of me and a devil behind me. I chose to go forward and dodge the devil in front of me. Then I had a dream where I was in a classroom and I was trying to be really understanding of a hippie girl and how she saw the world. Some guys full of hate were arguing with her about something and so I backed her up and killed those guys, who happened to be alien cockroaches in disguise as humans. She walked off crying and I gave her a hug and let her cry on my shoulder. Then I was sitting at one table with a bunch of people and my friend Tyler benbrook was sitting at another table with a bunch of people. Someone from the room we were in announced that it was saint patricks day and so I said “it’s Tyler’s birthday then.” We were figuring out what to do with those cockroach aliens. I started walking down a ladder and there was a bunch of selections to choose from what to do to the cockroach aliens. So I chose to turn them into fish. I put them on a table and some in a blender. A bunch of fish were randomly in my mouth, so I started trying to spit them out and they wouldn’t come out. So I started pulling them out. Then I dreamt that I was playing a dragon ball video game with my little brother. He was playing as vegeta and he didn’t know how to do a kamehameha, so I showed him how and he was able to do it because I helped him out and then I woke up.

7 Apr 2024



In real life I have this spa appointment booked in a month. In my dream I went to this appointment and the place looked sketchy, I was asked to go into this room and there were 5 beds, I was asked to go on one of the beds. There were girls on the other beds. There were bugs on the wall. Then my friend Marielle’s cousin entered the room and was asked to go on my bed too. Then the massage lady told us to all get undressed. I didnt feel comfortable doing that so I didnt

6 Apr 2024



I was in a small room with someone chasing me, I saw cockroaches crawling all over me. The cockroaches went all over the walls. They crawled over the walls into the ceiling

4 Apr 2024



there were bugs everywhere, i was panicking so much due to my fear of them coming from stink bugs.

4 Apr 2024



Had a dream that bugs were in my skin and I was popping them out

29 Mar 2024



I dreamt myself and my son were looking for something in the bottom of the wardrobe, the vacuum was in the way so I moved it and cockroaches came out. I screamed, not liking the cockroaches but every time I said the word cockroach, I sounded like my favourite actress Natasha Lyonne. My son kept laughing at me because I sounded like her.

28 Mar 2024

Childhood home
High School


I was in my childhood home and my friend Andrew from work was there. We were going to go out the back but we saw a very colourful cloud coming towards us and we took some photos and then went inside and quickly realised it was some very colourful pastel coloured bugs. After that, we decided to stay inside, and I attempted to go to the bathroom to quickly realize that somebody had smeared poo on the wall. After getting someone to clean the wall, I blinked and it turned into me being in the street with my old best friend from primary school and from high school and we were walking and talking about life.

28 Mar 2024



Had a dream this morning about wasps infesting the dining room because grandma broke the bottom half of the front door so they started swarming in. Some got into mom’s room so me and chaela were spraying a specific kind of bug soray to kill them. i forgot that my pet bird was out and on their dresser, so when we were spraying them because they were above their TV, a lot of the spray got on him too and he started losing feathers. So, after we killed the wasps, i grabbed him and tried to wash the liquid off of him, and he slowly started talking to me, like he was saying actual words. I don’t remember what he said though. But i just held him close to me after cleaning him up and he lost a lot of feathers, he had big bald patches on his back and wings.

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